Fen Fakültesi
Status Çalışmıyor
Academic degree Prof. Dr.
YÖK Researcher Number
Citation Distributions

Bernstein-Nikolskii-Markov-type inequalities for algebraic polynomials in a weighted Lebesgue space

Meerim İmaş Kızı Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVIn this paper, we study Bernstein, Markov and Nikol’skii type inequalities for arbitrary algebraic polynomials with respect to a weighted Lebesgue space, where the contour and weight functions have some singularities on a given contour. Keyword: In this paper, we study Bernstein, Markov and Nikol’skii type inequalities for arbitrary algebraic polynomials with respect to a weighted Lebesgue space, where the contour and weight functions have some singularities on a given contourArticle2023FilomatPrirodno-matematički fakultet, University of Niš, Serbia51 Views

Fejér-type positive operator based on Takenaka-Malmquist system on unit circle

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVLet φ={φk}k=−∞∞ denote the extended Takenaka–Malmquist system on unit circle T and let σn,φ(f), f∈L1(T), be the Fejér-type operator based on φ, introduced by V. N. Rusak. We give the convergence criteria for σn,φ(f) in Banach space C(T). Also we prove the Voronovskaya-type theorem for σn,φ(f) on class of holomorphic functions representable by Cauchy-type integrals with bounded densities. Keywords: Holomorphic functions; Takenaka–Malmquist system; Fejér type operator; Blaschke product; Frostman conditionArticle2023Journal of Mathematical Analysis and ApplicationsElsevier48 Views

Best approximation-preserving operators over Hardy space

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVLet Tn be the linear Hadamard convolution operator acting over Hardy space Hq, 1≤q≤∞. We call Tn a best approximation-preserving operator (BAP operator) if Tn(en)=en, where en(z):=zn, and if ∥Tn(f)∥q≤En(f)q for all f∈Hq, where En(f)q is the best approximation by algebraic polynomials of degree a most n−1 in Hq space. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for Tn to be a BAP operator over H∞. We apply this result to establish an exact lower bound for the best approximation of bounded holomorphic functions. In particular, we show that the La ...More Article2023Analysis and Mathematical PhysicsSpringer31 Views

The use of the isometry of function spaces with different numbers of variables in the theory of approximation of functions

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEV Meerim İmaş KızıIn the work, we found integral representations for function spaces that are isometric to spaces of entire functions of exponential type, which are necessary for giving examples of equality of approximation characteristics in function spaces isometric to spaces of non-periodic functions. Sufficient conditions are obtained for the nonnegativity of the delta-like kernels used to construct isometric function spaces with various numbers of variables.Article2021Carpathian Mathematical PublicationsVasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine144 Views

Bernstein-Walsh type inequalities for derivatives of algebraic polynomials in quasidisks

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVIn this paper, we study Bernstein-Walsh type estimates for the higher-order derivatives of an arbitrary algebraic polynomial on quasidisks.Article2021Open MathematicsDe Gruyter, Poland92 Views


Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVIn this work, we study Bernstein-Walsh-type estimations for the derivative of an arbitrary algebraic polynomial in regions with piece wise smooth boundary without cusps of the complex plane. Also, estimates are given on the whole complex plane.Article2022Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society (대한수학회보)Korean Mathematical Society, Seoul21 Views

On the growth of mth derivatives of algebraic polynomials in the weighted Lebesgue space

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEV Meerim İmaş KızıIn this paper, we study the growth of the mth derivative of an arbitrary algebraic polynomial in bounded and unbounded general domains of the complex plane in weighted Lebesgue spaces. Further, we obtain estimates for the derivatives at the closure of this regions. As a result, estimates for derivatives on the entire complex plane were found.Article2022Applied Mathematics in Science and EngineeringTaylor & Francis28 Views

On the Growth of Derivatives of Algebraic Polynomials in a Weighted Lebesgue Space

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEV Meerim İmaş KızıWe study the growth rates of the derivatives of an arbitrary algebraic polynomial in bounded and inbounded regions of the complex plane in weighted Lebesgue spaces.Article2022Ukrainian Mathematical JournalSpringer128 Views

Bernstein-Walsh-type inequalities for derivatives of algebraic polynomials on the regions of complex plane

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVIn this paper, we study Bernstein-Walsh-type estimates for the derivatives of an arbitrary algebraic polynomial on some general regions of the complex plane.Article2022Turkish Journal of MathematicsTübitak74 Views

An Introduction To Soft Cone Metric Spaces And Some Fixed Point Theorems = Esnek Koni Metrik Uzaylara Giriş ve Bazı Sabit Nokta Teoremleri

Dağıstan ŞİMŞEK Fahreddin ABDULLAYEV Meerim İmaş Kızı Ella ABILAYEVA Burak OĞULThis paper is an introduction to soft cone metric spaces. We first define the concept of soft cone metric via soft elements and give basic properties of its. Then, we investigate soft convergence in soft cone metric spaces and prove some important fixed point theorems for contractive mappings on soft cone metric spaces.- Bu makale esnek koni metrik uzaylara bir giriştir. Önce esnek koni metrik uzayları, esnek eleman yardımıyla tanımladık ve onun temel özelliklerini verdik. Sonra esnek koni metrik uzaylarda esnek yakınsaklık kavramını inceledi ...More Article2017MANAS Journal of Engineering (MJEN)Kyrgyz - Turkish Manas University148 Views

On the recursive sequence xn+1=xn−(4k+3)1+∏t=02xn−(k+1)t−k

Dağıstan ŞİMŞEK Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVThe solution of the difference equation (Formula presented.),..., where x−(4k+3), x−(4k+2),..., x−1, x0 ∈ (0, ∞) and k = 0, 1,..., is studied.Article2017Journal of Mathematical SciencesSpringer152 Views

Polynomial Inequalities in Regions with Corners in the Weighted Lebesgue Spaces

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVIn this work, we investigate the order of the growth of the modulus of orthogonal polynomials over a contour and also arbitrary algebraic polynomials in regions with corners in a weighted Lebesgue space, where the singularities of contour and the weight functions satisfy some condition.Article2017FilomatPrirodno-matematički fakultet, University of Niš, Serbia40 Views


Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVWe study estimation of the modulus of algebraic polynomials in the bounded and unbounded regions with piecewise-quasismooth boundary, having interior and exterior zero angles, in the weighted Lebesgue space.Article2016Publications de l’Institut MathématiqueMatematicki institut, Kneza Mihaila, Beograd, Serbia36 Views

Faber polynomials with common zero

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEV Meerim İmaş KızıWe describe the set of meromorphic univalent functions in the class Σ, for which the sequence of the Faber polynomials {Fj}∞j=1 have the roots with following properties |Fn(z0)|>0=∑j=1j≠n|Fj(z0)|. For such functions we found an explicit form of the Faber polynomials as well as we discussed some properties.Article2021Analysis and Mathematical PhysicsSpringer72 Views

Direct and inverse approximation theorems of functions in the Musielak-Orlicz type spaces

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVIn Musilak-Orlicz type spaces S-M, direct and inverse approximation theorems are obtained in terms of the best approximations of functions and generalized moduli of smoothness. The question of the exact constants in Jackson-type inequalities is studied.Article2021Mathematical Inequalities & ApplicationsElement, Croatia38 Views

Jackson-type inequalities and widths of functional classes in the Musielak–Orlicz type spaces

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEV Meerim İmaş KızıIn the Musielak-Orlicz-type spaces S M , exact Jackson-type inequalities are obtained in terms of best approximations of functions and the averaged values of their generalized moduli of smoothness. The values of Kolmogorov, Bernstein, linear, and projective widths in SM are found for classes of periodic functions defined by certain conditions on the averaged values of the generalized moduli of smoothness.Article2021Rocky Mountain Journal of MathematicsRocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium115 Views

Bernstein-Nikol'skii-Type Inequalities for Algebraic Polynomials from the Bergman Space in Domains of the Complex Plane

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVWe study Bernstein-type and Nikol'skii-type estimates for an arbitrary algebraic polynomial in regions of the complex plane.Article2021Ukrainian Mathematical JournalSpringer92 Views


Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVWe obtain exact Jackson-type inequalities in terms of the best approximations and averaged values of the generalized moduli of smoothness in the spaces S-p. For classes of periodic functions defined by certain conditions imposed on the average values of the generalized moduli of smoothness, we determine the exact values of the Kolmogorov, Bernstein, linear, and projective widths in the spaces S-p.Article2021Ukrainian Mathematical JournalSpringer49 Views

Isometry of the Subspaces of Solutions of Systems of Differential Equations to the Spaces of Real Functions

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEV Meerim İmaş KızıWe determine the subspaces of solutions of the systems of Laplace and heat-conduction differential equations isometric to the corresponding spaces of real functions defined on the set of real numbers.Article2020Ukrainian Mathematical JournalSpringer64 Views

Direct and inverse approximation theorems in the weighted Orlicz-type spaces with a variable exponent

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEV Meerim İmaş KızıIn weighted Orlicz-type spaces S-p,S- (mu) with a variable summation exponent, the direct and inverse approximation theorems are proved in terms of best approximations of functions and moduli of smoothness of fractional order. It is shown that the constant obtained in the inverse approximation theorem is the best in a certain sense. Some applications of the results are also proposed. In particular, the constructive characteristics of functional classes defined by such moduli of smoothness are given. Equivalence between moduli of smoothness and ...More Article2020Turkish Journal of MathematicsTübitak37 Views

Approximation of the Classes Cβψ H α By Biharmonic Poisson Integrals

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVWe study the problem of approximation of functions (psi, beta)-differentiable (in the Stepanets sense) whose (psi, beta)-derivative belongs to the class H-alpha by biharmonic Poisson integrals in the uniform metric.Article2020Ukrainian Mathematical JournalSpringer47 Views

Approximate properties of the p-Bieberbach polynomials in regions with simultaneously exterior and interior zero angles

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEV Meerim İmaş KızıIn this paper, we study the uniform convergence ofp-Bieberbach polynomials in regions with a finite number of both interior and exterior zero angles at the boundary.Article2020Quaestiones MathematicaeTaylor & Francis120 Views

Solution of the Rational Difference Equation

Dağıstan ŞİMŞEK Burak OĞUL Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVIn this paper, solution of the following difference equation is examined x(n+1) = x(n-13)/1+x(n-1)x(n-3)x(n-5)x(n-7)x(n-9)x(n-11), where the initial conditions are positive real numbers.Article2020Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear SciencesWalter De Gruyter GMBH, Berlin131 Views

Solution of the Maximum of Difference Equation

Dağıstan ŞİMŞEK Burak OĞUL Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVIn the recent years, there has been a lot of interest in studying the global behavior of, the socalled, max-type difference equations; see, for example, [1-17]. The study of max type difference equations has also attracted some attention recently. We study the behaviour of the solutions of the following system of difference equation with the max operator:paper deals with the behaviour of the solutions of the max type system of difference equations, x(n+1) = max {A/x(n-1) , y(n)/x(n)}; y(n+1) = max {A/y(n-1) , x(n)/y(n)}, (1) where the paramet ...More Article2020Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear SciencesWalter De Gruyter GMBH, Berlin51 Views

Uniform and Pointwise Estimates for Algebraic Polynomials in Regions with Interior and Exterior Zero Angles

