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Илимий даражасы Dr.
Изилдөөчүнүн YÖK номуру
Шилтемелердин бөлүнүшү

Characterization of Pseudomonas syringae PV. syringae from diseased stone fruits in Kyrgyzstan and testing of biological agents against pathogen

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVAThe plant diseases caused by the Pseudomonas syringae сomplex bacteria are economically important and occur worldwide on various plants, and it is as a pathogen that has not been the object of studies and little is known about its epidemiology in Kyrgyzstan. The conventional phenotypic (LOPAT, API tests) and PCR-assisted isolation were used for the identificationof Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringaе isolates from the affected organs of local stone fruits, such as peach (Prunus persica), cherry (Prunus subgen), apricot (Prunus armeniaca), and plu ...Дагы Макала2020International Journal of PhytopathologyEScience Press, Pakistan16 Көрүүлөр

An app for apples: Citizen-led mapping of fire blight in Central Asia

Saykal BOBUŞOVA Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVAFire blight, caused by the bacterial pathogen Erwinia amylovora, is a severe bacterial disease of apple and pear that can quickly destroy whole plants. In the last decade, it was also detected in Central Asia, where wild pomaceous fruit plants represent the dominant species in mid-altitude forests and constitute a critical foundation for the entire ecosystem. Efficiently informing farmers, forestry services and private persons about the instances and dangers of fire blight, the correct way to recognize the symptoms, and the methods of disease c ...Дагы Макала2023Journal of Plant PathologySpringer36 Көрүүлөр

Species Discrimination within the Metarhizium PARB Clade: Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer (rIGS)-Based Diagnostic PCR and Single Marker Taxonomy

Saykal BOBUŞOVA Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVABackground: The entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae sensu lato forms a species complex, comprising a tight cluster made up of four species, namely M. anisopliae sensu stricto, M. pinghaense, M. robertsii and M. brunneum. Unambiguous species delineation within this “PARB clade” that enables both the taxonomic assignment of new isolates and the identification of potentially new species is highly solicited. (2) Methods: Species-discriminating primer pairs targeting the ribosomal intergenic spacer (rIGS) sequence were designed and a diag ...Дагы Макала2023Journal of FungiMDPI, Switzerland26 Көрүүлөр

Identification of Microbial Populations Present in Agricultural and Nonarable Soils in the Talas Valley, Northern Kyrgyzstan, in Autumn

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVA Mahabat KONURBAYEVASoil bacterial and fungal communities were investigated in relation to soil type and farm management practices after vegetation harvesting in autumn. Soils from fields cultivated with Phaseolus vulgaris (bean) and Pyrus comminus (pear) and nonarable, natural areas were studied. Microbial diversity was analysed using cultivation-dependent methods (isolation of pure cultures) and cultivation-independent methods (direct extraction of DNA from soil, followed by PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA and 18S rRNA genes). The use of cultivation-dependent ...Дагы Макала2023Applied and Environmental Soil ScienceHindawi Publishing Corporation17 Көрүүлөр

In situ microbial bioremediation of obsolete pesticides at their disposal sites

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Mahabat KONURBAYEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVASoil pollution by pesticides is a global problem in many countries, including Kyrgyzstan. Currently, 50 storage facilities for obsolete banned pesticides exist, severely threatening the surrounding populations and environment. In this study, in situ bioremediation technology was used to remove pesticide contamination from soil around the storage facilities. Three conditions were tested: application of fertile soil and bioproduct, application of fertile soil and no bioproduct (Control 1), and application of fertile soil and no bioproduct (Contro ...Дагы Макала2024Bioremediation JournalTaylor & Francis0 Көрүүлөр

Микробные сообщества высокогорных и низкотемпературных почв долины Сон-Куль Кыргызстана

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVAС помощью классического метода микробиологии и анализа последовательностей 16SrRNA впервые было изучено количественное соотношение и биоразнообразие микробных комплексов низкотемпературных почв долины Сон-Куль. Структура видового состава бактерий отличалась в почвах под различным покровам растительности по мере возрастания высоты местности. Анализ последовательностей 16SrRNA показал, что в летний период в почвах высокогорной долины Сон-Куль доминирующими филогенетическими группами были Actinobacteria (55,0%), Gammaproteobacteria ( 33,0%) и Firm ...Дагы Макала2012Фундаментальные исследования79 Көрүүлөр

