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Agriculture and VeterinaryKyrgyz-Turkish Manas University Institutional Collection
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Effect of Calf Delivery Mode on Irisin, Asprosin, Leptin, Adiponectin, and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Levels in Dairy Cattle and their Calves


In recent years, the investigation of peptide and protein-structured hormones in biological fluids has become one of the most striking issues. The aim of this study was to determine irisin, asprosin, leptin, adiponectin, and IGF-1 levels in cows and calves after calving according to the mode of delivery. The study was carried out with 20 Holstein cows and 20 calves born from these cows. Blood samples were taken from cows and calves in all groups during birth, after drinking colostrum from calves and on the 15th, 30th, 45th and 60th days after birth in 10 ml tubes. The levels of the aforementio ...More

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Hematologic, Blood Gas, Cardiac Biomarkers and Serum Biochemical Parameters in Calves with Atresia Coli and Theirs Relationship with Prognosis


Background: Atresia coli is an intestinal anomaly. Generally, absence of defecation in calves less than 10 days old, diminishing appetite, progressing abdominal distention and time-developing depression are reported in atresia coli. Although a calf consumes its milk normally in first days, loss of appetite develops over time. Occasional minor pain indications are observed. The objective of this study was to evaluate of hematologic, blood gases, cardiac biomarkers and serum biochemical parameters before operation in calves with atresia coli, and to investigate relationship with prognosis of the ...More

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Sağlıklı, ishalli ve prematüre buzağılarda eritromisin ve betanekolün abomazal boşalma oranına etkisi = The effects on abomasal emptying rate of erythromycin and bethanechol in healthy, premature and diarrheic calves


Amaç: Bu araştırmada sağlıklı, ishalli ve prematüre buzağılarda, prokinetik ajanlardan olan eritromisin ve betanekolün abomazal boşalma oranı üzerine etkisini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırmada 5 adet sağlıklı, 12 adet ishalli ve 12 adet prematüre buzağı kullanıldı. Bu üç gruptaki buzağılar da kendi aralarında da gruplandırılarak, bir gruba IM 10 mg/kg dozunda eritromisin verildi, bir gruba IM 0,07 mg/kg dozunda betanekol verildi, bir diğer gruba ise herhangi bir ilaç uygulaması yapılmadı ve ardından tüm gruplara süt ikamesi içirildi. Gastrointestinal motiliteyi asetaminofe ...More

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Investigation of cytokine levels in calves with naturally occurring sepsis

İsmail ŞEN

This study aimed to detect changes in clinical parameters, biochemical and serum cytokine levels in calves with naturally occurring sepsis. In the study, 34 calves diagnosed with sepsis according to clinical and laboratory results and 7 calves deemed to be healthy according to clinical and laboratory results were used. The blood sampling was performed by jugular venapuncture for hematological and biochemical analysis and the determination of cytokine levels. Significant changes were observed in the clinical parameters of calves with sepsis. Serum concentrations of IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-a ...More

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The Usefulness of Serum Brain Damage Biomarkers in Detection and Evaluation of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy in Calves with Perinatal Asphyxia


Simple Summary The objective of the present study was to determine hypoxic brain damage in calves with perinatal asphyxia using brain-specific damage biomarkers. Ten healthy calves and 25 calves with perinatal asphyxia were enrolled in the study. Consciousness evaluation and laboratory analyses were performed at admission, 24, 48, and 72 h. Serum concentrations of brain-related biomarkers were measured to assess brain injury. Moreover, histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations of the brain tissue were performed in 13 nonsurvivor calves. The consciousness level of the calves with a ...More

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Buzağılarda Pasif Transfer Yetmezliğinin Belirlenmesinde Kullanılan Yöntemler


Buzağılara IgG’nin transferi olarak adlandırılan pasif immune transfer ancak maternal kolostrum alınmasıyla gerçekleşir. Yetersiz kolostral IgG’nin alımı ya da absorbsiyonu pasif transfer yetmezliğine neden olmaktadır. Buzağılarda pasif transfer yetmezliğin belirlenmesi için çeşitli analiz metodları bulunmaktadır. Bu derlemede buzağılarda pasif transfer yetmezliğin tespitinde kullanılan yöntemler ve bu yöntemlerin avantaj ve dezavantajları anlatılmıştır.

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Yenidoğan İshalli Buzağılarda Mortalite İndikatörü Olarak Kan Laktat, Glikoz, Total Protein ve Gama Glutamil Transferaz Seviyeleri

İsmail ŞEN

Bu çalışmanın amacı, yenidoğan ishalli buzağılarda prognoz ve mortalite indikatörü olarak hangi parametrelerin kullanılabileceğini araştırmaktı. Araştırmada 51 yenidoğan ishalli buzağı kullanıldı. İshalli buzağılar ölen (n=16) ve hayatta kalan (n=35) olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. Tüm buzağıların rutin klinik muayeneleri yapıldıktan sonra hematolojik, kan gazları ve biyokimyasal analizler için kan alındı. Tüm buzağılarda ishal, dehidrasyon, emme refleksinde azalma, kapiler tekrar dolum zamanında uzama, hipotermi ve solunum sayısında artış belirlendi. Ölen ve hayatta kalan buzağılarda Şiddetli metab ...More

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Sistemik yangısal cevap sendromlu buzağılarda hematolojik parametreler ve serum demir düzeyindeki değişimler = Changes of hematological parameters and serum iron levels in calves with systemic inflamatory response syndrome


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, sistemik yangısal cevap sendromlu yenidoğan buzağılarda serum demir seviyesi ve hematolojik parametrelerdeki değişimlerin ortaya konulmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu araştırmada hayvan materyali olarak, sistemik yangısal cevap sendromlu 19 buzağı ile kontrol amaçlı 8 sağlıklı buzağı kullanıldı. Tüm buzağıların rutin klinik muayeneleri yapıldı. Hematolojik analizleri ve serum demir seviyeleri belirlendi. Bulgular: Sistemik yangısal cevap sendromlu buzağılarda kontrol grubuna göre kan demir seviyesi ve ortalama eritrosit hemoglobin konsantrasyonu (MCHC) önemli oranda (P

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The Levels of Trace Elements and Macrominerals in Calves with Sepsis

İsmail ŞEN

The aim of this study was to determine the levels of macrominerals and trace elements in the blood of newborn calves with sepsis.The study was carried out on a total of 30 calves, aged 2-35 days old, of which 25 with sepsis and 5 healthy. In clinical examination, prolonged capillary refill time and tachypnea were observed in calves with sepsis. The levels of Cu, K, P and Sin calves with sepsis were higher compared to the control group, and the levels of Na, total and ionized Ca, Fe and Zn were also lower compared to the control group. In conclusion, in this study, significant increase in K and ...More

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