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Organizational Learning Management System Application via Micro PC Hardware: A Case Study in Kyrgyzstan

Rita İSMAİLOVA Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVAIn the current work, systems based on mini/micro PCs that can support the corporate learning management practices have been evaluated. As a learning management system, the Moodle platform was chosen. The evaluation was based on the end users' experience. For measurement, carried out in three dimensions, a questionnaire was distributed among students enrolled in the blended course, offered with online support. According to results of the study, the installation of Moodle on micro PC was evaluated as slow. However, students agree that given the p ...Daha fazlası Makale2021International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments (IJVPLE)IGI Global20 Görüntülenme

The web-based learning environment in general physics course in a public university in Kyrgyzstan

Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVA Azat AKMATBEKOVAThis study was conducted to see the attitudes of students toward web-based learning environment in General Physics course. The study was conducted in a public university in Kyrgyzstan in 2018. 144 students from the faculty of Science and Engineering participated in the study. Online questionnaire was completed online at the end of the spring semester 2017-2018. In addition, in-depth interviews with 12 students were conducted. Results showed that students’ success in online Physics course depends on gender and academic major of students. Factors ...Daha fazlası Makale2019Eurasia Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology EducationModestum Ltd66 Görüntülenme

University Learners’ Motivation and Experiences Using Virtual Laboratories in a Physics Course

Azat AKMATBEKOVA Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVAIt is becoming necessary to examine learners’ use of and experiences with virtual laboratories. Learners’ interest and motivation to use virtual laboratories are important factors for the success of these platforms. This study was conducted to analyze Kyrgyz learners’ use of virtual laboratories in a physics course at the university level. The study was performed in the 2019–2020 spring term at a state university in Kyrgyzstan. The study took a quantitative approach, with 376 Kyrgyz learner participants studying at the undergraduate level. The ...Daha fazlası Makale2022Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology (CJLT)Canadian Network for Innovation in Education49 Görüntülenme

Kyrgyz Students' Acceptance of QR Code Use in Organic Chemistry Course

Çinara CUMABAYEVA Külümkan SARTOVA Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVAScience disciplines require a deeper study of theoretical material by performing laboratory work, which includes performing experiments. In this regard, it will be useful to actively introduce new technologies into the educational process. In this study, QR codes were integrated into the Organic Chemistry Course textbook to direct university and high school students to the appropriate videos about the experiments. In this respect, this study aimed to analyze university and high school students acceptance of the QR code technology used in the Or ...Daha fazlası Makale2024Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational InnovationUniversidad de Málaga, Spain0 Görüntülenme

Migrant parents and psychosocial effects of parents' absence on children left behind in the Kyrgyz Republic

Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVAThis study was conducted to investigate the psychosocial effects of parents' absence on children left behind in the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan). A survey was conducted in 2018 with a sample of 457 secondary school children aged 11-18-years-old in the Kyrgyz Republic. The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the psychological well-being of children was not significantly influenced when their parents were not divorced but did live separately. However, children with parents who lived abroad and were divorced did show a signi ...Daha fazlası Makale2022Vulnerable Children and Youth StudiesTaylor & Francis70 Görüntülenme

Investigation of Kyrgyz Learners’ Engagement in Online Courses

Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVA Azat AKMATBEKOVAThis study aimed to investigate Kyrgyz learners' engagement in online courses. In this respect, the Student Engagement Scale and appropriate open-ended questions were employed in order to obtain data from learners. The sample covers 400 undergraduate learners studying at Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University. The study has a mixed research design, hence both quantitative and qualitative approaches were employed. The results of the study revealed that behavioral engagement has a significant effect on learner achievement. The study also demonstrated th ...Daha fazlası Makale2022Open PraxisInternational Council for Open and Distance Education - ICDE, Norway71 Görüntülenme

Cyber crime risk awareness in Kyrgyz Republic

Rita İSMAİLOVA Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVAIn this paper we present the information security awareness rate of students in Kyrgyz Republic, where there is a rapid pace of formation and development of the information society. The survey was conducted with a sample of 172 students from different departments of the university. Our research study showed that despite the huge number of reports about computer crimes in the web, the knowledge about cybercrime is quite low and students are mostly not aware of many aspects of computer crime. Analysis was done to determine dependence of informati ...Daha fazlası Makale2016Information Security Journal: A Global PerspectiveTaylor & Francis116 Görüntülenme

