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Устойчивые города и населенные пунктыСоздание инклюзивной, безопасной, прочной и устойчивой городской среды и жилых площадей
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Contrastive analysis of weather metaphors in Russiand and English sport discourse


The study aims at describing the mechanism of weather metaphors formation and functioning in sport discourse in the Russian and English languages. The problem of the nature of metaphor is presented for the purpose of introducing conceptual foundation of the phenomena. Weather as a conceptual area appeals to human cognition as a natural phenomenon and forms particular conceptual connection with human activity. Conceptual Blending Theory is utilised in the study to demonstrate particular result of weather metaphorisation that is blended or integrated conceptual structure –mental space. Blended s ...Более

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A new binary genetic programming approach to designing public transportation systems according to transit-oriented development criteria


This study introduces a new evolutionary approach called Binary Genetic Programming (BGP) to design and assess public transportation systems from a sustainable development perspective. The BGP combines evolutionary system identi cation techniques with k-fold cross-validation to obtain an accurate model between the land use and transportation parameters from a sustainable urban development point of view. To assess the new model, two public transportation systems including the new tram line of Antalya (Turkey) and the bus rapid transit line of Bhopal (India) were considered. The model was employ ...Более

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Kyrgyzstan gained its independence in 1991. The Constitution adopted in 1992 became a basis for the restructuring process in the religious sphere. According to the relevant articles of the Constitution, the issues relating to the place and purpose of formal and non-formal religious education in general education, the formation of religious groups, their relations with the state, etc., have been discussed. The subject of this article is the changes and transformations in religious education in schools after independence. In this context, first of all, information about the general education sys ...Более

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Kırgız Toplumunda Bir Kurum Olarak Aksakallar = Aksakal as an Institution in Kyrgyz Society


Tarih boyunca Orta Asya Türk toplumlarında, resmi olmayan “aksakal” kurumu sürekli olarak varlığını sürdürmüştür. Kırgızistan’da, ortak geçmiş deneyimine sahip, belirli bir yaş sınırında olan bir grup erkek aksakal olur ve söz konusu topluluk aksakal kurumunu temsil ederler. Aksakal olmada sadece yaş belirleyici unsur değildir; hayat tecrübesi esas alınarak, halk tarafından seçimle belirlenir aksakallar. Aksakal, değerler, gelenekler konusunda bilgili, akıllı, ihtiyatlı, tarafsız, adil ve dürüst adamdır. Aksakal, sadece toplumsal sorunları çözmede bir uzlaştırıcı olarak değil, aynı zamanda yön ...Более

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Ecological aspects in the use of soil enzymes as indicators of anthropogenic soil pollution


In the contemporary era, with rapid industrial growth and urbanisation, analysing the impact of human activities on soil enzyme activity becomes crucial. The purpose of this study is to assess the influence of anthropogenic pollution on enzyme activity in soil. Research on enzyme activity levels in the soil in the city of Kara-Balta, Chuy Region, Kyrgyz Republic, was conducted using biochemical analyses and specific enzymatic tests. The results revealed significant diversity in catalase activity in different soil samples. Some samples exhibited high activity, while others showed low activity. ...Более

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Small Parametric Core of Russian and Spanish Vocabulary in the Linguocognitive Aspect = Малые параметрические ядра русской и испанской лексики в лингвокогнитивном аспекте


The article presents a linguocognitive comparison of the core lexicon of the Russian and Spanish languages obtained by means of the quantitative analysis on the basis of linguistic parameters. The aim of the research is to reveal the cognitive-semantic basics of the lexical composition of the core in each language, to establish lexical-semantic parallels and differences, as well as to find out historical and cultural motivations for the active use of this lexicon in Russian and Spanish. For the analysis of lexical cores, the linguistic methods of cognitive language research have been used in c ...Более

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On the Nature of Practical Reason (Phronesis) in Aristotle = Aristoteles’te Pratik Bilgeliğin (Phronesis) Doğası Üzerine


