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Prof. Dr. Hasan GÜZELBEKTEŞVeteriner Fakültesi
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Sağlıklı buzağılarda yüksek ve düşük doz sisaprid ve betanekol’ün abomazum motilite ve boşalma oranına etkisi


Sığırlarda paralitik ileus, sekum dilatasyonu/dislokasyonu ve abomazum hipotonisi gibi motilite yetersizliğine sebep olan hastalıklar önemli verim kayıplarına neden olabilmektedir. Sığırlarda gastrointestinal motilite düzenleyicileri ile ilgili bilgiler yetersizdir. Sunulan bu araştırmada sisaprid ve betanekol’un iki farklı dozunun ve kombinasyonların sağlıklı buzağıların abomazum motilitesi ve boşalma oranı üzerindeki etkinlikleri dört farklı metotla belirlendi. Araştırmada hayvan materyali olarak doğumu takiben 4-5 günlük, sağlıklı toplam 10 adet buzağı kullanıldı. Her buzağıda yüksek ve düş ...More

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Hematologic, Blood Gas, Cardiac Biomarkers and Serum Biochemical Parameters in Calves with Atresia Coli and Theirs Relationship with Prognosis


Background: Atresia coli is an intestinal anomaly. Generally, absence of defecation in calves less than 10 days old, diminishing appetite, progressing abdominal distention and time-developing depression are reported in atresia coli. Although a calf consumes its milk normally in first days, loss of appetite develops over time. Occasional minor pain indications are observed. The objective of this study was to evaluate of hematologic, blood gases, cardiac biomarkers and serum biochemical parameters before operation in calves with atresia coli, and to investigate relationship with prognosis of the ...More

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Sağlıklı, ishalli ve prematüre buzağılarda eritromisin ve betanekolün abomazal boşalma oranına etkisi = The effects on abomasal emptying rate of erythromycin and bethanechol in healthy, premature and diarrheic calves


Amaç: Bu araştırmada sağlıklı, ishalli ve prematüre buzağılarda, prokinetik ajanlardan olan eritromisin ve betanekolün abomazal boşalma oranı üzerine etkisini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırmada 5 adet sağlıklı, 12 adet ishalli ve 12 adet prematüre buzağı kullanıldı. Bu üç gruptaki buzağılar da kendi aralarında da gruplandırılarak, bir gruba IM 10 mg/kg dozunda eritromisin verildi, bir gruba IM 0,07 mg/kg dozunda betanekol verildi, bir diğer gruba ise herhangi bir ilaç uygulaması yapılmadı ve ardından tüm gruplara süt ikamesi içirildi. Gastrointestinal motiliteyi asetaminofe ...More

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Quantification of Mitral Regurgitation in Anatolian Shepherd Dogs with Asymptomatic Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease


Degenerative mitral valvular disease (DMVD) is the most frequent cardiac disease, causing mitral regurgitation (MR) in dogs. The purpose of this study was to compare the ratio of the regurgitant jet area (RJA) to the left atrial area (LAA) (RJA/LAA) with subtracting method to quantify regurgitant volume (RegV) and regurgitant fraction (RF) in asymptomatic Anatolian Shepherd Dogs (ASHs) with DMVD. Thirty-eight ASHs with DMVD were used as experimental group. The control group consisted of 35 healthy ASHs. In 38 ASHs with DMVD (20 B1 dogs and 18 B2 dogs), the severity of MR was assessed by RJA/L ...More

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Cardiac biomarkers in premature calves with respiratory distress syndrome


The aim of this study was to determine the clinical relevance of cardiac biomarkers [troponin I and T, creatine kinase-MB fraction (CK-MB) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)] in premature calves with respiratory distress syndrome. Seventy premature calves were admitted to the clinic within 24 h after birth. Respiratory distress syndrome was diagnosed in premature calves by clinical examination and venous blood gas analysis. Ten healthy calves, aged 5 days, were used as control. Cardiac troponin I and T were analysed using ELISA and ELFA, respectively. Serum CK-MB and LDH were also analysed in an ...More

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Konya’nın Akşehir, Ilgın ve Kadınhanı ilçelerinde buzağı perinatal mortalite prevalansı


Perinatal mortality (PM) may be defined as calf dead prior to, during or within 48 hours of calving. The main cases of PM are combined respiratory and metabolic acidosis, parturient trauma, hypoglobulinemia, congenital infections and deficiencies. Prevalence of perinatal mortality of newborn 260 calves in ten dairy farms in Aksehir, Ilgın and Kadınhanı province of Konya between 2009-2011 years was investigated in the study. For statistic, all date was analyzed using Pearson Chi- Square test (SPSS 16.0 package program) Dairy farm type; the rate of perinatal mortality in close (40,6%) and open ( ...More

