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Факторизациялоо алгоритмдердин салыштырмалуу анализи = Comparative analysis of integer factorization algorithms

Gulida KIMSANOVA Rita İSMAİLOVA Rayımbek SULTANOVКөптөгөн ачык ачкычтуу криптосистемалардын негизи катары колдонулган натуралдык санды факторизациялоо проблемасы заманбап компьютерлер үчүн да оор маселе болуп саналат. Биз бул иште С программалоо тилинде GMP китепканасын колдонуп, 4 алгоритмди иштеп чыктык жана бул алгоритмдердин иштөө убакыттарын салыштырдык. Алгоритмдер ар кандай өлчөмдөгү сандарды, ошондой эле факторлорунун ортосунда ар кандай аралык болгон сандарды факторизациялоо үчүн колдонулду.Биздин жыйынтыктар 296 биттик санды факторлорго ажыратууда Поллард rho алгоритминин эң бат ишт ...Более Статья2015MANAS Journal of Engineering (MJEN)Kyrgyz - Turkish Manas University126 Просмотры

Universities of the Kyrgyz Republic on the Web: accessibility and usability

Rita İSMAİLOVA Gulida KIMSANOVAToday the Internet is the easiest way to find information about any kind of organization, and the first impression about an organization is almost always based on its Web site. This study investigated whether the Web sites of the universities in the Kyrgyz Republic comply with prevailing standards of accessibility and usability and whether these qualities depend on location and type of ownership of the universities. The analysis was conducted using online evaluation tools. Based on the data collected, the hypotheses were further tested using th ...Более Статья2017Universal Access in the Information SocietySpringer59 Просмотры

Comparative Analysis Of Integer Factorization Algorithms Using Cpu And Gpu = Сравнительный анализ алгоритмов целочисленной факторизации при работе на Центральном ЦПУ и ГПУ

Gulida KIMSANOVA Rita İSMAİLOVA Rayımbek SULTANOVIn this work we have evaluated the running time of four integer factorization algorithms, namely, trial division algorithm, Fermat algorithm, Pollard rho and Brent algorithms. Implementation of these algorithms was performed in three ways on c programming language, on c programming language, using GMP 6.0.0 library and on CUDA architecture to run on GPU. Results showed that Fermat algorithm and trivial division algorithm had the fastest running time in parallel implementation on CUDA architecture. The difference of running times between CUDA im ...Более Статья2017MANAS Journal of Engineering (MJEN)Kyrgyz - Turkish Manas University97 Просмотры

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