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVIn this study, we give some estimates on the Nikolskii-type inequalities for complex algebraic polynomials in regions with piecewise smooth curves having exterior and interior zero angles.Proceedings Paper2019FilomatPrirodno-matematički fakultet, University of Niš, Serbia105 Views

The uniform and pointwise estimates for polynomials on the weighted Lebesgue spaces in the general regions of complex plane

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVThe estimation of the modulus of algebraic polynomials on the boundary contour with weight function, having some singularities, with respect to the their quasinorm, on the weighted Lebesgue space was studied in this current work.Article2019Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and StatisticsHacettepe University63 Views

Exact estimates for Faber polynomials and for norm of Faber operator

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVExact estimates for Faber polynomials, norm of Faber operator, and -norm of the generating function for the sequence of Faber operator of univalent functions of class sigma are found. The description of continua of the complex plane for which the norm of Faber operator take the value 1 or 3 is obtained.Article2019Complex Variables and Elliptic EquationsTaylor & Francis53 Views

Uniform Convergence of the Generalized Bieberbach Polynomials in Regions with Simultaneously Exterior and Interior Zero Angles

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVWe study the uniform and mean convergence of the generalized Bieberbach polynomials in regions having a finite number of interior and exterior zero zero angles.Article2019Complex Analysis and Operator TheorySpringer66 Views

Bernstein-Walsh-Type Polynomial Inequalities in Domains Bounded by Piecewise Asymptotically Conformal Curve with Nonzero Inner Angles in the Bergman Space

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEV Dağıstan ŞİMŞEKWe continue our investigation of the order of growth of the modulus of an arbitrary algebraic polynomial in the Bergman weight space, where the contour and weight functions have certain singularities. In particular, we deduce a Bernstein-Walsh-type pointwise estimate for algebraic polynomials in unbounded domains with piecewise asymptotically conformal curves with nonzero inner angles in the Bergman weight space.Article2019Ukrainian Mathematical JournalSpringer63 Views

Exact Constants in Direct and Inverse Approximation Theorems for Functions of Several Variables in the Spaces S-p

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVIn the paper, exact constants in direct and inverse approximation theorems for functions of several variables are found in the spaces S-p. The equivalence between moduli of smoothness and some K-functionals is also shown in the spaces S-p.Proceedings Paper2019FilomatPrirodno-matematički fakultet, University of Niš, Serbia124 Views

Best Approximation of Holomorphic Functions from Hardy Space in Terms of Taylor Coefficients

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVWe describe the set of holomorphic functions from the Hardy space H-q, 1 <= q <= infinity, for which the best polynomial approximation E-n(f)(q) is equal to vertical bar f((n))(0)vertical bar/n!.Proceedings Paper2019FilomatPrirodno-matematički fakultet, University of Niš, Serbia27 Views

Direct and inverse approximation theorems of functions in the Orlicz type spaces S-M

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVIn the Orlicz type spaces S-M, we prove direct and inverse approximation theorems in terms of the best approximations of functions and moduli of smoothness of fractional order. We also show the equivalence between moduli of smoothness and Peetre K-functionals in the spaces S-M. (C) 2019 Mathematical Institute Slovak Academy of SciencesArticle2019Mathematica SlovacaWalter de GRUYTER GMBH, Germany60 Views

Polynomial Inequalities in Regions with Zero Interior Angles in the Bergman Space

Sebahattin BALCI Meerim İmaş Kızı Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVWe study the order of growth of the moduli of arbitrary algebraic polynomials in the weighted Bergman space A(p)(G, h), p > 0, in regions with zero interior angles at finitely many boundary points. We obtain estimates for algebraic polynomials in bounded regions with piecewise smooth boundary.Article2018Ukrainian Mathematical JournalSpringer50 Views

Bernstein–Walsh type inequalities in unbounded regions with piecewise asymptotically conformal curve in the weighted Lebesgue space

Meerim İmaş Kızı Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVWe have obtained the pointwise Bernstein–Walsh type estimation for algebraic polynomials in the unbounded regions with piecewise asymptotically conformal boundary, having exterior and interior zero angles, in the weighted Lebesgue space.Article2018Journal of Mathematical SciencesSpringer83 Views

Uniform and pointwise polynomial inequalities in regions with asymptotically conformal curve on weighted Bergman space

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVIn this present work, we continue studying the Nikol’skii and Bernstein–Walsh type estimations for complex algebraic polynomials in the bounded and unbounded regions bounded by asymptotically conformal curve.- Keywords and phrases: Polynomials Nikol’skii inequalities Bernstein inequalities Conformal mapping Asymptotically conformal curve Article2017Lobachevskii Journal of MathematicsPleiades Publishing52 Views

On the Sharp Inequalities for Orthonormal Polynomials Along a Contour

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVIn this work, we investigate the order of growth of the modulus of an arbitrary algebraic polynomials in the weighted Lebesgue space, where the contour and the weight functions have some singularities. In particular, we obtain new exact estimations for the growth of the modulus of orthogonal polynomialsArticle2017Complex Analysis and Operator TheorySpringer89 Views

Polynomial Inequalities in Quasidisks on Weighted Bergman Spaces

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEVWe continue studying on the Nikol’skii and Bernstein –Walsh type estimations for complex algebraic polynomials in the bounded and unbounded quasidisks on the weighted Bergman spaceArticle2017Ukrainian Mathematical JournalSpringer88 Views

Application of Faber Polynomials in Proving Combinatorial Identities

Fahreddin ABDULLAYEV Meerim İmaş KızıWe study the possibility of application of Faber polynomials in proving some combinatorial identities. It is shown that the coefficients of Faber polynomials of mutually inverse conformal mappings generate a pair of mutually invertible relations. We prove two identities relating the coefficients of Faber polynomials and the coefficients of Laurent expansions of the corresponding conformal mappings. Some examples are presented.Article2018Ukrainian Mathematical JournalSpringer70 Views

