Жердеги экосистемаларды сактооКарақалпақ екосистемаларын сақтау, жақсылау және дамуға тәуелді пайдалану; дамуға тәуелді орман жетекшілігін ұсыну; қумғаумен күресу; жер жоғалуын тоқтату және арттыру; биологиялық өркениет қайыптығын тоқтату
In this study, “Stallion wrestling,” which was made in the nature of horseherds (yilki) and a designated area for horse breeding in ancient Turks, is presented with some arguments. Explaining briefly the importance given to horses and horse breeders in ancient Turks and today’s Central Asian culture, how stallion wrestling was formed and transformed; it was aimed to seek answers to the questions of why horse breeding was not done with this wrestling method in the Ottoman Empire, but it was done with a canter running system and to recognize and introduce this ancient traditional struggle. In th ...Дагы
Development of methods for bioremediation of soils contaminated with petroleum products is one of the most urgent tasks of our time. This task is more difficult to perform in high-mountainous landscapes, at an altitude of more than 4 000 m a.s.l. Moreover, these high-mountain ecosystems are the most vulnerable to various kinds of anthropogenic impacts, and therefore the relevance of bioremediation is obvious. The research was conducted in the high-altitude ecosystems of the Kyrgyz Republic at the Kumtor mine. In this study was carried out on the bioremediation of oil contaminated soil using bi ...Дагы
Plants are the sources of many bioactive secondary metabolites which are present in plant organs including leaves, stems, roots, and flowers. Although they provide advantages to the plants in many cases, they are not necessary for metabolisms related to growth, development, and reproduction. They are specific to plant species and are precursor substances, which can be modified for generations of various compounds in different plant species. Secondary metabolites are used in many industries, including dye, food processing and cosmetic industries, and in agricultural control as well as being use ...Дагы
Spring oilseed rape is one of the major oilseed crops produced in different regions of Iran's tropical climates. Because of the various climatic and geographical conditions of the tropical areas of Iran, it is necessary to release high-yielding cultivars with broad adaptability to the various tropical regions. The main objective of this study was to identify high-yielding and stable spring oilseed rape genotypes among some new oilseed rape genotypes via analysis of genotype by environment interaction using the GGE biplot model. To this end, multi environmental trials (METs) were conducted acro ...Дагы
This study introduces a new evolutionary approach called Binary Genetic Programming (BGP) to design and assess public transportation systems from a sustainable development perspective. The BGP combines evolutionary system identi cation techniques with k-fold cross-validation to obtain an accurate model between the land use and transportation parameters from a sustainable urban development point of view. To assess the new model, two public transportation systems including the new tram line of Antalya (Turkey) and the bus rapid transit line of Bhopal (India) were considered. The model was employ ...Дагы
Based on self-determination theory as a conceptual framework, the aim of this study is to reveal the relationships amongst cave visitors' experiences, motivation, satisfaction and revisit intention. In order to test the conceptual model designed in line with the objectives of the study, a survey was conducted amongst a sample of 312 visitors to Dupnisa Cave in Turkey. The analysis showed that visitors' motivation and cave experience positively influenced their satisfaction. Moreover, satisfaction has an effect on visitors' revisit intention. This study is one of the first to attempt to reveal ...Дагы
The article describes soil bacterial isolates isolated from technogenic zones of Kyrgyzstan, possessing high oil-oxidizing and bioemulsifying activity, capable of decomposing petroleum hydrocarbons in the temperature range of 4 - 39°C at pH 4 - 9 in the presence of 18 salt. Our research has confirmed the possibility of bioremediation of the damage caused to soils as a result of chemical pollution of soils (lands) due to spillage of oil products on the territory of the oil depot in Balykchy city of Kyrgyzstan. The used bacterial consortium consisting of spore-forming bacteria of Bacillus genus: ...Дагы
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Kangal Akkaraman Koyunu ıslah projesi kapsamında, populasyon seviyesinde genetik çeşitliliğin tespiti ve DNA seviyesinde ebeveyn tayininin olasılığının araştırılmasıdır. Pilot bir çalışma olarak, kapalı ve kan yakınlığı değerlerinin yüksek olduğu tahmin edilen iki Kangal Akkaraman Koyunu sürüsünde damızlık olarak kullanılan toplam 13 koçtan kan örnekleri alınmıştır. Toplam 20 mikrosatellit lokusu kullanılarak polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu (PZR) ile spesifik genom bölgeleri çoğaltılmıştır. PZR ürünleri kapiller elekroforez ile ayrıştırılarak allel ve genotipleri belirlenmişti ...Дагы
Ethnopharmacological relevance: In their centuries-old nomadic life, since their livestock was the backbone of their lives, the Kyrgyz people used a variety of wild medicinal plants for ethnoveterinary practices. However, the plants used for the treatment of livestock ailments never have been recorded, except rarely in local publications. In this study, we present the HSHR (homemade single species herbal remedy reports), their methods of preparation and application, and the livestock ailments for which these remedies were used.Aims: The collect data from the five different high-altitude valley ...Дагы
Our field research in Van province during 2008-2009 resulted in collection of 3766 lichen samples from 55 sites, and identification of 229 lichen taxa, including two subspecies and three varieties, in 108 genera of Ascomycota. We found 182 new records for Van province. These include four new records for Turkey, namely Bibbya ruginosa, Buellia subalbula, Caloplaca tenuatula and Rimularia gibbosa. Lists of species and collection sites are provided. Acarospora (11 species), Lecidea (9 species), Verrucaria (8 species), Caloplaca, Physcia and Rinodina (7 species for each), and Aspicilia, Lecanora a ...Дагы
It is well known that soil microorganisms play essential roles in the biogeochemical cycling of biogenic elements and soil-forming processes. However, little is known about the effect of the vegetation type on the bacterial community structures in soils from cold regions. For these reasons, we have analysed the bacterial communities of eight biotopes covered with different plants and two biotopes without vegetation in the Son-Kull Valley as the coldest corner in Kyrgyzstan. Using the culture-depended and culture-independent (16S rRNA gene sequencing) methods, we found 4 phylum (Actinobacteria- ...Дагы