Screening of Wild-Type Fungal Isolates for Cellulolytic Activity

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVABackground: In this study, wild-type fungal isolates, producing highly effective cellulolytic enzymes were selected for bioconversion of residues and waste from agriculture and rational utilization of energy resources for food production. Methods: We screened wild-type fungal isolates of Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Trichoderma with an enhanced ability to produce extracellular cellulase. We carried out solid-state fermentation on a medium of agricultural waste products, including wheat bran, beet peels, and cotton oil cake, as well as addition ...Дагы Макала2011Microbiology InsightsSage Publications74 Көрүүлөр

Biological Activity of Ag and Cu Monometallic Nanoparticles and Ag-Cu Bimetallic Nanocomposites against Plant Pathogens and Seeds

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVAThe antibacterial activities of silver (Ag) and copper (Cu) monometallic and bimetallic nanoparticles (MNPs and BNPs) against the most economically important and common plant bacterial diseases in Kyrgyzstan were tested, as well as their phytotoxic effects on wheat and corn seeds. To achieve this, a range of Ag and Cu MNPs and BNPs were synthesized using different methods and were tested at different concentrations to compare their biological effects. The antibacterial activities of Ag and Cu MNPs and Ag-Cu BNPs against the plant pathogenic bac ...Дагы Макала2022Journal of NanomaterialsHindawi Publishing Corporation95 Көрүүлөр

Microbial communities of vegetable seeds and biocontrol microbes for seed treatment

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVAThirty-one species of vegetable seeds from Kyrgyzstan's State Register were analysed for mycological and bacterial composition using various methods, from simple visual to molecular. The modified roll-towel method simultaneously assesses the degree of contamination and seed germination. Screening in agar medium allows analysis of species on the outer and inner surfaces of vegetable seeds that are not detected using the roll-towel method. As a result of the phytopathological examination, 15 fungal and three bacterial species were found. Direct D ...Дагы Макала2022Seed Science and TechnologyInternational Seed Testing Association, Switzerland34 Көрүүлөр


Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVAIt is well known that soil microorganisms play essential roles in the biogeochemical cycling of biogenic elements and soil-forming processes. However, little is known about the effect of the vegetation type on the bacterial community structures in soils from cold regions. For these reasons, we have analysed the bacterial communities of eight biotopes covered with different plants and two biotopes without vegetation in the Son-Kull Valley as the coldest corner in Kyrgyzstan. Using the culture-depended and culture-independent (16S rRNA gene seque ...Дагы Макала2022Applied Ecology and Environmental ResearchCorvinus University Budapest, Hungary43 Көрүүлөр

Biological Control of Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora by Streptomyces Species

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVATen isolates of Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora (Ecc) were isolated from infected potato tubers of Picasso, Sante, and Nevskiy varieties collected from different regions in Kyrgyzstan. Isolates were identified as Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora (Ecc) by standard bacteriological techniques and pathogenicity tests on tubers and also by PCR analyses. Tests on the pathogenicity of E. carotovora ssp. carotovora (Ecc) strains to host plants by artificial inoculation have shown a high sensibility of the Picasso variety. As a result, five isolate ...Дагы Макала2016Advances in MicrobiologyScientific Research Publishing81 Көрүүлөр

Fire Blight Disease Caused by Erwinia amylovora on Rosaceae Plants in Kyrgyzstan and Biological Agents to Control This Disease

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVA Erwinia amylovora species were isolated from the blossoms, exudates, infected fruits, leaves and bent branches of diseased apple, pear and hawthorn trees, selected in the Chy, Osh and Jalal Abad regions. Biochemical and pathogenicity tests, alongside PCR analyses, were conducted to identify the local isolates of Erwinia amylovora. The alternative antagonistic microorganisms which combat bacterium E. amylovora were tested within in vitro and in vivo conditions. The results revealed the ability of Streptomyces antagonistic bacteria to decrease f ...Дагы Макала2016Advances in MicrobiologyScientific Research Publishing133 Көрүүлөр