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Comparison of Instilled Lidocaine and Procaine Effects on Pain Relief in Dogs Undergoing Elective Ovariohysterectomy


The aim of the present study was to compare the analgesic efficacy of instilled intra-peritoneal lidocaine and procaine during the perioperative and the postoperative periods in dogs undergoing elective ovariohysterectomy (OVH). Twenty-four sexually intact female dogs were referred for OVH. Following the laparotomv procedure the L group received intraperironeal instillation of 3.5 mg/kg of 0.2% lidocaine. The therapeutic agent was administreted over the area of ovaries, broad ligament, and uterine stump. It was injected using a syringe and needle (23 G). The P group administered intraperitonea ...More

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Echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular systolic function in neonatal calves with naturally occurring sepsis or septic shock due to diarrhea


Sepsis is associated with clinically relevant cardiovascular changes. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the clinical value of echocardiography for monitoring left ventricular (LV) systolic function in septic calves. A prospective longitudinal study was performed using a convenience sample. Twenty septic calves and 10 healthy calves were enrolled in the study. Arterial blood pressure (BP) was measured and M-mode echocardiography performed to characterize LV systolic function; the latter included measurement of ejection fraction, EF; stroke volume, SVI and cardiac output indexed to b ...More

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Buzağılarda Pasif Transfer Yetmezliğinin Belirlenmesinde Kullanılan Yöntemler


Buzağılara IgG’nin transferi olarak adlandırılan pasif immune transfer ancak maternal kolostrum alınmasıyla gerçekleşir. Yetersiz kolostral IgG’nin alımı ya da absorbsiyonu pasif transfer yetmezliğine neden olmaktadır. Buzağılarda pasif transfer yetmezliğin belirlenmesi için çeşitli analiz metodları bulunmaktadır. Bu derlemede buzağılarda pasif transfer yetmezliğin tespitinde kullanılan yöntemler ve bu yöntemlerin avantaj ve dezavantajları anlatılmıştır.

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Effect of colostrum composition on passive calf immunity in primiparous and multiparous dairy cows


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of colostrum quality and composition on passive calf immunity in primiparous and multiparous dairy cows. Twenty-four primiparous and 24 multiparous dairy cows were used in this study. Calves born from primiparous dairy cows comprised the first group and calves born from multiparous dairy cows constituted the second group. After birth, colostrum samples were immediately taken from dairy cows. Venous blood samples were collected from the calves before the first colostrum intake and on the 2nd, 7th, 14th and 28th days after the first colostrum int ...More

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Sistemik yangısal cevap sendromlu buzağılarda hematolojik parametreler ve serum demir düzeyindeki değişimler = Changes of hematological parameters and serum iron levels in calves with systemic inflamatory response syndrome


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, sistemik yangısal cevap sendromlu yenidoğan buzağılarda serum demir seviyesi ve hematolojik parametrelerdeki değişimlerin ortaya konulmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu araştırmada hayvan materyali olarak, sistemik yangısal cevap sendromlu 19 buzağı ile kontrol amaçlı 8 sağlıklı buzağı kullanıldı. Tüm buzağıların rutin klinik muayeneleri yapıldı. Hematolojik analizleri ve serum demir seviyeleri belirlendi. Bulgular: Sistemik yangısal cevap sendromlu buzağılarda kontrol grubuna göre kan demir seviyesi ve ortalama eritrosit hemoglobin konsantrasyonu (MCHC) önemli oranda (P

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Effect of combinations of intravenous small-volume hypertonic sodium chloride, acetate Ringer, sodium bicarbonate, and lactate Ringer solutions along with oral fluid on the treatment of calf diarrhea


The aim of this study was to compare effect of combinations of intravenous isotonic sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), acetate Ringer, lactate Ringer and small-volume hypertonic sodium chloride (NaCl) solutions along with oral electrolyte solutions (OES) on the treatment of neonatal calf diarrhea with moderate dehydration and metabolic acidosis. Thirty-two calves with diarrhea were used in the study. Calves were randomly assigned to receive acetate Ringer solution (n=8), lactate Ringer solution (n=8), isotonic NaHCO3 (n=8) and 7.2% saline solutions (n=8), and two liters of OES were administrated to ...More

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