Investigating stress levels and stress coping strategies in judo athletes = Изучение уровней стресса и стратегий его преодоления у спортсменов в дзюдо

  • Kurumdaki Yazar/lar Ünal TÜRKÇAPAR
  • Yazar/lar Murat Atasoy, Ünal Türkçapar, Kamil Рolat
  • URL
  • Yayın Türü Makale
  • Yayımlanma Yılı 2023
  • İndex Türü Alan Indeks
  • DOI 10.25688/2076-9091.2023.51.3.05
  • Yayıncı Московский городской педагогический университет
  • Kaynak Вестник МГПУ. Серия: Естественные науки / MCU Journal of Natural Sciences ( 3(51) ), pp.61-78 -
  • Konu Başlıkları judo
    stress in sports
    stress coping
    coping strategies

This study seeks to determine how stress coping strategies of judo athletes are shaped by the sport they practice. The study uses the screening method and is descriptive and deductive in nature. The study was carried out in 2022 and involved 134 competing judo athletes based in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, who volunteered to participate. To collect empirical data, the authors used a demographic information form and the 'Inventory of strategies for coping with stress in sports's cale. The collected data were processed with SPSS 25.0 statistical software. Other procedures included the Student's /-test for pairwise comparisonsu-sing the collected data, the ANOVA test for multiple pairwise comparisons, and the Tukey's multiple comparison test for deciphering significant differences between the groups. Regarding the gender variable, there was a significant difference between male and female athletes in how high they scored on the subscales of mental imagery, venting of unpleasant emotions, and mental distraction. On average, male athletesscored higher than women on the logical analysis and disengagement subscales depending on their athlete level and their status of (not) being a member of the national team. There were also significant differences in the participants’ scores on: the subscales of support seeking, logical analysis and disengagement depending on their competitive level; the subscales of thought control, mental imagery, effort expenditure and support seeking depending on the age variable; the subsca le of mental imagerydepending on the competitive experience variable.

Keywords: judo, stress in sports, stress coping, coping strategies

20.10.2023 tarihinden bu yana
20.10.2023 tarihinden bu yana
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01 Temmuz 2024 07:17
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Investigating stress levels and stress coping strategies in judo athletes = Изучение уровней стресса и стратегий его преодоления у спортсменов в дзюдо
Murat Atasoy, Ünal Türkçapar, Kamil Рolat
Yayın Türü
Yayımlanma Yılı
Вестник МГПУ. Серия: Естественные науки / MCU Journal of Natural Sciences
Süreli Sayı
ISSN: 2076-9091
Московский городской педагогический университет
Veri Tabanları
İndex Türü
Alan Indeks
İndex Türü 2
(dc.identifier.Not (Indeks))
Etki Faktörü
0,234 / 2022-RINS
This study seeks to determine how stress coping strategies of judo athletes are shaped by the sport they practice. The study uses the screening method and is descriptive and deductive in nature. The study was carried out in 2022 and involved 134 competing judo athletes based in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, who volunteered to participate. To collect empirical data, the authors used a demographic information form and the 'Inventory of strategies for coping with stress in sports's cale. The collected data were processed with SPSS 25.0 statistical software. Other procedures included the Student's /-test for pairwise comparisonsu-sing the collected data, the ANOVA test for multiple pairwise comparisons, and the Tukey's multiple comparison test for deciphering significant differences between the groups. Regarding the gender variable, there was a significant difference between male and female athletes in how high they scored on the subscales of mental imagery, venting of unpleasant emotions, and mental distraction. On average, male athletesscored higher than women on the logical analysis and disengagement subscales depending on their athlete level and their status of (not) being a member of the national team. There were also significant differences in the participants’ scores on: the subscales of support seeking, logical analysis and disengagement depending on their competitive level; the subscales of thought control, mental imagery, effort expenditure and support seeking depending on the age variable; the subsca le of mental imagerydepending on the competitive experience variable.
Keywords: judo, stress in sports, stress coping, coping strategies
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Not (Yayımlanma Yılı)
Konu Başlıkları
Konu Başlıkları
stress in sports
Konu Başlıkları
stress coping
Konu Başlıkları
coping strategies
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