Integrating Technology Into Instruction at a Public University in Kyrgyzstan: Barriers and Enablers

Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVAThe purpose of this study was to determine enablers and barriers to the technology integration into education based on the example of the situation at the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University as reported by students and instructors. The study employed the mixed-methods research design, combining data obtained from 477 student and 57 instructor questionnaires supplemented by interviews with 11 students and 9 instructors. The study revealed that although technology is being used at the universities all over the country, there still exists the lack of ...Daha fazlası Makale2016Eurasia Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology EducationModestum Ltd56 Görüntülenme

University students' acceptance of mobile learning: A comparative study in Turkey and Kyrgyzstan

Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVAA key factor in the success of a technology is its use by target users. Therefore, the effectiveness of mobile learning depends on student acceptance. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence university studentsMakale2021Education and Information TechnologiesSpringer121 Görüntülenme

Investigation of Gaming Habits, Personality Traits, and Internet Gaming Disorder Among Kyrgyz Adolescents

Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVAThe purpose of this study is to investigate the gaming habits, personality traits, and Internet gaming disorder (IGD) of Kyrgyz adolescents. Sociodemographic questions, gaming-related questions, Internet Gaming Disorder Test (IGD-10), and Big Five Inventory (BFI-10) were used to collect data from 248 Kyrgyz adolescents between the ages of 11 and 21 years. The study revealed that most of the participants play digital games for 1 to 10 h a week. Among the game categories, action games are the most preferred one by the participants. Structural equ ...Daha fazlası Makale2021International Journal of Mental Health and AddictionSpringer74 Görüntülenme

Longitudinal study of Kyrgyz students’ general physics course performance in paper-based versus online–based tests

Azat AKMATBEKOVA Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVAThis study was conducted to examine students' performance in paper-based and online-based tests. In the context of the study, students' performances were considered in the General Physics course between 2014 and 2015 and 2018-2019 academic years. The participants of this study are 417 students of Engineering and Science faculties at a public university of Kyrgyz Republic. Students' achievement scores in paper-based and online-based tests were obtained and appropriate statistical analysis methods were employed. According to the results, students ...Daha fazlası Makale2020Education and Information TechnologiesSpringer32 Görüntülenme

Kyrgyz learners' and teachers' experiences and perceptions related to ICT use in high school courses

Bakıt BORKOYEV Kalıypa SALİYEVA Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVAThe increasing use of ICT in education results in advantages for teaching and learning processes. In countries, especially in developing ones, it is essential to examine stakeholders' experiences and perceptions about ICT use in the courses. In this regard, this study firstly aims to investigate ICT use of Kyrgyz learners and teachers. Secondly, the study aims to examine learners' and teachers' perceptions with regard to ICT use in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) courses in high schools in the Kyrgyz Republic. In the co ...Daha fazlası Makale2020Education and Information TechnologiesSpringer185 Görüntülenme

Learners' Perceptions of Online Exams: A Comparative Study in Turkey and Kyrgyzstan

Rita İSMAİLOVA Asan ÖMÜRALİEV Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVAAs online learning is becoming very popular in formal educational settings and in individual development, online exams are starting to be recognized as one of the more efficient assessment methods. Online exams are effective in either blended or traditional forms of learning, and, when appropriately used, bring benefits to both learners and the learning process. However, learnersMakale2020International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL)Athabasca University, Canada166 Görüntülenme

Learners' preferences for online resources, activities, and communication tools: A comparative study of Turkey and Kyrgyzstan

Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVA Rita İSMAİLOVAThe progresses in technology lead to advances in e-learning as well as lead to increase in number of learners participating in e-learning courses. Richness of online resources, activities, and communication tools presented in online courses can be one of the factors that influence learners' attendance to e-learning. In this regard, the initial purpose of this study was to identify online resource, activity and communication tool preferences of learners studying in two public universities: one located in Turkey and one located in Kyrgyzstan. At ...Daha fazlası Makale2020E-Learning and Digital MediaSage Publications134 Görüntülenme

Internet and social networks use habits of adolescents between ages of 10-19 in the Kyrgyz Republic

Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVA Azat AKMATBEKOVAThis study was conducted to investigate Internet and social networks use habits and online risks of children and adolescents between the ages of 10-19 in the Kyrgyz Republic. Data were collected using questionnaires in several government schools in Bishkek during Spring 2018. Totally 316 children participated in this study. The study employed quantitative methods for the analysis of data. As results showed, there are gender differences in using the Internet. That is, Kyrgyz boys use the Internet for watching videos, and playing games more than ...Daha fazlası Makale2019Journal of Children and MediaTaylor & Francis75 Görüntülenme

Cybercrime risk awareness rate among students in Central Asia: A comparative study in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan

Rita İSMAİLOVA Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVAIt is a well-known fact that the system is as secure as its weakest point. Often, organizations and countries invest in the technologies, forgetting that it is impossible to assure information security without raising awareness among users. Therefore, in this study, the cybercrime awareness rate of users in two Central Asian Countries was investigated. As a target group, students of two public universities from each country were chosen. Results of quantitative research showed that in Kazakhstan, gender and age of respondents affect the cybercri ...Daha fazlası Makale2019Information Security Journal: A Global PerspectiveTaylor & Francis52 Görüntülenme

Students’ Level of Readiness to Use Social Media as Educational Tool in Kyrgyz Republic

Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVA Rita İSMAİLOVAToday, technology is growing fast and person can’t imagine life without technology and social networking sites like Facebook. As statistics show, people almost all over the world use Facebook in every day (Newswire, 2014), (Madge et al, 2009). In this paper, we study the intention for SNSs usage and the attitude of students toward SNS based instruction in one of the universities in the Kyrgyz Republic (KR) Computerization in KR started relatively later than in the rest of the world (Aitymov, 2005; Google, Hyperakt, Vizzuality, 2011), there is s ...Daha fazlası Makale2019Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH)Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)105 Görüntülenme

Determinants of intention to use government web sites in Kyrgyz Republic

Rita İSMAİLOVA Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVAThe use of internet technologies by governments increases day by day. Since citizens are the active users of the services, provided by governments via Internet, the goal of this study is to determine the factors that influence intention to use government e-services in the Kyrgyz Republic. In this study, effects of use intentions, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, defined by Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Relative Advantage, Compatibility and Image, defined by Diffusion of Innovation Model (DOI) and Trustworthiness Model were e ...Daha fazlası Makale2018International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment StudiesSocial Sciences Research Society94 Görüntülenme

A Central Asian View of E-Government Services Adoption: Citizens' Trust and Intention to Use E-Services

Rita İSMAİLOVA Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVAResults of survey from a snowball convenient sample of Kyrgyz respondents (N = 216) showed that employees of private sector are more likely to use government websites than those of government employees themselves and level of knowledge about security issues directly related to intention to use of Kyrgyz government websites. Specifically, higher level of knowledge about security issues leads less likely to use government websites. Factors such as ease of use and usefulness, relative advantage of using web sites, and compatibility with respondent ...Daha fazlası Kitap Bölümü2018Innovative Perspectives on Public Administration in the Digital AgeIGI Global52 Görüntülenme

Social Networks Usage Among Youth In The Kyrgyz Republic

Zarina COROBEKOVA Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVA Rita İSMAİLOVAAccording to statistics, in 2012 there were 767514 social network users in the Kyrgyz Republic, which is the second largest network in Central Asia, after Kazakhstan. The majority of users are females – 60%, mostly of young ages – 19-24. In the scope of this research, it was aimed to study the influence of social networks on the thinking abilities of students, if they consider SN as helpful in education, the level of trust to information on SN and money spend on SN by students. Also, since SN is getting more and more popular among students, the ...Daha fazlası Makale2017MANAS Journal of Engineering (MJEN)Kyrgyz - Turkish Manas University59 Görüntülenme

University learners' utilisation of online videos in a general chemistry course

Gülşat MUHAMETJANOVA Bakıt BORKOYEV Kalıypa SALİYEVAThe effectiveness of course videos needs to be analysed, and in doing so, it is important to consider the utilisation behaviours and opinions of learners. In this regard, this study was primarily conducted to analyse Kyrgyz learners' utilisation of videos in a general chemistry course provided at the university level. This study was conducted during the 2019-2020 spring term at a state university in the Kyrgyz Republic and was structured using a mixed-method approach. The total number of participants was 105 Kyrgyz learners studying at the unde ...Daha fazlası Makale2022Research in Learning TechnologyAssociation for Learning Technology, England128 Görüntülenme

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