Peyil Esengul Kızı
Fen Fakültesi
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Atıf Dağılımları

A Singularly Perturbed System of Parabolic Equations

Asan ÖMÜRALİEV Peyil Esengul KızıThe work is devoted to the construction of the asymptotic behavior of the solution of a singularly perturbed system of equations of parabolic type, in the case when the limit equation has a regular singularity as the small parameter tends to zero. The asymptotics of the solution of such problems contains boundary layer functions.Makale2021Lobachevskii Journal of MathematicsSpringer77 Görüntülenme

Soft partial metric spaces

İsmet ALTINTAŞ Peyil Esengul KızıThis paper is an introduction to soft partial metric spaces. The aim is to create a soft topological model for a programming language described as a soft logic system, like in classical partial metric studies. Since the soft metric spaces have Hausdorff properties, they are not useful in examining non-Hausdorff soft topologies. This paper proposes a generalized soft metric for non-Hausdorff soft topologies and a new approach that guides how to expand soft metric implements like the Banach theorem to such topologies.Makale2022Soft ComputingSpringer24 Görüntülenme

Variational Formulation Of A Boundary-value Problem Corresponding To Forced Vibration Of An Imperfectly Bonded Bi-layered Plate-strip Resting On A Rigid Foundation

Elman HAZAR Dağıstan ŞİMŞEK Asan ÖMÜRALİEV Burak OĞUL Ella ABILAYEVA Peyil Esengul KızıIn the present study, a boundary-value problem corresponding to forced vibration of an imperfectly bonded bi-layered plate-strip resting on a rigid foundation is considered. In the framework of three-dimensional linearized theory of elastic waves in initially stressed bodies, the mathematical modelling of considered problem is given. Then, the variational formulation of the problem considered is obtained in the framework of the principles of calculus of variation. The problem considered differs from the previous studies in the view of imperfect ...Daha fazlası Makale2015MANAS Journal of Engineering (MJEN)Kyrgyz - Turkish Manas University123 Görüntülenme

Parabolic Problem with a Power-Law Boundary Layer

Asan ÖMÜRALİEV Ella ABILAYEVA Peyil Esengul KızıWe construct a regularized asymptotics of the solution of the first boundary value problem for a singularly perturbed two-dimensional differential equation of the parabolic type for the case in which the limit equation has a regular singularity. There arise power-law and corner boundary layers along with parabolic ones in such problems.Makale2021Differential EquationsSpringer67 Görüntülenme

A System of Singularly Perturbed Parabolic Equations with a Power Boundary Layer

Asan ÖMÜRALİEV Ella ABILAYEVA Peyil Esengul KızıThe work is devoted to the construction of the asymptotics of the solution of a singularly perturbed system of equations of parabolic type, in the case when the limit equation has a regular singularity as the small parameter tends to zero. The asymptotics of the solution of such problems contains, along with parabolic boundary layer functions, and power boundary layer functions.Makale2020Lobachevskii Journal of MathematicsSpringer65 Görüntülenme

On the Recursive Sequence xn+1 = xn-7/1+xn-3

Dağıstan ŞİMŞEK Peyil Esengul Kızı Meerim İmaş KızıIn this paper the solutions of the following difference equation is examined: x(n+1) = x(n-7)/1 + x(n-3), n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... where the initial conditions are positive real numbers.Konferans Bildirisi2019FilomatPrirodno-matematički fakultet, University of Niš, Serbia160 Görüntülenme

Asymptotics of Solution to the Nonstationary Schrodinger Equation

Asan ÖMÜRALİEV Peyil Esengul KızıThe Cauchy problem with a rapidly oscillating initial condition for the homogeneous Schrodinger equation was studied in [5]. Continuing the research ideas of this work and [3], in this paper we construct the asymptotic solution to the following mixed problem for the nonstationary Schrodinger equation: L(h)u ih partial derivative(t)u + h(2)partial derivative(2)(x)u - b(x,t)u = f(x,t) (x,t) is an element of Omega = (0,1) x (0,t], u vertical bar(t=0) = g(x), u vertical bar(x=0) = u vertical bar(x=1) = 0 where h > 0 is a Planck constant, u = u(x ...Daha fazlası Konferans Bildirisi2019FilomatPrirodno-matematički fakultet, University of Niš, Serbia89 Görüntülenme

Solutions of the Rational Difference Equations

Dağıstan ŞİMŞEK Peyil Esengul KızıIn this paper the solutions of the following difference equation is examinedMakale2018MANAS Journal of Engineering (MJEN)Kyrgyz - Turkish Manas University110 Görüntülenme

Параболическая задача со степенным пограничным слоем

Asan ÖMÜRALİEV Ella ABILAYEVA Peyil Esengul KızıСтроится регуляризованная асимптотика решения первой краевой задачи для сингулярно возмущённого двумерного дифференциального уравнения параболического типа, когда предельное уравнение имеет регулярную особенность. В таких задачах наряду с параболическими пограничными слоями возникают степенной и угловые пограничные слои. ...Daha fazlası Makale2021Дифференциальные уравненияРоссийская академия наук (Москва)105 Görüntülenme

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