YÖK Academic Information
1975 - 1980
Bakü Devlet Üniversitesi
1980 - 1986
Ukrayna Bilimler Akademisi
Uygulamalı Matematik ve Mekanik Enstitüsü
01.02.2019 - 30.12.2019 Fonksiyonel Uzaylarda Yaklaşım ve İzometri Teorisinin Bazı Problemleri, Proje No: KT Manas Üniversitesi, BAP: 2019 FBE 01, 1352 (ABD)Diğer Resmi Kurum ve Kuruluşlar
01.01.2017 - 14.02.2018 KTMU-BAP:2016.FBE.13Diğer Resmi Kurum ve Kuruluşlar
10.10.2016 - 24.09.2018 TÜBİTAK 3001 AR-GE PROJE NO: 115F652-Tübitak 3001
14.03.2018 - 25.12.2018 Sp Uzaylarında Çok Değişkenli Fonksiyonların Yaklaşımları için Düz ve Ters TeoremlerDiğer Resmi Kurum ve Kuruluşlar
25.12.2016 - 25.10.2017 Esnek Koni Metrik Uzaylara GirisDiğer Resmi Kurum ve Kuruluşlar
27.12.2016 - 25.10.2017 Esnek Koni Metrik Uzaylara GirişYükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi
01.02.2017 - 11.12.2017 Proje No: KT Manas Üniversitesi, BAP: 2017 FBE 03, 1800 (ABD), Araştırmacı, 2017.Diğer Resmi Kurum ve Kuruluşlar
01.05.2016 - 10.10.2018 Kompleks Düzlemde Polinomların Artış Hızlarının Değerlendirilmesi-Tübitak 3001
Fon : 52984
29.03.2012 - 29.03.2014 BAP FBE MB EK 2012 2 DRARAŞTIRMA PROJESİ
11.02.2011 - 11.02.2013 BAP FBE MB İY 2011 6 YLARAŞTIRMA PROJESİ
29.06.2011 - 29.12.2011 BAP FEF M FA 2011 4 HDARAŞTIRMA PROJESİ
-01-01-01- - -01-01-01- Mersin Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu BAP FEE MB FA 2002DİĞER
Fon : 10000
13.12.2019 - 13.11.2020 Holomorf fonksiyonların en iyi yaklaşımıDiğer (Uluslararası)
14.03.2018 - 25.12.2018 KTMU-BAP- 20t8.F8E.05Diğer Resmi Kurum ve Kuruluşlar
-01-01-01- - -01-01-01- Mersin Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu BAP FEE MB FA 2006DİĞER
Fon : 20000
-01-01-01- - -01-01-01- Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu KTÜ BAP FEE 1997DİĞER
Fon : 20000
05.04.2019 - 03.03.2020 Reel değişkenli fonksiyonların yaklaşımları için düz ve ters teoremlerDiğer (Uluslararası)
01.02.2018 - 28.05.2019 KTMÜ-BAP2018-FBE 03Diğer Resmi Kurum ve Kuruluşlar
27.12.2016 - 25.10.2017 KTMÜ BAP 2016-FBE-12Diğer Resmi Kurum ve Kuruluşlar
02.08.2017 - 28.11.2017 Bilinen Sıfır Yerleriyle Faber Polinomları ve Faber KümeleriDiğer Resmi Kurum ve Kuruluşlar
21.03.2013 - 21.03.2015 BAP FBE MB CDG 2013 1 DRYükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi
29.03.2012 - 29.03.2014 BAB FEF MB FA 2012 2 HDARAŞTIRMA PROJESİ
Jackson-type inequalities and widths of functional classes in the Musielak-Orlicz type spaces FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Stanislav Chaichenko,Meerim Imashkyzy,Andrii Shidlich , Yayın Yeri:Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics , 2021Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
Solution of the Rational Difference Equation xn1 xn���13 1xn-1xn-3xn-5xn-7xn-9xn-11 DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences , 2020Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale
Uniform and pointwise estimates for algebraic polynomials in regions with interior and exterior zero angles PELIN ÖZKARTEPE,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,TUNCAY TUNÇ , Yayın Yeri:Filomat , 2019Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.2298/FIL1902403O
Best approximation of holomorphic functions from Hardy space in terms of Taylor coefficient FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV,VIKTOR SAVCHUK , Yayın Yeri:Filomat , 2019Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.2298/FIL1905417A
Polynomial Inequalities in Regions with Zero Interior Angles in the Bergman Space Sebahattin Balcı,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Ukrainian Mathematical Journal , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11253-018-1505-0
Polynomial Inequalities in Regions Bounded by Piecewise Asymptotically Conformal Curve with Nonzero Angles in the Bergman Space GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Anara Taylakova , Yayın Yeri:Advances in Analysis , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) Roo...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.22606/aan.2018.34002
On the Recursive Sequence xn1xn�k11xnxn�1�xn�k x_n1\fracx_n-\left(k1\right)1x_nx_n-1\dots x_n-k DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Journal of Mathematical Sciences , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Scopus) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10958-018-3982-y
Interference of the weight and boundary contour for algebraic polynomials in weighted Lebesgue spaces I. NACİYE PELİN ÖZKARTEPE,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Ukr Math J , 2017Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
Polynomial inequalities in regions with corners in the weighted Lebesgue spaces FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Filomat , 2017Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.2298/FIL1718647A
On the interference of the weight and contour for algebraic polynomials in the weighted Lebesgue spaces I PELİN ÖZKARTEPE,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Ukr.Math.J. , 2017Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
An Introduction to Soft Cone Metric Spaces and Some Fixed Point Theorems DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,İSMET ALTINTAŞ,SOLEY ERSOY,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,KEMAL TAŞKÖPRÜ,DİLEK KESİK,ELLA ABILAYEVA,BURAK OĞUL,NURİLEK ÇEMŞİTOV , Yayın Yeri:MANAS Journal of Engineering , 2017Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler (DOAJ, EBSCO) Özgün Makale
Uniform and pointwise polynomial inequalities in regions with asymptotically conformal curve on weighted Bergman space FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,TUNCAY TUNÇ , Yayın Yeri:Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics , 2017Uluslararası Hakemli ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1134/S1995080217020020
Polynomial inequalities in Lavrentiev regions with interior and exterior zero angles in the weighted Lebesgue space FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,PELİN ÖZKARTEPE , Yayın Yeri:Publications de l’xxInstitut Math�matique (Beograd) , 2016Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Zentral blatt) Özgün Makale
Unıform Convergence of the P Bıeberbach Polynomıals in Domaıns wıth Zero Angles Vol 58 No 5 2015 pp 1063 1078 FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV, Naciye Pelin Özkartepe , Yayın Yeri:Science China Math, , 2015Uluslararası Hakemli SSCI Özgün Makale
Uniform and pointwise polynomial inequalities in regions with cusps in the weighted Lebesgue space Vol 7 No 2 2015 pp 231 261 FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,PELİN ÖZKARTEPE , Yayın Yeri:Jaen Journal on Approximation, , 2015Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Math.Rew. Zentr. MATH) Özgün Makale
On the behavior of algebraic polynomials in regions with piecewise smooth boundary without cusps FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,CEVAHİR DOĞANAY GÜN , Yayın Yeri:Annales Polonici Mathematici , 2014Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.4064/ap111-1-4
Uniform and pointwise polynomial inequalities in regions without cusps in the weighted Lebesgue space FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,CEVAHİR DOĞANAY GÜN,PELİN ÖZKARTEPE , Yayın Yeri:Bulletin of Tbilisi ICMC, , 2014Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Math. Rew.) Özgün Makale
Uniform Convergence of the p Bierberbach Polynomials in Regions with Zero Angles ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Koşar C, Küçükaslan M , Yayın Yeri:Proceeding of the Estonian Academy of Science , 2011Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
On the Bernsteın Walsh Type Lemma s in Regıons of the Complex Plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, ARAL D , Yayın Yeri:UMJ , 2011Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
The use of the isometry of function spaces with different numbers of variables in the theory of approximation of functions DM Bushev,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,I. Kal'chuk , Yayın Yeri:Carpathian Mathematical Publications , 2021Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.15330/cmp.13.3.805-817
On the Recursive Sequence x_(n1) x_(n13)/(1x_(n-1) x_(n-3) x_(n-5) ���x�_(n-11) ) DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences , 2020Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale
Polynomial Inequalities in Regions with Piecewise Asymptotically Conformal Curve in the Weighted Lebesgue Space FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Nurzat Saipidinova,Zaripa Tashpaeva , Yayın Yeri:Advances in Analysis , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) Roo...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.22606/aan.2018.32004
Tangent metric spaces to convex sets on the plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Dovgoshey A, Küçükaslan M , Yayın Yeri:Reports of the Dep. of Math. Univ. of Helsinki, Preprint , 2008Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Math.Rew. Zentr.MATT) Özgün Makale
Uniform estimates for polynomial approximation in domains with corners ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Shevchuk I A , Yayın Yeri:J. Approx. Theory , 2005Uluslararası Hakemli SSCI Özgün Makale
Teorema Segö oblasti Caratheodory i ogranichennost vichislyayushix funktsionalov FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,OLEKSIY DOVGOSHEY , Yayın Yeri:Math. Notes , 2005Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
Bieberbach polynomials relatively of the Borel measure FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Oleksiy Dovgoshey , Yayın Yeri:Dok. NASU. , 2005Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Ref Journal, Scholar, Math.Rew., Zentr.M...) Özgün Makale
The properties of the orthogonal polynomials with weight having singularity on the boundary contour FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Journal of Com. Anal. and its Appl. , 2004Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
On the convergence of the Fourier series with orthonormal polynomials inside and of the closure of a regionpp ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Küçükaslan MEhmet , Yayın Yeri:Ukr. Math. J. , 2002Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri Özgün Makale
On the Szegö s Theorem Harmonic Measure and Caratheodory Domains ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Dovgoshey A , Yayın Yeri:Dokl. Azerb. NAS , 2002Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri Özgün Makale
On the properties of orthogonal polynomials over a region with analytic weight function ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Küçükaslan Mehmet , Yayın Yeri:Inter. J. of Pure and Appl. Math. , 2002Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri Özgün Makale
On the some properties on orthogonal polynomials over the regions of complex plane II ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Ukr. Math. J. , 2001Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
Uniform convergence of the generalized Bieberbach polynomials in regions with zero angles ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Czech. Math. J. , 2001Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
Uniform convergence of the Bieberbach polynomials inside and closure the domains of the complex plane Vol 7 1 2001 pp 77 101 ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:East J. Approx. , 2001Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Math.Rew., Zentr. MATH., Ref. Journal) Özgün Makale
On the uniform convergence of the generalized Bieberbach polynomials in regions with quasiconformal boundary ABDULLAYEV FAHREDİN, ÇAVUŞ A , Yayın Yeri:Proc. IMM AS Azerb.Rep , 2000Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Math.Rew., Ref.Journal, Zentr.Math.) Özgün Makale
Uniform convergence of the generalized Bieberbach polynomials in domain of complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Proc. IM NAS Ukrainian: Approx. Theory and its Appl. , 2000Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri Özgün Makale
Bernsteyn Nikolskii type inequality in domains with quasiconformal boundary FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Proc. of IX Republican Conference of Young Scientist on Mathematics and Mechanics, , 1989Ulusal Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Ref. Journal) Özgün Makale
On the convergence of Bieberbach polynomials in domain with zero angles ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Dokl. Ukr. SSR , 1989Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler Özgün Makale
On the orthogonal polynomials with unique weight ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Izv. AS Azerb. SSR , 1986Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler Özgün Makale
On the orthogonal polynomials with shocks weight ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Izv.AS Azerb. SSR , 1985Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Math.Rew. Zentr.MATH., Ref.Jour.) Özgün Makale
On the orthogonal polynomials in domain with quasiconformal boundary FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,VLADİMİR ANDRİEVSKİİ , Yayın Yeri:Izv. AS Azerb. SSR , 1983Uluslararası Hakemli SCI Özgün Makale
On the Recursive Sequence of Some Difference Equation FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,li Faraczadeh , Yayın Yeri:Thai Journal of MathematicsUluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (ESCI) Özgün Makale
Solution of the Rational Difference Equation xn1 xn���13 1xn-1xn-3xn-5xn-7xn-9xn-11 DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences , 2020Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale
Polynomial Inequalities in Regions Bounded by Piecewise Asymptotically Conformal Curve with Nonzero Angles in the Bergman Space GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Anara Taylakova , Yayın Yeri:Advances in Analysis , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) Roo...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.22606/aan.2018.34002
Polynomial Inequalities in Regions with Piecewise Asymptotically Conformal Curve in the Weighted Lebesgue Space FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Nurzat Saipidinova,Zaripa Tashpaeva , Yayın Yeri:Advances in Analysis , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) Roo...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.22606/aan.2018.32004
The use of the isometry of function spaces with different numbers of variables in the theory of approximation of functions DM Bushev,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,I. Kal'chuk , Yayın Yeri:Carpathian Mathematical Publications , 2021Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.15330/cmp.13.3.805-817
Bieberbach polynomials relatively of the Borel measure FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Oleksiy Dovgoshey , Yayın Yeri:Dok. NASU. , 2005Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Ref Journal, Scholar, Math.Rew., Zentr.M...) Özgün Makale
The use of the isometry of function spaces with different numbers of variables in the theory of approximation of functions DM Bushev,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,I. Kal'chuk , Yayın Yeri:Carpathian Mathematical Publications , 2021Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.15330/cmp.13.3.805-817
On the Recursive Sequence x_(n1) x_(n13)/(1x_(n-1) x_(n-3) x_(n-5) ���x�_(n-11) ) DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences , 2020Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale
