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Traditional equestrian games in Kyrgyz cinematography


Traditional equestrian games were a very important part of the culture for all Turkic people, because of the nomadic style of life and periodic wars throughout the history. Equestrian games make the young people be very close to the horse – the animal, which was the main element in daily nomad life and prepare young men to control a horse very skillfully during the battles. We can see the same situation in the history of the Kyrgyz people. Most of the traditional games of Kyrgyz people are also horse related. According to literature, Kyrgyz people have a lot of equestrian games like At Chabysh ...More

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Sovyet Belgesel Sinemasında Medya Metinleri Üzerinden İdeolojik İnşa: “Köyümün Askerleri” Belgesel Filmi Örneğinde


Belgesel sinemanın temel amacı insanlığa hizmet etmektir. Ancak belgesel sinema özellikle II. Dünya savaşı sırasında etkin bir şekilde propaganda aracı olarak kullanılmıştır. Sovyet dönemine denk gelen Kırgız belgesel sinemasının kuruluşu, SSCB’nin sinema sanat anlayışı ve estetiğinden büyük ölçüde esinlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada “Köyümün Askerleri” (1985) belgesel filminde yer alan medya metinleri ideolojik çerçevede analiz yapılacaktır. Söz konusu analiz, medya metninde ideoloji ve kültürel bağlam çerçevesini kapsamaktadır. Bu çerçevede belgesel film, Silverblatt ve arkadaşlarının medya metinler ...More

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Patterns of Television Viewing Behavior in Kyrgyzstan: A Perspective of Uses and Gratifications = Kırgızistanda Televizyon İzleme Davranışı Örüntüleri: Bir Kullanımlar ve Doyumlar Perspektifi

Bünyamin AYHAN

Television draws attention as a very powerful means of mass communication taking up a very important part in social life. Television, when compared to other mass media, remains as a means that presents information to people in an effective and persuasive way without requiring any training for use. Television comes to the fore among other social media due to its audio and visual elements and its ability to create a false sense of participation. Television informs while entertaining. Especially, it presents people with various alternatives not only to be relieved of the oppressive everyday life ...More

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Symbolic construction of cinematographic reality about alawite mindset in the film 'one voice splits night' = 'Bir Ses Böler Geceyi' Filminde Alevi Zihniyetine İlişkin Sinematografik Gerçekliğin Simgesel İnşası

Murat Sadullah ÇEBİ

Bu çalışmada, 'Bir Ses Böler Geceyi' adlı filmin anlam evrenini sarmalayan Alevi zihniyetine ilişkin sinematografik gerçekliğin sembolik inşası analiz edilmiştir. Adı geçen filmde inşa edilen Alevi zihniyetine ilişkin sembolik/sunumsal gerçekliğin kaynakları, çalışmanın temel araştırma problemi olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma, bahsi geçen filmin anlam evrenine kök salan Alevi zihniyetine ilişkin sembolik gerçekliğin inşasında kullanılan dil araçlarını, stratejilerini ve pratiklerini açığa vurmayı amaçlamıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, Alevi zihniyetine ilişkin temsili gerçekliği inşa etmek içi ...More

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Бытийные предложения как компоненты текста в повести Ч. Айтматова «После сказки (Белый пароход)»

Aynura Kabatay Kızı

Целью статьи является изучение специфики конструктивного оформления и лексического наполнения бытийных предложений в повести Ч. Айтматова «После сказки (Белый пароход)», а также характеристика предикатов, на базе которых строятся бытийные предложения. Исследование проводится на базе картотеки, составленной на основе одного произведения. Материал для анализа насчитывает около 100 единиц, представляющих собой утвердительные предложения.

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Cultural and ideological analysis of the 1947 'Sovetskaya Kirgiziya' documentary film


An ideological and cultural analysis was made to the documentary film 'Sovetskaya Kirgiziya' shot in 1947 for the memory of the twentieth anniversary of the Kyrgyz Soviet Socialist Republic. In this study, which uses discourse and content analysis methods, the text, images and sound of the documentary were examined separately. As a result of the review, it was seen that the comparison method, which was frequently used in the early years of Soviet cinema history, was also used for propaganda purposes in this film. In this documentary, in which the rhetoric of 'Soviet citizenship' is very intens ...More

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Localization Strategy of Global Brand: Case Study of Coca-Cola


Today, the phenomenon of globalization has gained momentum in parallel with technological developments. Global brands also need some strategies to have a place in the local market. The most important of these strategies is that global brands adapt to local culture. In the process of localization, global brands add local elements to their brands to attract consumers by using various strategies. Communication texts play an important role in consumer preferences, it gives a great advantage to the global brand in sales and marketing. Advertising text is the most important one among various communi ...More

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История развития иранского кино (до и после Исламской революции)


Иранское кино является одним из важных представителей киноиндустрии третьего мира. Кино, чья история параллельна иранской революции, построено на устоявшейся традиции литературы и культуры Ирана. С одной стороны, это традиция, тесно связанная с прошлым, с другой стороны, это форма художественного самовыражения. Именно она развивает методы против культурного влияния Запада. Вклад фонда Фараби в развитию иранского кино очень велик. Потому что именно основа Фараби стала решающим фактором в переходе от дореволюционных кинематографических постановок западного стиля к традиционалистским структурам. ...More

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