Identification of Ralstonia Solanacearum in Kyrgyzstan's Potato Fields and the Possibility of Using Biocontrol Agents Against this Pathogen

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVAIn this study, we have used well-known, efficient methods and bioassay for systematic screening of R. solanacearum for identification of its phenotype and biochemical profile, as well as for pathogenicity and virulence. As a result, an aggressive race — Biovar 3 — was most isolated from the potato fields of the Issyk-Kul region, especially in fields where the Picasso variety was grown. The isolated indigenous strains of Streptomyces diastatochromogenesstrain sk-6 and Streptomyces bambergiensis strain k1-3 has the potential to be used as a bioco ...Дагы Макала2016International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research (IJOEAR)Mukesh Arora56 Көрүүлөр

Effects of Streptomyces Biofertilizer to Soil Fertility and Rhizosphere’s Functional Biodiversity of Agricultural Plants

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVA Mahabat KONURBAYEVAIn the present study, a biofertilizer on the basis of Streptomyces fumanus gn-2 was used for the treatment of wheat and soybean seeds (dose 104 spore/ml) before planting them in soil with low fertility in order to determine the effect of this biological agent on germination rate; the growth of seedlings, shoots, and the maturation phase of plants; the rhizosphere’s functional biodiversity; and the resistance of these plants to pathogens. Seeds were soaked in the suspension for a period of two or three hours. During the growing season of the cro ...Дагы Макала2015Advances in MicrobiologyScientific Research Publishing60 Көрүүлөр

Bacterial Community Structure In Petroleum Contaminated And Uncontaminated Soils Of Mountain Ecosystem

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVA Mahabat KONURBAYEVAWe compared a microbial diversity in uncontaminated and contaminated with petroleum soils in mountain ecosystems in Kyrgyzstan. Culture-dependent and culture - independent methods were used to analyze microbial diversity. PCR primers that target conserved iron binding motifs in alkane monooxygenase (alkB) and cytochrome P450 alkane hydroxylase were used to analyze genes of alkane degrading bacteria in chronically contaminated and uncontaminated sites, using an enrichment culture with dodecane. Analysis of 16S rRNA showed that in contaminated so ...Дагы Макала2015MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)Kyrgyz - Turkish Manas University57 Көрүүлөр

Impact of Biocontrol Agent Streptomyces fumanus on Bacterial Communities in the Rhizosphere of Wheat and Soybean in Newly Cultivated Soil

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVA Mahabat KONURBAYEVAwheat and soybean seeds biocontrol agent rhizosphere microflora in vegetation phases impact of streptomyces fumanus on biodiversity of rhizosphereМакала2015Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural ScienceGlobal Advanced Research Journals146 Көрүүлөр

Identification and Prevalence of Ralstonia Solanacearum From Potato Fields of Kyrgyzstan

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVAFor the first time in Kyrgyzstan Raltsonia solanacearum bacterium as a pathogen of bacterial wilt (quarantine for the country object) was obtained and identified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and biochemical methods. Three potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivars: Picasso, Sante and Nevskiy were used for isolation of pathogen, which were collected from different regions of Kyrgyzstan. Detection and identification of the pathogen by ELISA performed directly from diseased potato shoots and leaves, and from pure culture of Ralstonia sol ...Дагы Макала2014MANAS Journal of Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Science (MJAVL)Kyrgyz - Turkish Manas University65 Көрүүлөр

Endophytic fungi diversity of wild terrestrial plants in Kyrgyzstan

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVAA total of 255 species of wild medicinal plants were analyzed in Northern and Northeastern Kyrgyzstan; from 150 plant species, 278 endophytic fungal isolates were identified. Endophytic fungi were frequently recorded on members of large plant families: Asteraceae, Ranunculaceae, Rutaceae, Fabaceae,Lamiaceae, Boraginaceae, Moraceae, Iridaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Brassicaceae. In the foothill ecosystems, rich biodiversity and numerous species of endophytic fungi genera - Fusarium, Acremonium, Cladosporium, Penicillium, Curvularia, Monilia, Rhizoct ...Дагы Макала2014Global Advanced Research Journal of MicrobiologyGlobal Advanced Research Journals65 Көрүүлөр

