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Nomadic pastoralism and interaction zones (The case of pre-Soviet Kyrgyz pastoralism)


This paper re-conceptualizes the four-seasonal cycling tradition of pre-Soviet Kyrgyz pastoralism, reconsidering the existing archival and oral materials. It argues that the summer quarters (zhailoo) in nomadic cycling were core contact zones for whole clan-based Kyrgyz community in pre-Soviet time whereas, the other winter, spring and autumn quarters remained in the margins. In addition, since all small and large nomadic groups from different regions were interacting in summer quarter, practicing the common language, ceremonies and traditions, this quarter also was preventing the emergence of ...Более

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Today's style of publication in the press and the new experience of its classification


Language and style are terms that are often used interchangeably but they should be considered as two fundamentally different elements. While it existed, the language indirectly or directly limited its own form and thought side, and while it was used, it included social and communication areas. The language phenomenon alone represents a field, but the use of language in different areas creates the styles of language use. As a result, the classification review has been evaluated and taking into account the changes, there is an attemption a new classification of press release style. Keyword: sty ...Более

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The process of Islamization of the population of Issyk-Kul region in 9th - 12th centuries on the basis of materials from epigraphic gravestones = Процесс исламизации населения Иссык-Кульской долины в IX-XII вв. на основе эпиграфических памятников

Kayrat BELEK

The article examines the process of Islamization of the Semirechye region in the 9th - 12th centuries on the basis of a comparative analysis of materials from epigraphic gravestones with data from written sources. At the same time, special attention is paid to the texts of newly discovered epitaphs in the Issyk-Kul valley during archaeological and archaeographic expeditions. Keyword: epigraphic monuments, Semirechye, Islamization, Sufi sheikhs, Karakhanids, Central Asia В статье рассматривается процесс исламизации региона Семиречья в IX-XII вв. на основе сопоставительного анализа материалов на ...Более

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The artifact “yurt” as an object of Kyrgyz and Tuvan linguoculture = Артефакт «юрта» как объект киргизской и тувинской лингвокультуры


The “yurt” artifact is a part of the Kyrgyz and Tuvan peoples’ systems of cultural values. As a cognitive mechanism, language offers its own linguistic and creative interpretation. This paper considers the artifact “Yurt” in terms of cognitive linguistics by analyzing the concepts of boz üy and ѳg. The linguistic and cultural analysis of these concepts made it possible to reveal the specificity of their ethnolinguistic perception that discovers the role, place, and significance of “yurt” in the linguistic worldview of the Kyrgyz and the Tuvan peoples. Common cultural and linguistic roots of th ...Более

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İbrahim Halil SUGÖZÜ

In the study, panel data analysis was conducted on 32 OECD countries covering the period 1990-2018. To analyse the effect of energy consumption on economic growth, first, a cross-section de-pendence test of the variables was carried out, then CADF Test, which is the most suitable unit root test based on the obtained results results, was applied. According to the findings of the Hausman, autocor-relation, and heteroscedasticity tests, it has been decided to use the Driscoll-Kraay test for the model's forecast. The forecast results demonstrate that energy consumption positively affects economic ...Более

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Bilingualism and bimentality of the writer. on the works of Chingiz Aitmatov = Билингвизм и двументальность писателя. о творчестве Чингиза Айтматова


The article is devoted to the problem of the interdependence of bilingualism of Chingiz Aitmatov as a linguistic component of his creativity and mentality as a manifestation of the identity of the author’s consciousness. The article raises the problem of Ch. Aitmatov’s mental understanding of purely Russian cultural values and realities; the question arises whether the writer’s creativity can be regarded as a phenomenon of complete cognitive development by the writer’s bilingual consciousness. The analysis made it possible to postulate certain conclusions related to the parity coexistence of t ...Более

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The review of the monograph: “The living space and the spiritual world of man through the prism of the languages of Siberia,” = Рецензия на книгу: Жизненное пространство и духовный мир человека через призму языков Сибири


The monograph under review explores the universal concepts of LIFE, DEATH, SOUL, and MOTHERLAND in the languages of the indigenous peoples of Siberia. These languages originate from three distinct language families: Turkic, Tungusic-Manchurian, and Finno-Ugric. The authors provide a comprehensive analysis of these axiologically significant concepts, revealing the similarities and differences in perception and their linguistic interpretation. The work consistently follows the methodology based on the principles of linguocognitive and linguocultural analysis along with comparative-historical ver ...Более

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Composite Bows from Uch-kurbu in Kyrgyzstan


The article addresses the topic of composite bows from nomadic sites in Tien Shan and Zhetysu. Horn plates from bows discovered in 2008–2009 at Uch-Kurbu on the Tosor River, the Issyk-Kul Depression (Kyrgyzstan), are described and analyzed. The original design of the wooden core of the bow and the location of horn plates thereon are reconstructed. Based on our earlier classification of weapons, these are composite bows of the Xiongnu-Xianbei period. Two subtypes are identified, based on the design of plates at the ends of the bow. Evidently, composite bows with end, medio-lateral, and medio-fr ...Более

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Традиции, связанные с животными, в погребальной практике кочевников Тянь-Шаня = TRADITIONS WITH ANIMALS IN BURIALS OF TIEN-SHAN NOMADS


Анализируется один из элементов погребального обряда кочевников Тянь-Шаня. В эпоху раннего железа, Великого переселения народов и в Средние века здесь существовали устойчивые традиции, связанные с поло-жением погребальной пищи рядом с погребенным. В этом качестве использовали определенную часть туши овцы или барана. При раскопках рядовых курганов раннего железного века часто встречается курдючная часть туши (крестец), которая нередко обнаруживалась и в женских погребениях. В курганах первой половины I тыс. н. э. найдены бедренная кость и крестец. Рядом с умершим клали также вырубленный фрагмен ...Более

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Коллекция железных наконечников стрел в собрании древностей музея Башня Бурана в Кыргызстане = COLLECTION OF IRON ARROWHEADS IN THE COLLECTION OF THE MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES BURANA IN KYRGYZSTAN


Анализируются железные наконечники стрел, хранящиеся в составе коллекции музея Башня Бурана в Кыргызстане. По сведениям, полученным от сотрудников музея Башня Бурана, большая часть их была в разное время обнаружена в процессе проведения раскопок и сборов на площади Буранинского городища Лишь один наконеч ник найден в ходе поиска археологических памятников в горном ущелье Шамши расположенном к югу от Бураны Нами проведен классификационный анализ стрел Исследуемая коллекция содержит предметы различных форм Все они имеют черешковый насад для крепления в древках По сечению и форме пера выделяется ...Более

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