Polynomial Inequalities in Regions with Piecewise Asymptotically Conformal Curve in the Weighted Lebesgue Space FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Nurzat Saipidinova,Zaripa Tashpaeva , Yayın Yeri:Advances in Analysis , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) Roo...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.22606/aan.2018.32004
On the Recursive Sequence xn1xn�k11xnxn�1�xn�k x_n1\fracx_n-\left(k1\right)1x_nx_n-1\dots x_n-k DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Journal of Mathematical Sciences , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Scopus) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10958-018-3982-y
The use of the isometry of function spaces with different numbers of variables in the theory of approximation of functions DM Bushev,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,I. Kal'chuk , Yayın Yeri:Carpathian Mathematical Publications , 2021Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.15330/cmp.13.3.805-817
Bieberbach polynomials relatively of the Borel measure FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Oleksiy Dovgoshey , Yayın Yeri:Dok. NASU. , 2005Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Ref Journal, Scholar, Math.Rew., Zentr.M...) Özgün Makale
The use of the isometry of function spaces with different numbers of variables in the theory of approximation of functions DM Bushev,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,I. Kal'chuk , Yayın Yeri:Carpathian Mathematical Publications , 2021Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.15330/cmp.13.3.805-817
Polynomial Inequalities in Regions Bounded by Piecewise Asymptotically Conformal Curve with Nonzero Angles in the Bergman Space GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Anara Taylakova , Yayın Yeri:Advances in Analysis , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) Roo...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.22606/aan.2018.34002
p-Bieberbach polynomials in regions with simultaneously exterior and interior zero angles/title FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,NACİYE PELİN ÖZKARTEPE , Yayın Yeri:Quaestiones Mathematicae , 2021Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
Bernstein-Nikolskii-type inequalities for algebraic polynomials in Bergman space in regions of complex plane, FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,CEVAHİR DOĞANAY GÜN , Yayın Yeri:Ukrainian Mathematical Journal , 2021Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.37863/umzh.v73i4.6306
Bernstein-Walsh-type inequalities for derivatives of algebraic polynomials in quasidiscs FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Open Mathematics , 2021Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
Approximation of the Classes CH� by Biharmonic Poisson Integrals FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,YI Kharkevich , Yayın Yeri:Ukr.Math. J. , 2020Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
On the Recursive Sequence x_(n1) x_(n13)/(1x_(n-1) x_(n-3) x_(n-5) ���x�_(n-11) ) DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences , 2020Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale
The uniform and pointwise estimates for polynomials on the weighted Lebesgue spaces in the general regions of complex plane NACİYE PELİN ÖZKARTEPE,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics , 2019Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.15672/HJMS.2018.639
Uniform Convergence of the Generalized Bieberbach Polynomials in Regions with Simultaneously Exterior and Interior Zero Angles FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Complex Analysis and Operator Theory , 2019Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11785-018-0857-7
Exact constants in direct and inverse approximation theorems for functions of several variables in the spaces Sp FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,NACİYE PELİN ÖZKARTEPE,VIKTOR SAVCHUK,Andrii Shidlich , Yayın Yeri:Filomat , 2019Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.2298/FIL1905471A
Bernstein�Walsh-Type Polynomial Inequalities in Domains Bounded by Piecewise Asymptotically Conformal Curve with Nonzero Inner Angles in the Bergman Space FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK , Yayın Yeri:Ukrainian Mathematical Journal , 2019Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11253-019-01669-w
Application of Faber Polynomials in Proving Combinatorial Identities FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,VIKTOR SAVCHUK , Yayın Yeri:Ukrainian Mathematical Journal , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11253-018-1493-0
Bernstein�Walsh type inequalities in unbounded regions with piecewise asymptotically conformal curve in the weighted Lebesgue space MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Journal of Mathematical Sciences , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Springer) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10958-018-3979-6
Polynomial Inequalities in Regions with Piecewise Asymptotically Conformal Curve in the Weighted Lebesgue Space FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Nurzat Saipidinova,Zaripa Tashpaeva , Yayın Yeri:Advances in Analysis , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) Roo...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.22606/aan.2018.32004
On the sharpness inequalities for orthonormal polynomials along a contour, FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Complex Anal. Oper. Theory , 2017Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11785-017-0640-1
Uniform and pointwise Bernstein Walsh type inequalities on a quasidisk in the complex plane FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,PELİN ÖZKARTEPE , Yayın Yeri:Bulletin of Belg. Math.. Soc. Simon Stevin , 2016Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
On the some properties of the orthogonal polynomials over a contour with general Jacobi weight FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Journal of Math. Sci. , 2016Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Math.Rew.) Özgün Makale
On the growth of algebraic polynomials in the whole complex plane FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,PELİN ÖZKARTEPE , Yayın Yeri:Journal of Korean Math. Soc. , 2015Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
Inequalıtıes for algebraıc polynomıals ın regıons wıth exterıor cusps FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,CEVAHİR DOĞANAY GÜN,Naciye Pelin Özkartepe , Yayın Yeri:Journal of Nonlin. Func. Anal. , 2015Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Math. Rew., Scholar,) Özgün Makale
Tangent metric spaces to starlike sets on the plane OLEKSİY DOVGOSHEY,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEHMET KÜÇÜKASLAN , Yayın Yeri: Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis , 2013Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
An analogue of the Bernstein Walsh lemma in Jordan regions FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,NACİYE PELİN ÖZKARTEPE , Yayın Yeri:Journal of Ineq. And Appl. , 2013Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
On the ımprovement of the rate of convergence of the generalızed Bıeberbach polynomıals ın regıons wıth zero angles FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,ÖZKARTEPEPELİN ÖZKARTEPE , Yayın Yeri:UMJ , 2012Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
On the ımprovement of the rate of convergence of the generalızed Bıeberbach polynomıals ın regıons wıth zero angles FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,NACİYE PELİN ÖZKARTEPE , Yayın Yeri:Ukr. Math. Zh. , 2012Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
On the Poıntwıse Growth of Polynomıals in Unbounded Regıons wıth Quasıconformal Boundary FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,NAZLIM DENİZ ARAL , Yayın Yeri:Cumh. Science Jornal , 2012Ulusal Hakemli Alan endeksleri (ULAKBİM) Özgün Makale
Uniform Convergence of Extremal Polynomials in Domains with Corners and Special Cusps on the Adv ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Koşar C, Küçükaslan M , Yayın Yeri:Adv. in Pure Math , 2011Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Math.Rew.,Scholar.) Özgün Makale
One property of domains with corners ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, I A Shevchuk, T M Zherebko , Yayın Yeri:Zbirnik prats Institutu Matematiki NAN Uklrainu , 2011Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri Özgün Makale
Tangent space of metric spaces sequential approach C FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEHMET KÜÇÜKASLAN,OLEKSIY DOVGOSHEY , Yayın Yeri:Proc. Ukr Math . Cong , 2011Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Zentr.Blatt) Özgün Makale
Bernstein Walsh type estimations for the unbounded regions of complex plane N D Aral N P Ozkartepe ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Proc. AS of Bulgarian Math. Anal. Dif . Equ. and Appl. , 2011Uluslararası Hakemli SCI Özgün Makale
Uniform Convergence of Fourier Series on Compact Subsets ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Sarajevo Journal of Math. , 2010Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri Özgün Makale
Unıform Convergence of Some Extremal Polynomıals In Domaın Wıth Corners on the Boundary ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Koşar C, Küçükaslan M , Yayın Yeri:Journal of Inequalities and Applications , 2010Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri Özgün Makale
On the orthogonal polynomials with weight having singularity on the boundary of regions of the complex plane FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,UĞUR DEĞER , Yayın Yeri: Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. , 2009Uluslararası Hakemli SSCI Özgün Makale
New extremal polynomials and its approximations properties Abdullayev Fahreddin, Küçükaslan M , Yayın Yeri:Novisad Journal of Mathematics , 2009Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Scholar, Math. Rew. Zent.MATH) Özgün Makale
Compact tangent metric spaces ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Dovgoshey A, Küçükaslan M , Yayın Yeri:Reports of the Dep. of Math. Univ. of Helsinki, Preprint , 2008Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Math.Rew., Scholar) Özgün Makale
Logarithmic Asymptotic Behaviour of Norms of Point Evaluation Functionals ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Dovgoshey A, Küçükaslan M , Yayın Yeri:Sib. Math. J. , 2005Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
General Bieberbach polynomials and point evaluations ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Dovgoshey A , Yayın Yeri:Reports of the Dep. of Math. Univ. of Helsinki , 2002Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri Özgün Makale
On the uniform convergence of the generalized Bieberbach polynomials in regions with quasiconformal boundary FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV, Çavuş A , Yayın Yeri:Approx. Theory and its Appl. , 2001Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Math.Rew., Zentr.Math.) Özgün Makale
On the convergence of the Fourier series of orthonormal polynomials in the domain with piesewise smooth boundary ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Küçükaslan Mehmet , Yayın Yeri:Proc. IMM NAN Azerb. , 2001Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Ref. Journal, Math. Rew., Zentr. Math.) Özgün Makale
On the questions of the convergence of the Bieberbach polynomials inside the domains ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Dok. NAS Ukr , 2001Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri Özgün Makale
On the some properties on orthogonal polynomials over the regions of complex plane 1 FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Ukr. Math. J. , 2000Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
Uniform convergence of the generalized Bieberbach polynomials in domains of complex plane FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Approximation theory and its applications , 1999Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Math.Rew. Zentr. NATH Ref. Jour.) Özgün Makale
On the convergence of extremal polynomials in regions on complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Proc. IAMM NAS Ukrainian Theory appox. func. Ukraina , 1998Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler Özgün Makale
Extremal polynomials and their approx properties in domains with zero angles ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Proc. Ins. of Math. and Mech. Acad. Sci. Azerb. Rep. , 1997Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler Özgün Makale
On the properties of orthogonal polynomials in domain with piecewise quasiconform boundary ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Izv. AS Azerb. SSR , 1988Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler Özgün Makale
Representation of orthogonal polynomials on compact Dep ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:in VINITI , 1985Ulusal Hakemli Alan endeksleri Özgün Makale
On the convergence of Fourier series on orthonormal polynomials in domain with arbitrary K quasiconformal boundary FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Izv. AS Azerb. SSR, , 1983Uluslararası Hakemli SCI Özgün Makale
The use of the isometry of function spaces with different numbers of variables in the theory of approximation of functions DM Bushev,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,I. Kal'chuk , Yayın Yeri:Carpathian Mathematical Publications , 2021Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.15330/cmp.13.3.805-817
The use of the isometry of function spaces with different numbers of variables in the theory of approximation of functions DM Bushev,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,I. Kal'chuk , Yayın Yeri:Carpathian Mathematical Publications , 2021Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.15330/cmp.13.3.805-817
On the Recursive Sequence x_(n1) x_(n13)/(1x_(n-1) x_(n-3) x_(n-5) ���x�_(n-11) ) DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences , 2020Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale
On the Recursive Sequence xn1xn�k11xnxn�1�xn�k x_n1\fracx_n-\left(k1\right)1x_nx_n-1\dots x_n-k DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Journal of Mathematical Sciences , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Scopus) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10958-018-3982-y
Bieberbach polynomials relatively of the Borel measure FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Oleksiy Dovgoshey , Yayın Yeri:Dok. NASU. , 2005Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Ref Journal, Scholar, Math.Rew., Zentr.M...) Özgün Makale
On the Recursive Sequence x_(n1) x_(n13)/(1x_(n-1) x_(n-3) x_(n-5) ���x�_(n-11) ) DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences , 2020Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale
Solution of the Rational Difference Equation xn1 xn���13 1xn-1xn-3xn-5xn-7xn-9xn-11 DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences , 2020Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale
Polynomial Inequalities in Regions with Piecewise Asymptotically Conformal Curve in the Weighted Lebesgue Space FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Nurzat Saipidinova,Zaripa Tashpaeva , Yayın Yeri:Advances in Analysis , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) Roo...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.22606/aan.2018.32004
On the Recursive Sequence xn1xn�k11xnxn�1�xn�k x_n1\fracx_n-\left(k1\right)1x_nx_n-1\dots x_n-k DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Journal of Mathematical Sciences , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Scopus) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10958-018-3982-y