The Improving Conditions for the Aerobic Bacteria Performing the Degradation of Obsolete Pesticides in Polluted Soils

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVA Mahabat KONURBAYEVACurrently, in the territory of Kyrgyzstan, 50 storage facilities of obsolete pesticides exist; they store about 5000 tons of these hazardous chemicals. The storage conditions have become unusable for a long time. They pose a serious threat to the people living there, livestock, and the environment. The main purpose of this research was the use of selected bacteria with cytochrome P450 genes for the bioremediation of polluted soils around the burial sites in model soil experiments. In the first trial of biodegradation experiments, one contaminat ...Дагы Макала2021Air, Soil and Water ResearchSage Publications150 Көрүүлөр

Genetic characterization of Erwinia amylovora isolates detected in the wild walnut-fruit forest of South Kyrgyzstan

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVAErwinia amylovora, the causal agent of fire blight, was first reported in Kyrgyz orchards in 2008 and, within a few years, the disease has spread throughout most of the northern part of the country. As fire blight expanded and penetrated new areas, it also reached the unique ecosystem constituted by the Arslonbob wild walnut-fruit forests in South Kyrgyzstan. Here, we present the results of field surveys in the forests and in the nearby orchards and gardens of the Jalal-Abad region during the 2019 season. Further, we use genetic profiling of th ...Дагы Макала2021Journal of Plant PathologySpringer47 Көрүүлөр

First report of charcoal rot caused by Macrophomina phaseolina on common bean in Kyrgyzstan

İsmail ERPER Saykal BOBUŞOVAРедакциялык материалдар2021Journal of Plant PathologySpringer162 Көрүүлөр

Isolation, Identification, and Characterization of the Nematophagous Fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora from Kyrgyzstan

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVA Ayperi MURATBEKOVAPurpose Predatory fungi have been the subject of fundamental studies and their potential as biological control agents against parasitic plant nematodes has been assessed. The aim of the present study was to isolate and identify predatory fungi, performing in vitro and in vivo screening to select highly active strains to control parasitic nematodes. Methods Different nutrient media were used to isolate predatory fungi and determine their morphological and cultural properties. Identification was performed by classical and molecular biology method ...Дагы Макала2021Acta ParasitologicaSpringer95 Көрүүлөр

Isolation and genetic characterization of Erwinia amylovora bacteria from Kyrgyzstan

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVA Mahabat KONURBAYEVAFire Blight, an economically relevant disease of apple, pear, and quince trees that is caused by the Gram-negative bacterium Erwinia amylovora, was first reported from Kyrgyzstan in 2008. One decade later, the disease has spread across the northern part of the country, affecting fruit orchards mainly in Chuy and Issyk-kul regions. Using semi-selective cultural media, bacteria have been isolated from plant material sampled in infested orchards from different locations in Kyrgyzstan, and 16S rRNA gene sequence determination together with diagnost ...Дагы Макала2019European Journal of Plant PathologySpringer55 Көрүүлөр

Characterization of Beauveria bassiana isolates from Kyrgyzstan

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVA Sezim COLDOŞBEKOVAWe report on the enzootic foci of the insect pathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana, found in high meadows in the middle mountain steppes of Kyrgyzstan, at elevations from 1000 m to 2200 m. The growth characteristics of various B. bassiana isolates on different media and as a function of temperature were studied. In addition, the ability of the fungal isolates to produce enzymes with amylase, protease and lipase activities was investigated. Dense biomass production on inexpensive solid media (oatmeal and bean oil meal) produced conidia used for ...Дагы Макала2019Journal of Invertebrate PathologyElsevier36 Көрүүлөр