Aristotle's views of practical reasoning/wisdom (phronesis) are closely linked to his account of action (praxis). When it comes to practical reasoning, its relation with virtues, which are divided into two as intellectual and ethical virtues by Aristotle, is extremely important. To make this relation clearer, first, the connection of practical thinking with theoretical thinking and therefore with the intellectual virtues was questioned. For example, it has been tried to understand whether the rational deliberation in practical reasoning works like theoretical deliberation or whether it proceed ...Более

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The Poetic Cosmology of C. Aitmatov and the Ontological Fourfold (Das Gewiert) of Heidegger

Camgırbek BÖKÖŞOV | Abdiraşit BABATAYEV

Trying to make a comparison between C. Aitmatov and M. Heidegger at first look could be seem strange. But such a comparison is actually important in one hand not only for understanding the philosophical foundations of artistic outlook of Aitmatov and in another hand to demonstrate the existential -phenomenological rootedness of ontological ideas of Heidegger. For although there isn't any knowledge if they were ever meet in real life, yet it is obvious that they were close friends in the dimension of thinking, understanding of Genesis, they search and experience the spiritual dimension of that ...Более

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The burial of the Hun-sarmatian time of the Kyrk-Kyz II cemetery in Kyrgyzstan = Погребение Гунно-сарматского времени могильника Кырк-Кыз II в Кыргызстане


Статья посвящена введению в научный оборот и культурно-хронологической атрибуции погребения под подквадратным курганом могильника Кырк-Кыз II в Кыргызстане. Оно было вскрыто в 2022 г. в ходе проведения спасательных раскопок в зоне строительства автомобильной дороги Эпкин — Баш-Кууганды в Нарынской области. В погребении были зачищены частично потревоженные скелеты взрослых мужчины и женщины, уложенных вытянуто на спине головой на север. Мужской череп находит аналогии среди краниологических материалов из сакских памятников, в то время как женский — подбойно-катакомбных погребений региона. Женски ...Более

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The Perception of Turkish World Union = “Türk Dünyası Birliği” Algısı


Bu araştırmanın amacı, bağımsız Türk devletleri, azınlık olarak yaşayan Türk toplumları ve özerk olarak yaşayan Türk toplumlarında yaşayan Türklerin, Türk Dünyası ve Türk Dünyası Birliğine ilişkin algıları ortaya koyabilmektir. Bu amaçla araştırma, betimsel tara­ma modeli ile desenlenmiştir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu, amaçlı örnekleme yöntemlerinden olan ölçüt örnekleme ve kolay ulaşılabilir durum örneklemesi yöntemiyle seçilen 415 akad­emisyenden oluşmaktadır. Katılımcıların Türk Dünyasına ilişkin algılarını ölçmek için veri toplama aracı olarak, araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen açık v ...Более

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Изображение оружия на петроглифическом памятнике Айгыр-Жал в центральном Тянь-Шане = Representation of Weaponry at the Petroglyphic Site of Aigyr-Jal in the Central Tian Shan


В статье рассматриваются древние рисунки, нанесенные на поверхности массивных валунов в составе археологического памятника Айгыр-Жал. Этот археологический памятник находится в долине р. Нарын в Центральном Тянь-Шане. Среди рисунков, выбитых на более крупном валуне, имеются изображения горных козлов. Рядом выбиты фигуры с округлыми окончаниями. Скорее всего, это схематические изображения колесниц. В центральной части этого валуна техникой выбивки нанесено изображение меча со слабоизогнутым клинком, вероятно вложенным в ножны, оканчивающиеся полукруглым окончанием. Клинок снабжен перекрестьем по ...Более

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Орнаментированные пластины от седла из памятника Ак-Кыя в Кыргызстане = Decorated Saddle Plates from the Site of Ak-Kyya in Kyrgyzstan


В статье анализируются костяные пластины, служившие для оформления конского седла, которые были обнаружены в процессе раскопок древнетюркского женского погребения. Это захоронение было исследовано на памятнике Ак-Кыя в долине р. Нарын в Центральном Тянь-Шане. В числе изученных костяных пластин имеются крупные фрагменты, украшенные гравированными изогнутыми линиями с загнутыми выступами и спиральными фигурами, которые украшали передние выступы деревянных полок ленчика. Среди различных пластин есть большие детали, украшенные изогнутыми полосами, спиралевидными фигурами и заштрихованными горизонт ...Более

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