Solution of the Rational Difference Equation xn1 xn���13 1xn-1xn-3xn-5xn-7xn-9xn-11 DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences , 2020Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale
Polynomial Inequalities in Regions Bounded by Piecewise Asymptotically Conformal Curve with Nonzero Angles in the Bergman Space GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Anara Taylakova , Yayın Yeri:Advances in Analysis , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) Roo...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.22606/aan.2018.34002
On the Recursive Sequence x_(n1) x_(n13)/(1x_(n-1) x_(n-3) x_(n-5) ���x�_(n-11) ) DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences , 2020Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale
Polynomial Inequalities in Regions Bounded by Piecewise Asymptotically Conformal Curve with Nonzero Angles in the Bergman Space GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Anara Taylakova , Yayın Yeri:Advances in Analysis , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) Roo...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.22606/aan.2018.34002
On the Recursive Sequence x_(n1) x_(n13)/(1x_(n-1) x_(n-3) x_(n-5) ���x�_(n-11) ) DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences , 2020Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale
Solution of the Rational Difference Equation xn1 xn���13 1xn-1xn-3xn-5xn-7xn-9xn-11 DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences , 2020Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale
Bieberbach polynomials relatively of the Borel measure FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Oleksiy Dovgoshey , Yayın Yeri:Dok. NASU. , 2005Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Ref Journal, Scholar, Math.Rew., Zentr.M...) Özgün Makale
Dırect and Inverse Approxımatıon Theorems of Functıons in the Musıelak�Orlıcz type Spaces, FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Stanislav Chaichenko,Andrii Shidlich , Yayın Yeri:Mathematical Inequalities & Applications , 2021Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.7153/mia-2021-24-23
Faber polynomials with common zero FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Meerim Imashkyzy,VIKTOR SAVCHUK , Yayın Yeri:Analysis and Mathematical Physics , 2021Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13324-020-00461-5
Widths of Functional Classes Defined by the Majorants of Generalized Moduli of Smoothness in the Spaces \\mathcalSp FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Anatoliy Serdyuk,Andrii Shidlich , Yayın Yeri:Ukrainian Mathematical Journal , 2021Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11253-021-01963-6
The use of the isometry of function spaces with different numbers of variables in the theory of approximation of functions DM Bushev,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,I. Kal'chuk , Yayın Yeri:Carpathian Mathematical Publications , 2021Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.15330/cmp.13.3.805-817
Isometry of the Subspaces of Solutions of Systems of Differential Equations to the Spaces of Real Functions FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,DM Bushev,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,YI Kharkevich , Yayın Yeri:Ukrainian Mathematical Journal , 2020Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11253-019-01705-9
Direct and inverse approximation theorems in the weighted Orlicz-type spaceswith a variable exponent FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Stanislav Chaichenko,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,Andrii Shidlich , Yayın Yeri:TURKISH JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS , 2020Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.3906/mat-1911-3
The uniform and pointwise estimates for polynomials on the weighted Lebesgue spaces in the general regions of complex plane PELIN ÖZKARTEPE,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics , 2019Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.15672/HJMS.2018.639
Direct and inverse approximation theorems of functions in the Orlicz type spaces x1d4e2M FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Andrii Shidlich,Stanislav Chaichenko , Yayın Yeri:Mathematica Slovaca , 2019Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1515/ms-2017-0314
Uniform and pointwise estimates for algebraic polynomials in regions with interior and exterior zero angles NACİYE PELİN ÖZKARTEPE,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,TUNCAY TUNÇ , Yayın Yeri:Filomat , 2019Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.2298/FIL1902403O
Exact estimates for Faber polynomials and for norm of Faber operator FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,TUNCAY TUNÇ,VIKTOR SAVCHUK , Yayın Yeri:Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations , 2019Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17476933.2019.1591379
Comparison of the best approximation of holomorphic functions from Hardy space FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,VIKTOR SAVCHUK,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK , Yayın Yeri:Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications , 2019Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (JIFACTOR :1.0756) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.22436/jnsa.012.07.01
Polynomial inequalities in quasidisks on weighted Bergman space, FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,TUNCAY TUNÇ,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Ukr. Math. J. , 2017Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
Solutions of the rational difference equations xn1xn�111xn�2xn�5xn�8 DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:AIP Conference Proceedings , 2017Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Mat.Rew) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.5000619
On the recursive sequence xn 1 DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Journal Math. Sci. , 2017Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Math Rew.) Özgün Makale
The algebraic zero condition for orthogonal polynomials over a contour in the weighted Lebesgue spaces FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Proc. IMM NAS Azerbaijan , 2016Uluslararası Hakemli ESCI: Emerging Sources Citation Index Özgün Makale
On the Behavıor of the Algebraıc Polynomıal in Unbounded Regıons wıth Pıecewıse Dını Smooth Boundary FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,PELİN ÖZKARTEPE , Yayın Yeri:Ukr. Math. J. , 2014Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
Metric spaces with unique pretangent spaces Conditions of the uniqueness FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Oleksiy Oleksiy,MEHMET KÜÇÜKASLAN , Yayın Yeri:Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math , 2011Uluslararası Hakemli SSCI Özgün Makale
Bernstein Walsh type estimations for the unbounded regions of complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Aral N D, Ozkartepe N P , Yayın Yeri: Proc. AS of Bulgarian “Math. Anal. Dif . Equ. and Appl. , 2011Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri Özgün Makale
The Relation Between Different Norms of Algebraic Polynomials in the Regions of Complex Plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, ARAL D , Yayın Yeri:Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics , 2011Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri Özgün Makale
On the approximation of analytic functions by Fejer sums of of Faber polynomials ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Zaderey N, Zaderey P , Yayın Yeri:Proc.AS of Bulgarian “Math. Anal. Dif . Equ. and Appl. , 2011Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri Özgün Makale
Solution of the Rational Difference Equation xn1 xn���13 1xn-1xn-3xn-5xn-7xn-9xn-11 DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences , 2020Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale
Polynomial Inequalities in Regions Bounded by Piecewise Asymptotically Conformal Curve with Nonzero Angles in the Bergman Space GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Anara Taylakova , Yayın Yeri:Advances in Analysis , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) Roo...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.22606/aan.2018.34002
On the Recursive Sequence xn1xn�k11xnxn�1�xn�k x_n1\fracx_n-\left(k1\right)1x_nx_n-1\dots x_n-k DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Journal of Mathematical Sciences , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Scopus) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10958-018-3982-y
Compactness and Boundedness of Tangent spaces to Metric Spaces FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Oleksiy Dovgoshey,MEHMET KÜÇÜKASLAN , Yayın Yeri:Beitraege zur Algebra und Geometrie , 2010Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
Letter to the Editor ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Dovgoshey A , Yayın Yeri:Math. Notes , 2006Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
General Bıeberbach Polynomıals ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Dovgoshey OA , Yayın Yeri:Transactions of IAMM of NAS of Ukraine , 2006Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri Özgün Makale
On the convergence of the Bieberbach polynomials inside the domains of the complex plane FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEHMET KÜÇÜKASLAN,TUNCAY TUNÇ , Yayın Yeri:Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. , 2006Uluslararası Hakemli SCI Özgün Makale
On the interference of the weight and boundary contour for orthog polyn over the region ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Journal of Com. Anal. and its Appl. , 2004Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
About an convergence of the Bieberbach Polynomials inside the domains of the complex plane Proc Ukr Math Cong 2001 ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Approx. Theory and Har. Analysis , 2002Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri Özgün Makale
On some properties of orthogonal polynomials over an area with weight having singularity on the boundary contour ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Constructive Theory of Functions, Proc. Int. Conf. Ded. to 70-th birt of B. Sendov , 2002Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri Özgün Makale
On some properties of orthogonal polynomials over an area in domains of the complex plane III FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Ukr. Math. J. , 2001Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
On the convergence of Bieberbach polynomials in domains with interior zero angles Vol No 2 2001 pp 144 A Baki SCI Expanded Abdullayev Fahreddin, Baki A , Yayın Yeri:Complex Variables: Theor. and Appl. , 2001Uluslararası Hakemli SCI-Expanded Özgün Makale
Approximation properties of the generalized Bieberbach polynomials in domain with piecewise quasiconformal boundary ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri: Dokl. Akad. Ukr , 1997Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler Özgün Makale
Uniform convergence of the generalized Bieberbach polynomials in regions with non zero angles Acta Math Hungarica FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri: Acta Math. Hungarica , 1997Uluslararası Hakemli SCI Özgün Makale
On the one extremal problem in L ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Proc. of the 1. Math. conf. Azerb , 1995Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler Özgün Makale
On the convergence of Bieberbach polynomials in domain with picewise quasiconformal boundary ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri: Izv. AS Azerb. SSR. , 1989Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler Özgün Makale
On the convergence of Fourier series in domain with zero angles ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Dokl. AS Azerb. SSR , 1988Uluslararası Hakemli Diğer endeksler Özgün Makale
Polynomial Inequalities in Regions Bounded by Piecewise Asymptotically Conformal Curve with Nonzero Angles in the Bergman Space GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Anara Taylakova , Yayın Yeri:Advances in Analysis , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) Roo...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.22606/aan.2018.34002
Bieberbach polynomials relatively of the Borel measure FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Oleksiy Dovgoshey , Yayın Yeri:Dok. NASU. , 2005Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Ref Journal, Scholar, Math.Rew., Zentr.M...) Özgün Makale
Solution of the Rational Difference Equation xn1 xn���13 1xn-1xn-3xn-5xn-7xn-9xn-11 DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences , 2020Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citati...) Özgün Makale
Polynomial Inequalities in Regions with Piecewise Asymptotically Conformal Curve in the Weighted Lebesgue Space FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Nurzat Saipidinova,Zaripa Tashpaeva , Yayın Yeri:Advances in Analysis , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) Roo...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.22606/aan.2018.32004
On the Recursive Sequence xn1xn�k11xnxn�1�xn�k x_n1\fracx_n-\left(k1\right)1x_nx_n-1\dots x_n-k DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Journal of Mathematical Sciences , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Scopus) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10958-018-3982-y
Polynomial Inequalities in Regions with Piecewise Asymptotically Conformal Curve in the Weighted Lebesgue Space FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Nurzat Saipidinova,Zaripa Tashpaeva , Yayın Yeri:Advances in Analysis , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) Roo...) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.22606/aan.2018.32004
On the Recursive Sequence xn1xn�k11xnxn�1�xn�k x_n1\fracx_n-\left(k1\right)1x_nx_n-1\dots x_n-k DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV , Yayın Yeri:Journal of Mathematical Sciences , 2018Uluslararası Hakemli Alan endeksleri (Scopus) Özgün Makale https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10958-018-3982-y
8. On the orthogonal polynomials in domain with quasiconformal boundary ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Yayın Yeri:Donetsk, Basım sayısı:100,
1. Tek Değişkenli Fonksiyonların İntegral Hesabı ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Kerimov Nazım, Amanov Rabil, Küçükaslan Mehmet, Yayın Yeri:Nobel Yayın Evi, Sayfa sayısı:213, ISBN:..,
1. Tek Değişkenli Fonksiyonların İntegral Hesabı ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Kerimov Nazım, Amanov Rabil, Küçükaslan Mehmet, Yayın Yeri:Nobel Yayın Evi, Sayfa sayısı:213, ISBN:..,
2. Genel Matematik G Abdullayev ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Yayın Yeri:Mersin Üniv., Sayfa sayısı:200, ISBN:..,
2. Genel Matematik G Abdullayev ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Yayın Yeri:Mersin Üniv., Sayfa sayısı:200, ISBN:..,
1. Tek Değişkenli Fonksiyonların İntegral Hesabı ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Kerimov Nazım, Amanov Rabil, Küçükaslan Mehmet, Yayın Yeri:Nobel Yayın Evi, Sayfa sayısı:213, ISBN:..,
1. Tek Değişkenli Fonksiyonların İntegral Hesabı ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Kerimov Nazım, Amanov Rabil, Küçükaslan Mehmet, Yayın Yeri:Nobel Yayın Evi, Sayfa sayısı:213, ISBN:..,