Copper Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Biological Activity

Emil ÖMÜRZAK Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVABy means of XRD and FESEM analysis, it is established that copper nanoparticles with sizes less than 10 nm are formed during the chemical reduction, which form aggregates mainly with spherical shape. Presence of gelatin during the chemical reduction of copper induced formation of smaller size distribution nanoparticles than that of nanoparticles synthesized without gelatin and it can be related to formation of protective layer. Synthesized Cu nano-powders have sufficiently high activity against the Erwinia amylovora bacterium, and the bacterial ...Дагы Конференция доклады20182017 International Conference on Aerospace Technology, Communications and Energy Systems (ATCES 2017)IOP Publishing187 Көрүүлөр

Scab Disease Caused by Venturia inaequalis on Apple Trees in Kyrgyzstan and Biological Agents to Control This Disease

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVAAmong the most economically important fruit crops in South and North Kyrgyzstan affected by scab disease are apples (Malus domestica). Natural isolates of Venturia inaequalis were isolated from diseased parts of apple trees, selected from different regions, through sedimentation of air microflora on the crowns of fruit trees. Two biocontrol agents as Trichoderma viride and Streptomyces sр. were tested for apple scab control in vitro and field conditions. Two applications of Trichoderma viride within 35 days completely stopped the scab disease i ...Дагы Макала2017Advances in MicrobiologyScientific Research Publishing60 Көрүүлөр

Microbial Bioremediation of Obsolete Pesticides at Their Disposal Sites, In Situ

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Mahabat KONURBAYEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVAIn this study, we have developed a bioaugmentation and bioremediation technology that can be used in situ at contaminated sites. A former pesticides store in Chym–Korgon village (N 42049′ 23.9″ and E 75031′ 49.8″) in Kyrgyzstan was determined to be a suitable place for testing the efficacy of the bioremediation technology. The soil around the warehouse was found to be degraded, from over 50 years of exposure to banned pesticides. Chromatographic analyses showed that there were 19 types of obsolete pesticides present in the soil at different con ...Дагы Конференция доклады2024Advances in Science, Technology and InnovationSpringer0 Көрүүлөр

Microbial communities in pesticide-contaminated soils in Kyrgyzstan and bioremediation possibilities

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Mahabat KONURBAYEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVAIn Kyrgyzstan, many former storehouses and dump sites for obsolete pesticides exist. In 2009/2010, an inventory and assessment of these sites including risks of environmental hazard has been conducted by FAO and the World Bank. Monitoring revealed high concentration of pesticides listed as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The purpose of this research was to study the microbial structural complexes of the pesticide-contaminated soils in these dumping zones, and to search for and select microorganism’s destructors with cytochrome P450 genes ...Дагы Макала2018Environmental Science and Pollution ResearchSpringer63 Көрүүлөр

Potential biodegradable bacteria and their identification

Saykal BOBUŞOVAThe article describes soil bacterial isolates isolated from technogenic zones of Kyrgyzstan, possessing high oil-oxidizing and bioemulsifying activity, capable of decomposing petroleum hydrocarbons in the temperature range of 4 - 39°C at pH 4 - 9 in the presence of 18 salt. Our research has confirmed the possibility of bioremediation of the damage caused to soils as a result of chemical pollution of soils (lands) due to spillage of oil products on the territory of the oil depot in Balykchy city of Kyrgyzstan. The used bacterial consortium consi ...Дагы Конференция доклады2024E3S Web of ConferencesEDP Sciences, France1 Көрүүлөр

In vitro and in vivo screening of bacterial species from contaminated soil for heavy metal biotransformation activity

Tinatin DOOLOTKELDİEVA Mahabat KONURBAYEVA Saykal BOBUŞOVAHeavy metals (HMs) are widely used in various industries. High concentrations of HMs can be severely toxic to plants, animals and humans. Microorganism-based bioremediation has shown significant potential in degrading and detoxifying specific HM contaminants. In this study, we cultivated a range of bacterial strains in liquid and solid nutrient medium containing different concentrations of different HMs to select and analyze bacteria capable of transforming HMs. The bacterial strains most resistant to selected HMs and exhibiting the ability to ...Дагы Макала2024Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural WastesTaylor & Francis0 Көрүүлөр

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