4. Orthogonal polynomials on area and Bieberbach polynomials ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Yayın Yeri:Bakü,
5. On the convergence of Fourier series by orthogonal polynomials with piecewise quasiconform boundary Bölüm Adı:Theory of mapping and approximation., ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Yayın Yeri:Kiev,
6. Inequality of Bernstein Nicolsci type for orthonormal polynomials Bölüm Adı:Theory of function,, ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Yayın Yeri:Bakü,
7. On the orthogonal polynomials in domain with quasiconformal boundary Book Cand deg PhD Thesis ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Yayın Yeri:Donetsk, Basım sayısı:1, Sayfa sayısı:120,
2. Genel Matematik G Abdullayev ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Yayın Yeri:Mersin Üniv., Sayfa sayısı:200, ISBN:..,
2. Genel Matematik G Abdullayev ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Yayın Yeri:Mersin Üniv., Sayfa sayısı:200, ISBN:..,
2. Genel Matematik G Abdullayev ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Yayın Yeri:Mersin Üniv., Sayfa sayısı:200, ISBN:..,
1. Tek Değişkenli Fonksiyonların İntegral Hesabı ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Kerimov Nazım, Amanov Rabil, Küçükaslan Mehmet, Yayın Yeri:Nobel Yayın Evi, Sayfa sayısı:213, ISBN:..,
2. Genel Matematik G Abdullayev ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Yayın Yeri:Mersin Üniv., Sayfa sayısı:200, ISBN:..,
1. Tek Değişkenli Fonksiyonların İntegral Hesabı ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Kerimov Nazım, Amanov Rabil, Küçükaslan Mehmet, Yayın Yeri:Nobel Yayın Evi, Sayfa sayısı:213, ISBN:..,
2. Genel Matematik G Abdullayev ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Yayın Yeri:Mersin Üniv., Sayfa sayısı:200, ISBN:..,
2. Genel Matematik G Abdullayev ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Yayın Yeri:Mersin Üniv., Sayfa sayısı:200, ISBN:..,
3. Orthogonal polynomials on area and Bieberbach polynomials ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Yayın Yeri:Tes. Doc. of Science, Baku,
1. Tek Değişkenli Fonksiyonların İntegral Hesabı ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Kerimov Nazım, Amanov Rabil, Küçükaslan Mehmet, Yayın Yeri:Nobel Yayın Evi, Sayfa sayısı:213, ISBN:..,
1. Tek Değişkenli Fonksiyonların İntegral Hesabı ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Kerimov Nazım, Amanov Rabil, Küçükaslan Mehmet, Yayın Yeri:Nobel Yayın Evi, Sayfa sayısı:213, ISBN:..,
SOLUTIONS OF THE MAXIMUM OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (17.04.2019 -21.04.2019 ) , Yayın Yeri:INES 2019 , 2019Uluslararası Tam metin bildiri
On the orthogonal polynomials with weight ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Int. Sci. Conf. “ Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and their Appl.�Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Parçalı düzgün sınırlı sonsuz bölgelerde cebirsel polinomların farklı normları arasındaki bağıntılar üzerine ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Gün CD , Yayın Yeri:26. Ulusal Matematik Semposyumu,Dicle Üniversitesi, Diyarbakır, 2013.Ulusal Özet bildiri
On the Approximation Properties of Some Extremal Polynomıals in Regions of Complex Plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, OZKARTEPE PELİN , Yayın Yeri:International Conference “Theory of Approximation of Function and its Applications,Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine,Uluslararası Özet bildiri
About an convergence of Bieberbach polynomials inside the domains of the complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Tenth Approximation Theory Conference, MissouriUluslararası Özet bildiri
Convergence of Bieberbach polynomials inside domains of the complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Abs. of Inter. Conference “Advances in Constructive Approximation�Uluslararası Özet bildiri
p Bieberbach Polinomlarının Yakınsaklığı üzerine ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, ÖZKARTEPE PELİN , Yayın Yeri:XXIV. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, Uludağ Ün., BursaUlusal Özet bildiri
Cebirsel Polinomların Ağırlıklı Lebesgue Uzaylarında Değerlendirilmesi ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, ÖZKARTEPE PELİN , Yayın Yeri:26. Ulusal Matematik Semposyumu,Dicle Üniversitesi, Diyarbakır, 2013.Ulusal Özet bildiri
Polynomial Inequalities on Unbounded Regions FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV (19.05.2016 -23.05.2016 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Conf. on Rec. Adv. in Pure and Appl. Math. -2016 , 2016Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the convergence of Bieberbach polynomials in domain with zero angles ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Tez. dokl. conf.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Solution of the Maximum of Difference Equation BURAK OĞUL,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (03.07.2019 -05.07.2019 ) , Yayın Yeri:3. International Conference on Mathematics:“An Istanbul Meeting forWorld Mathematicians� , 2019Uluslararası Tam metin bildiri
Some properties of orthogonal polynomials over the region ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, DEĞER UĞUR , Yayın Yeri:Int. Workshop “ Analysis and its applications�Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On an analogue of Bernsteın Walsh type inequalities in the weighted Bergman space FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,CEVAHİR DOĞANAY GÜN (29.06.2014 -02.07.2014 ) , Yayın Yeri:XVIIth Conference on Analytic Functions and Related Topics, , 2014Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the convergence of the some extremal polynomials in domains with exterior and interior zero angles FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Pelin Özkartepe (26.06.2016 -29.06.2016 ) , Yayın Yeri:XVIIIth Conference on Analytic Functions and Related Topics, , 2016Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the properties of the orthogonal polynomials along a contour FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV (11.05.2017 -15.05.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:4 th. Int. Conf. on Rec. Adv. İn Pure and Appl. Math. (ICRAPAM - 2017) , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the behavior of the algebraic polynomials in regions with cusps, FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV (10.07.2017 -13.07.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Conference “Operators in Morrey-type Spaces and Applications� , Ahi Evran University, Kirsehir, TURKEY , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the Unıform Convergence of Bıeberbach Polynomıals in Regıons wıth Fınıte Number Zero Angles,, pp.43-44. FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (23.10.2019 -23.10.2019 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Conf. �Modern Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics� devoted to the 60th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics , 23-25 October, 2019, Baku, Azerbaijan , 2019Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Uniform Convergence of the Extremal Polynomials in Regions with Simultaneously Cusps FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,NACİYE PELİN ÖZKARTEPE,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV (14.03.2018 -15.03.2018 ) , Yayın Yeri:�Modern Problems of Mathematics and its Applications�, devoted to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the Academician ASRT Mamadsho Ilolovich ILOLOV , 2018Uluslararası Özet bildiri
A note on a theorem of D Gaier ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:The 1. Croatian Math Cong., ZagrebUluslararası Özet bildiri
On the interference conditions of the weight function and contour for orthogonal polynomials FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV (26.06.2016 -29.06.2016 ) , Yayın Yeri:VIIIth Conference on Analytic Functions and Related Topics, , 2016Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On sharp inequalities for orthonormal polynomials along a contour FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (30.05.2016 -04.06.2016 ) , Yayın Yeri:International Conference Complex Analysis and Related Topics, , 2016Uluslararası Özet bildiri
The Two Dimensionel Integral analog of the Lemma Berbstein Walsh in Jordan Domains ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, OZKARTEPE PELİN , Yayın Yeri:International Conference “Mathematical. Analysis., Differential Equarions. and their Applications (MADEA 2012)�,Mersin, Turkey,Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Approximation properties of Fourier series in domains of complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, AKBAS M , Yayın Yeri:Int. Sci. Conf. “ Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and their Appl.�Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Extremal Polynomials in Lp Space and Its Approximation Properties ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, KOSAR C, KÜÇÜKASLAN MEHMET , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf “Math. Anal., Dif. Equ. and Appl.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the interference condition of the weight and contour for orthog polyn ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Tez.. X.Inter. Conf.Approx.Theory and Interp.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the behavior of the algebric polynomials in unbounded regions with piecewise smooth boundary without cusps ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, OZKARTEPE PELİN , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Bogolyubov Readings DIF-201 : “Differential Equarions., Theory of Functions and their Applications�,Sevastopol, UkraineUluslararası Özet bildiri
On the Polynomial Inequalitiesin the Complex Plane, FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Nurzat Saipidinova,Zaripa Tashpaeva (17.06.2018 -23.06.2018 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Mathematical Analysis, Defferential Equations and Applications (MADEA-8)�, , 2018Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the properties of orthogonal polynomials over the regions ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, KÜCÜKASLAN MEHMET , Yayın Yeri:Abs. of Inter. Conference “Advances in Constructive Approximation�,Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the integral analog of Bernstein Walsh Lemma in Jordan regions FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,PELİN ÖZKARTEPE (30.05.2016 -04.06.2016 ) , Yayın Yeri:International Conference Complex Analysis and Related Topics , 2016Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On Lebesgue inequality in theSmirnov space E1 FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,VIKTOR SAVCHUK (17.06.2018 -23.06.2018 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Mathematical Analysis, Defferential Equations and Applications (MADEA-8)�, , 2018Uluslararası Özet bildiri
p Bieberbach Polynomials and theır Approximatıon Properties p 112 113 ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, OZKARTEPE PELİN , Yayın Yeri:International Conference “Wavelents, Theory of Approximation of Function and its Applications,Sankt-PetersburgUluslararası Özet bildiri
On the pointwise convergence of the Fourier series of orthogonal polynomials of complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, KÜCÜKASLAN MEHMET , Yayın Yeri:The I. Turkish World Math Symp.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Assimptotical properties of Bergman polynomials ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Tez. dokl. conf., Baku,Ulusal Özet bildiri
Solution of the Maximum of Difference Equation BURAK OĞUL,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (03.07.2019 -05.07.2019 ) , Yayın Yeri:3. International Conference on Mathematics:“An Istanbul Meeting forWorld Mathematicians� , 2019Uluslararası Tam metin bildiri
Approximation properties of some extremal polynomials in complex plane FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (03.10.2019 -05.10.2019 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Theory of Approx. and Appl.�, 3-5 October 2019, Dnipro, Ukraine, , 2019Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the Convergence of the Fourier Series in the Regions of the complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:, Functional Methods in Approximation Theory and Operator Theory IIIUluslararası Özet bildiri
On an Extremal Problem in Approximation TheoryMay ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:International Conference “Theory of Approximation of Function and its Applications,Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine,Uluslararası Özet bildiri
About an convergence of the Bieberbach Polynomials inside the domains of the complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:XV. National Mathematical Symposium,Mersin University, Mersin, Turkey.Ulusal Özet bildiri
On the polynomial inequalities in the weighted Bergman space Naciye Pelin Özkartepe,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (27.06.2015 -04.07.2015 ) , Yayın Yeri:12th International Kazan school conference “Theory of Functions, its Applications and Related Matters� , 2015Uluslararası Tam metin bildiri
Uniform and Pointwise Polynomial Inequalities in Regions with Cusps in the Weighted Lebesgue Space FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (27.06.2015 -04.07.2015 ) , Yayın Yeri:12th International Kazan school conference “Theory of Functions, its Applications and Related Matters� , 2015Uluslararası Tam metin bildiri
Solutıons of the Ratıonal Dıfference Equatıon DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (20.04.2019 -22.04.2019 ) , Yayın Yeri:The Fourth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (Cmes-2019), Antalya, 20-22 April 2019, , 2019Uluslararası Tam metin bildiri
On the Convergence of Bieberbach Polynomials in Regions With Zero Anglesp ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:International Conference “Wavelents, Theory of Approximation of Function and its Applications,Sankt-Petersburg, RussianUluslararası Özet bildiri
Orthogonal Polynomials with weight on the Complex Plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Ukrainian Mathematical CongressUluslararası Özet bildiri
On the Whitney constants ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, TUNC TUNCAY , Yayın Yeri:Int. Workshop “ Analysis and its applications�Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Uniform Convergence of p Bieberbach Polynomials in Regions with Interior Zero Angles ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, KÜÇÜKASLAN MEHMET, KOŞAR C , Yayın Yeri:International Conference on Mathematics and Mechanics devoted to the 50-th Anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of AzerbaycanUluslararası Özet bildiri
On the uniform convergence of the Bieberbach polynomials in regions with zero angles ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Tez. Dokl. Xİ Semp of math., IspartaUlusal Özet bildiri
Inequality of Bernsteyn Nikol skii type for alcebraic polynomials in domain of complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Tez. The XIII Tur. Math. Symp., Malatya.Ulusal Özet bildiri
Uniform Convergence of Fourier Series on Compact Subset of the Complex Plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Küçükaslan M , Yayın Yeri:XXII. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, Şirince İzmirUlusal Özet bildiri
Solition of the Rational of Difference Equations , Int. Conf. on Math. and Eng. DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (10.05.2017 -12.05.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Conf. on Math. and Eng., 10-12 May, 2017 Istanbul, Turkey , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Nikolskii type inequalities algebraic polynomials in regions with cusps FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Naciye Pelin Özkartepe (25.05.2015 -29.05.2015 ) , Yayın Yeri:Inter.Conf. “Function spaces and the theory of approximation of functions� ded. to the 110th anniversary of acad. S.M. Nikol’skii, , 2015Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Uniform and Pointwise Inequalities for Algebraic Polynomials on a Regions in the Complex Plane FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (19.05.2016 -23.05.2016 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Conf. on Rec. Adv. in Pure and Appl. Math. -2016 , 2016Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the properties of the algebraic polynomials FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,TUNCAY TUNÇ,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV (28.05.2017 -03.06.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:in , Int. Math. Conf. “ Theory of Approxımatıon of Functıons and its Applıcatıons�, in honor of 75th anniversary of Corr. Member of NAS of Ukraine, Prof. A. Stepanets (1942 - 2007) , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Solition of the maximum difference equation, DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (14.03.2018 -15.03.2018 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Modern Problems in Mathematics and Applications�, , 2018Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the Some Polynomıal Inequalıtıes on Whole Complex Plane, September 13-15, 2018, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, (Abdullayev G. A.). FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV (13.09.2018 -15.09.2018 ) , Yayın Yeri:VI International Conference �Modern Problems of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies- Al-Khorezmiy 2018�, , 2018Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Nikolskii-Walsh type inequalities in the complex plane FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (14.11.2019 -15.11.2019 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Sci. Conf. “Actual problems of applıed mathematıcs and ınformatıon technologıes� , 14-15 November, 2019, Tashkent, Uzbekistan , 2019Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the Pointwise Convergence of the Fourier Series of Orthonormal Polynomials in the Regions with Zero Angles ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, AKBAŞ M , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf “Math. Anal., Dif. Equ. and Appl.�Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the orthogonal polynomials over the region ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Inter. Conf. of Math.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Extremal polynomials in approximation theory ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, KÜÇÜKASLAN MEHMET , Yayın Yeri:Int. Sci. Conf. “ Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and their Appl.�Uluslararası Özet bildiri
About an convergence of Bieberbach polynomials inside and closure the domains of the complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Int. Sci. Conf. “VI-th Bogolubov Readings�Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the interference condition of the weight and contour for orthog polyn ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Tez.. X.Inter. Conf.Approx.Theory and Interp.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the uniform convergence of the extremal polynomials in domains with K quasiconformal boundary ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, ÇAVUŞ A , Yayın Yeri:Tez. Dokl. the Second Cong. of Art Sci. ManisaUlusal Özet bildiri
Köşe noktalarına sahip bölgelerde bazı ekstremal polinomların düzgün yakınsaklığı ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Küçükaslan M, Koşar C , Yayın Yeri:5. Ankara Matematik GünleriUlusal Özet bildiri
Comparing Norms of Algebraic Polynomials in Various Regions of the Coplex Plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, ARAL D , Yayın Yeri:International Conference “Mathematical. Analysis., Differential Equarions. and their Applications (MADEA 2012)�,Mersin, TurkeyUluslararası Özet bildiri
On the uniform convergence of the generalized Bieberbach polynomials in regions with K quasiconformal boundary ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, ÇAVUŞ A , Yayın Yeri:Tez. Dokl.VIII. Semp of math., Adana, 1995Ulusal Özet bildiri
On the rate of the convergence to zero of the sequence of the Orthogonal Polynomials which defined over the region ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, KÜÇÜKASLAN MEHMET , Yayın Yeri:XV. National Mathematical Symposium, Mersin University, Mersin, TurkeyUlusal Özet bildiri
Polynomial estimations in regions of complex plane in the weighted Lebesgue space ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN (29.06.2014 -02.07.2014 ) , Yayın Yeri:XVIIth Conference on Analytic Functions and Related Topics, , 2014Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On some polynomial inequalities for regions with piecewise smooth boundary with zero angles, TUNCAY TUNÇ,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (22.08.2017 -24.08.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:CMC II, Van, TURKEY, , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Uniform and pointwise estimates for algebraic polynomials inregions with asymptotically conformal curve TUNCAY TUNÇ,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (06.12.2017 -08.12.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:Modern problems of Mathematics and Mechanics , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the convergence of the Fourier series with orthogonal polynomials inside and on the boundary of the region ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, KÜCÜKASLAN MEHMET , Yayın Yeri:Constructive Function Theory, Int. Conf. Ded. to 70-th birt. of B. SendovUluslararası Özet bildiri
On some properties of orthogonal polynomials over an area ABDULLAYEV FAHREDİN, DEGER UGUR , Yayın Yeri:. Int. Sci. Conf.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Uniform Convergence of the p Bierberbach Polynomials in Regions with Zero Angles International Mathematical Conference ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:International Mathematical Conference “Mathematical. Analysis., Differential Equarions. and their ApplicationsUluslararası Özet bildiri
Representation of the analytic functions by Fourier series with orthogonal polynomials over the region ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Küçükaslan M , Yayın Yeri:XIV. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, TürkiyeUlusal Özet bildiri
Voronovskaya-type theorem for bounded holomorphic functions, Harmonic Analysis and PDE FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,VIKTOR SAVCHUK (26.05.2019 -31.05.2019 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Conf. honor of V. Maz’xxya, May 26-31, 2019, Holon, Israel , 2019Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Uniform Convergenge of some Extremal Polynomials when Domain has certain singularity on the Boundary ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, KÜÇÜKASLAN MEHMET , Yayın Yeri:The Third Congress of the world Mathematical Society of Turkish CountriesUluslararası Özet bildiri
On the behavior of the algebric polynomials in unbounded regions with piecewise smooth boundary without cusps ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Gün CD, Ozkartepe N P , Yayın Yeri:Int.Math.Conf. Istanbul.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the convergence of the generalized Bieberbach polynomials in domain of complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Tez. dokl. Inter. Conf. Approx. Theory and its Appl.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the behavior of the algebric polynomials on whole complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, GÜN CD , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Bogolyubov Readings DIF-201 : “Differential Equarions., Theory of Functions and their Applications�,Sevastopol, UkraineUluslararası Özet bildiri
On the pointwise convergence of the Fourier series of orthogonal polynomials of complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, KÜCÜKASLAN MEHMET , Yayın Yeri:The I. Turkish World Math Symp.,Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Convergence of the GBP in domains of the complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Tez. Dokl. Semp. of Math. SakaryaUlusal Özet bildiri
Polynomial inequalities in the weighted Bergman space FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI (20.06.2019 -26.06.2019 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conference Functional methods in approximation theory, differential equations and numerical mathematics IV� dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V. K. Dzyadyk (1919-1998) - June 20-26, 2019, Volyn, Ukraine, , 2019Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the Properties of the Algebraic Polynomials in L p , 0 p. FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,TUNCAY TUNÇ,GULNARE ABDULLAYEV (28.05.2017 -02.06.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:THEORY OF APPROXIMATION OF FUNCTIONS AND ITS APPLICATIONS , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the chaotical solition of boundary value problem nonlinear for the sistem with too hyperbolic equation ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Aliyev SY , Yayın Yeri:Proc. Conf. of Math. and Mech., BakuUlusal Özet bildiri
Bieberbach polynomials and their approx properties ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Baki A , Yayın Yeri:Tez. Dokl. Semp. of Math. BalikesirUlusal Özet bildiri
On the uniform boundedness of the Bergman polynomials ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Güveli H , Yayın Yeri:Tez. IX. Semp. Math., IstanbulUlusal Özet bildiri
On the interference condition of the weight and contour for orthog polyn ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Tez.. X.Inter. Conf.Approx.Theory and Interp.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the behavior of the algebric polynomials on whole complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, GÜN CD , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Bogolyubov Readings DIF-201 : “Differential Equarions., Theory of Functions and their Applications�,Sevastopol, UkraineUluslararası Özet bildiri
On the behavior of the algebric polynomials in unbounded regions with piecewise smooth boundary without cusps ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN (23.06.2013 -30.06.2013 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Bogolyubov Readings DIF-201 : “Differential Equarions., Theory of Functions and their Applications� , 2013Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the growth of the algebraic polynomials on whole complex plane with respect to norm of Lebesgue space, FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,TUNCAY TUNÇ,Ali Zeynel Sonay (10.07.2017 -13.07.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Conference Operators in Morrey-type Spaces and Applications� , 10-13 July 2017 , Ahi Evran University, Kirsehir, TURKEY, , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the Recursive Sequence, DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (19.06.2017 -22.06.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:The III International Conference �Actual Problems of Theory Control, Topology and Operator Equations�,, Bishkek-Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Solution of the Maximum of Difference Equations DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (10.05.2017 -12.05.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Conf. on Math. and Eng. Istanbul, Turkey , , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Approximation properties of the extremal polynomialsin regions with simultaneously exterior and interior cusps, NACİYE PELİN ÖZKARTEPE,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (17.06.2018 -23.06.2018 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Mathematical Analysis, Defferential Equations and Applications (MADEA-8)�, , 2018Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Solution of rational difference equation, DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (14.03.2018 -15.03.1918 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Modern Problems in Mathematics and Applications�, , 1918Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the relationship betweenmoduli of smoothness and K-functionals of functions in Sp, FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,Andrii Shidlich (17.06.2018 -23.06.2018 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Mathematical Analysis, Defferential Equations and Applications (MADEA-8)�, , 2018Uluslararası Özet bildiri
The Growth of the Norm Algebraıc Polynomıals of the Whole Complex Plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Aral D, Özkartepe P , Yayın Yeri:The 4th Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Sosiety , Baku, Azerbaycan.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the one suffıcient condıtıon for sharp estımation of orthonormal polynomials over a contour of the complex plane FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV (12.07.2016 -15.07.2016 ) , Yayın Yeri:3th Int. Conf. on Analysis and Its Applications (ICAA -2016) , 2016Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the Uniform Convergence of p-Bieberbach Polynoiıals in Domains of Complex Plane, FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (04.06.2017 -08.06.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Conf. �Complex and Harmonic Analysis III� Holon/Haifa, Israel, , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the behavior of the algebric polynomials in unbounded regions with piecewise smooth boundary without cusps ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, OZKARTEPE PELİN , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Bogolyubov Readings DIF-201 : “Differential Equarions., Theory of Functions and their Applications�,Sevastopol, UkraineUluslararası Özet bildiri
On the convergence of Bieberbach polynomials in domain with zero angles ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:The 2-nd Türk Azerb. math. semp.Uluslararası Tam metin bildiri
SOLUTIONS OF THE RATIONAL DIFFERENCE EQUATION DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (17.04.2019 -21.04.2019 ) , Yayın Yeri:INES 2019 , 2019Uluslararası Tam metin bildiri
Solution of the Maximum of Difference Equation BURAK OĞUL,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (03.07.2019 -05.07.2019 ) , Yayın Yeri:3. International Conference on Mathematics:“An Istanbul Meeting forWorld Mathematicians� , 2019Uluslararası Tam metin bildiri
Solution of the Maximum of Difference Equation BURAK OĞUL,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (03.07.2019 -05.07.2019 ) , Yayın Yeri:3. International Conference on Mathematics:“An Istanbul Meeting forWorld Mathematicians� , 2019Uluslararası Tam metin bildiri
Solutıons of the Ratıonal Dıfference Equatıon, , pp. 468-475 (D.Şimşek, B.Oğul) (Tam Metin). DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (20.04.2019 -22.04.2019 ) , Yayın Yeri:The Fourth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (Cmes-2019), Antalya, 20-22 April 2019 , 2019Uluslararası Tam metin bildiri
convergence of Bieberbach polynomials in domain with zero angles ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:The 3-nd Türk-Azerb. Math. Semp. TrabzonUluslararası Özet bildiri
On the interference condition of the weight and contour for orthog polyn ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Tez.. X.Inter. Conf.Approx.Theory and Interp.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
New extremal polynomials and their approximation properties ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, KÜCÜKASLAN MEHMET , Yayın Yeri:Int. Sci. Conf. “ Potential Theory and their Appl.�Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the properties of orthogonal polynomials over the region ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Int. Sci. Conf. “VI-th Bogolubov Readings�Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Ağırlıklı Bergman Polinomlarının Yerel Davranısı üzerine ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, KÜÇÜKASLAN M , Yayın Yeri:6. Ankara Matematik Günleri, Hacettepe Üniv., AnkaraUlusal Özet bildiri
Polynomial inequalities in regions of complex plane FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (08.09.2015 -13.09.2015 ) , Yayın Yeri:International Conference “Matmetatical Analysis, Differential Equations and their Applications� (MADEA 7) , 2015Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Extremal polynomials in problem of approximation of analytic function, FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV (19.06.2017 -22.06.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:The III International Conference �Actual Problems of Theory Control, Topology and Operator Equations�, Bishkek-Cholpon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan, , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the some sharp inequalities for orthogonal polynomials, FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV (28.05.2017 -03.06.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “ Theory of Approxımatıon of Functıons and its Applıcatıons�, in honor of 75th anniversary of Corr. Member of NAS of Ukraine, Prof. A. Stepanets (1942 - 2007) , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the quetions of convergence of Bieberbach polynomials inside the domains of the complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Tez. dokl. Ukr. Math. Cong.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On some properties of orthogonal polynomials over an area with weight having singularity on the boundary contour ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Constructive Function Theory, Int. Conf. Ded. to 70-th birt. of B. Sendov,Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the Bernsteın Walsh Type Lemma s in Regıons of the Complex Plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:International Mathematical Conference “Mathematical. Analysis., Differential Equarions. and their Applications �,Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Approximation properties of some extreme polynomials in a complex plane FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI (15.09.2019 -20.09.2019 ) , Yayın Yeri:China-Central Asia Joint Meeting in Mathematics, 15-20 September 2019. Sichuan University, Chengdu, China , 2019Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Uniform estimates for polynomial approximation in domains with corners ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, I A Shevchuk , Yayın Yeri:. Int. Workshop “ Analysis and its applications�Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the behavior of the algebric polynomials in unbounded regions with piecewise smooth boundary without cusps ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, OZKARTEPE PELİN , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Bogolyubov Readings DIF-201 : “Differential Equarions., Theory of Functions and their Applications�,Sevastopol, UkraineUluslararası Özet bildiri
On the Convergence of Some Extremal Polynomıals in Domaıns of Complex Plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:International Conference “In Modern Analysis,Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the behavior of the algebric polynomials in unbounded regions with piecewise smooth boundary without cusps ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, OZKARTEPE PELİN , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Bogolyubov Readings DIF-201 : “Differential Equarions., Theory of Functions and their Applications�,Sevastopol, UkraineUluslararası Özet bildiri
About an convergence of the Bieberbach polynomials of the complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, TUNC TUNCAY , Yayın Yeri:Int. Sci. Conf.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Cebirsel Polinomların Kompleks Düzlemde Danranışları ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:26. Ulusal Matematik Semposyumu,Dicle Üniversitesi, Diyarbakır,Ulusal Özet bildiri
On the Polynomial Inequalities in the Weighted Lebesgue Spaces FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV (13.04.2016 -15.04.2016 ) , Yayın Yeri:2nd Workshop on Complex and Harmonic Analysis , 2016Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the growth rate of algebraic polynomials through their norm in Bergman space FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,PELİN ÖZKARTEPE (12.07.2016 -15.07.2016 ) , Yayın Yeri:3th Int. Conf. on Analysis and Its Applications (ICAA -2016) , 2016Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Direct and inverse approximation theorems in the spaces Sp, FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV,Andrii Shidlich (17.06.2018 -23.06.2018 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Mathematical Analysis, Defferential Equations and Applications (MADEA-8)�, , 2018Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On pointwise estimation of orthogonal over an area polynomials in domains of complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Tez. dokl. conf.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the Weight Markoff Bernstein Type Inequalities ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, ARAL D , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf “Math. Anal., Dif. Equ. and Appl.�Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the convergence of Fourier series in domain of complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Theory approx. func.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
The relation between different norms of algebraic polynomials ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, ARAL N D , Yayın Yeri:Int. Sci. Conf. “ Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and their Appl.�Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Extremal polynomials and their approx properties in domains of complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, KUCUKASLAN MEHMET, TUNC TUNCAY , Yayın Yeri:Int. Sci. Conf. “Problems of Modern Mathematics and Mechanics�Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Inequalities of Bernstein Nicholski kind for polynomialsin domain with quasiconformal boundary ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Tez. dokl. conf.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Bernstein Walsh Type Estrimates fot the Various Regions of the Coplex Plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Gün CD, Özkartepe P , Yayın Yeri:International Conference “Mathematical. Analysis., Differential Equarions. and their Applications (MADEA 2012)�,Mersin, TurkeyUluslararası Özet bildiri
Solution of the Maximum of Difference Equation BURAK OĞUL,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (03.07.2019 -05.07.2019 ) , Yayın Yeri:3. International Conference on Mathematics:“An Istanbul Meeting forWorld Mathematicians� , 2019Uluslararası Tam metin bildiri
Ekstremal Polinomlar ve Yaklaşım Özellikleri ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Küçükaslan MEHMET , Yayın Yeri:XXI. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, Koç Üniversitesi, İstanbul.Ulusal Özet bildiri
On the properties of the orthogonal polynomials along a contour. FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV (11.05.2017 -15.05.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:4 th. Int. Conf. on Rec. Adv. İn Pure and Appl. Math. (ICRAPAM - 2017), , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Extrernal properties of orthogonal polynomials on volume ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Non-smooth Anal. and its Appl. to math. ec.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
The Behavior of Algebraic Polynomials on Whole Complex Plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:International Conference “Mathematical. Analysis., Differential Equarions. and their Applications (MADEA 2012),Mersin, TurkeyUluslararası Özet bildiri
p Bıeberbach Polynomıals and theır Approxımatıon Propertıes in Domaıns wıth Zero Angles ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, Ozkartepe Pelin , Yayın Yeri:International Conference “In Modern Analysis,Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Uniform convergence of Bieberbach polynomials of in domains with piecewise quasiconformal boundary ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Tez. IX. Semp. Math., IstanbulUlusal Özet bildiri
On the Orthogonal Polynomials Along a Contour with Singuler Weight Function FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,MEERİM İMAŞ KIZI,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK (14.03.2018 -15.03.2019 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Modern Problems in Mathematics and Applications� , 2019Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Faber polynomialswith common zero are associated with the Lambert functionW, , FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,VIKTOR SAVCHUK,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK (17.06.2018 -23.06.2018 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Mathematical Analysis, Defferential Equations and Applications (MADEA-8)�, , 2018Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the growth of modulus of algebraic polynomials in Bergman space CEVAHİR DOĞANAY GÜN,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (17.06.2018 -23.06.2018 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Mathematical Analysis, Defferential Equations and Applications (MADEA-8)�, , 2018Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the behavior of the algebric polynomials in unbounded regions with piecewise smooth boundary without cusps ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, OZKARTEPE PELİN , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Bogolyubov Readings DIF-201 : “Differential Equarions., Theory of Functions and their Applications�,Sevastopol, UkraineUluslararası Özet bildiri
Polynomial inequalities on the whole complex plane, FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Meerim Imashkyzy (02.10.2017 -05.10.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:VI Congress of Turkic World Mathematical Society (TWMS 2017) , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Extremal polynomials and their approximation properties in complex plane, FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV (23.07.2018 -27.07.2018 ) , Yayın Yeri:5th Int. Conf. On Rec. Adv. İn Pure and Appl. Math. (ICRAPAM-2018) , 2018Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the higher order orthonormal polynomials with weight in domain with quasiconformal boundary ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Complex method in mathem. physics,Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Approximation properties of the p Bieberbach polynomials in domain with zero angles FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Naciye Pelin Özkartepe (08.09.2015 -13.09.2015 ) , Yayın Yeri:International Conference “Matmetatical Analysis, Differential Equations and their Applications� (MADEA 7 , 2015Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Bernstein Walsh type inequalities on the piecewise smooth regions of complex plane FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (29.06.2014 -02.07.2014 ) , Yayın Yeri:XVIIth Conference on Analytic Functions and Related Topics , 2014Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the “intergfernce� of contour and weight function for orthogonal polynomials along a contour, DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Meerim Imashkyzy,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (28.05.2017 -03.06.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “ Theory of Approxımatıon of Functıons and its Applıcatıons�, in honor of 75th anniversary of Corr. Member of NAS of Ukraine, Prof. A. Stepanets (1942 - 2007) , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the growth of the algebraic polynomials on whole complex plane with respect to norm of Bergman space, FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,TUNCAY TUNÇ,Eda Oruç (10.07.2017 -13.07.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Conference “Operators in Morrey-type Spaces and Applications� , Ahi Evran University, Kirsehir, , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Solutions of the rational difference equations xn1xn�111xn�2xn�5xn�8 DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,Burak Oğul,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (02.10.2017 -05.10.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:VI Congress of Turkic World Mathematical Society (TWMS 2017) , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the Orthogonal Polynomials along a Contour, FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV (02.10.2017 -05.10.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:VI Congress of Turkic World Mathematical Society (TWMS 2017), , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Polynomial inequalities in regions with cusps FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,GÜLNARA ABDULLAYEV (21.08.2017 -27.08.2017 ) , Yayın Yeri:13th International Kazan school-conference “Theory of Functions, its Applications and Related Matters� (Kazan, 21 � 27 Agustos 2017), , 2017Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Exact estimates for norms of faber polynomials and for norm of faber Operator FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV,Viktor Savchuk,TUNCAY TUNÇ (14.03.2018 -15.03.2018 ) , Yayın Yeri:Modern problems of mathematics and its applications , 2018Uluslararası Özet bildiri
Solution of the Maximum of Difference Equation BURAK OĞUL,DAĞISTAN ŞİMŞEK,FAHREDDİN ABDULLAYEV (03.07.2019 -05.07.2019 ) , Yayın Yeri:3. International Conference on Mathematics:“An Istanbul Meeting forWorld Mathematicians� , 2019Uluslararası Tam metin bildiri
On the interference condition of the weight and contour for orthog polyn ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN , Yayın Yeri:Tez.. X.Inter. Conf.Approx.Theory and Interp.Uluslararası Özet bildiri
On the behavior of the algebric polynomials on whole complex plane ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN, GÜN CD , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Bogolyubov Readings DIF-201 : “Differential Equarions., Theory of Functions and their Applications�,Sevastopol, UkraineUluslararası Özet bildiri
On the behavior of the algebric polynomials in unbounded regions with piecewise smooth boundary without cusps ABDULLAYEV FAHREDDİN (23.06.2013 -30.06.2013 ) , Yayın Yeri:Int. Math. Conf. “Bogolyubov Readings DIF-201 : “Differential Equarions., Theory of Functions and their Applications� , 2013Uluslararası Özet bildiri
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