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Mechanisms of probiotic Bacillus against enteric bacterial infections


Gastrointestinal infection is a leading cause of gut diseases attracting global health concerns. The emerging antimicrobial resistance in enteric pathogens drives the search of viable and renewable alternatives to antibiotics for the health of both human beings and animals. Spore-forming probiotic Bacillus have received extensively interests for their multiple health benefits, including the restoration of microbiota dysbiosis and the reduction of drug-resistant pathogens. These promising benefits are mainly attributed to the activity of structurally diverse Bacillus-derived metabolites, such a ...More

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Sağlıklı buzağılarda yüksek ve düşük doz sisaprid ve betanekol’ün abomazum motilite ve boşalma oranına etkisi


Sığırlarda paralitik ileus, sekum dilatasyonu/dislokasyonu ve abomazum hipotonisi gibi motilite yetersizliğine sebep olan hastalıklar önemli verim kayıplarına neden olabilmektedir. Sığırlarda gastrointestinal motilite düzenleyicileri ile ilgili bilgiler yetersizdir. Sunulan bu araştırmada sisaprid ve betanekol’un iki farklı dozunun ve kombinasyonların sağlıklı buzağıların abomazum motilitesi ve boşalma oranı üzerindeki etkinlikleri dört farklı metotla belirlendi. Araştırmada hayvan materyali olarak doğumu takiben 4-5 günlük, sağlıklı toplam 10 adet buzağı kullanıldı. Her buzağıda yüksek ve düş ...More

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Kırgızıstan Bişkek Yöresi Konkur (Engel) Atlarında Yarış Öncesi ve Sonrası Bazı Hematolojik, Biyokimyasal Analizler ile ANAE Profili ve Nazal Eksfolyasyonun Karşılaştırılması


Çalışma Bişkek bölgesi konkur at yarışlarında yarışan spor atlarının yarış öncesi ve sonrası bazı hematolojik (WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV, RDW-SD, PLT, MPV, PDW, PCT) bazı biyokimyasal değerler (kan glukoz, ALT, ALP, AST, LDH, üre, GGT, CK, kreatinin ile ANAE pozitif lenfosit oranlarının belirlenmesi ve yarış öncesi ve sonrası nazal eksfolyasyonun değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla yarış hayvanlarından yarışma öncesi ve hemen sonrasında kan örnekleri EDTA’lı ve normal tüplere alınarak belirlenen yöntemlerle hematolojik ve biyokimyasal değerlendirmeler yapıldı. Y ...More

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Sivas Yöresinde Koyun Keçi ve Kenelerde Theileria ve Babesia Türlerinin Moleküler Yöntemlerle Araştırılması

Kürşat ALTAY

This study was carried out to investigate the presence and distribution of Theileria and Babesia species with microscopic examination and reverse line blotting (RLB) techniques in sheep, goats and ticks from Sivas (Sivas, Kangal, Koyulhisar, Yıldızeli) of Central Anatolia region of Turkey. For this purpose 309 blood samples (206 sheep and 103 goats) and 478 tick samples that divided into 27 pools as the species were collected from sheep and goats. The total genomic DNAs were extracted from 309 blood samples and 27 tick pools were tested by RLB for Theileria and Babesia species. A total of 8 an ...More

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Determining the Level of Food Safety Consciousness of the Households: Giresun Sample


The main purpose of the study is to reveal the level of awareness of the households about food safety and quality and to present their perception of food safety and healthy nutrition as customers. The perspectives on food safety of different genders selected from the households in the city center of Giresun through the appropriate sampling method were included in this study. The socio-demographics and enterprise data were included, membership to European Union, which is an important process for the agriculture sector, was discussed, some basic perceptions of the cases which may threaten food s ...More

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Пример разработки и применения андроид приложения в учебном процессе ветеринарного факультета 


Цель данной работы, разработка и использования в учебном прецессе мобильного андроид приложения и посредством анонимного опроса / анкетирования изучить пользу и перспективы использования и развития данного приложения. Была создан электронная база данны из 3132 терминов на латинском языке и перевода их на Кыргызский, Турецкий, Английский и Русский языки. На основе этой базы данных было разработано андроид приложение которое в закрытом доступе тестировалось студентами ветеринарного факультета Кыргызско – Турецкого Университета имени «Манас». По окончанию тест – периода был проведён анонимный опр ...More

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Effect of Different Pasture Plants on Carcass Yield and Some Carcass Part Weights in Free System Broiler Breeding

Mustafa GARİP

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of different pasture contents on growth and carcass characteristics in free system poultry. Trial were made on 4 decares of clover, Bromus inermis or clover + Bromus inermis planted field in eight numbers of mobile pen that designed to be surrounded by steel wire. In trial one, 480 number of one day old male Hubbard Isa Red-JA broiler chicks were divided to 4 groups each of which further divided into 4 subgroups. The first group of broiler chickens were sent for cutting on the 42nd day and the other groups on the 84th day. At the end of the tr ...More

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Гематологические показатели крови у пород крупного рогатого скота


Сохранение внутривидового и породного разнообразия сельскохозяйственных животных необходимо для обеспечения устойчивого развития сельского хозяйства и решения глобальных проблем продовольственной безопасности. Важнейшей задачей для животноводства Кыргызстана является определения генетических ресурсов домашних животных. Научные данные свидетельствуют, что генетические ресурсы животных (ГРЖ) для нужд человечества приобретает особую актуальность. Местных аборигенных пород крупного рогатого скота, разводились веками и были хорошо приспособлены к экстремальным экологическим условиям горного региона ...More

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Şanlıurfa yöresinde koyun ve keçilerde Anaplasma phagocytophilum’un moleküler yöntemlerle araştırılması


This study was performed to determine the presence and prevalence of Anaplasma phagocytophilum in sheep and goats in the Şanlıurfa region. Whole blood samples were taken from a total of 208 animals (134 sheep and 74 goats) in the Şanlıurfa region. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers specific to the A. phagocytophilum 16S SSU rRNA gene of the bacterium was applied to the blood samples. The amplified DNA fragments in PCR positive samples were sequenced in order to confirm their identity. PCR amplification indicated the presence of A. phagocytophilum in 9 animals (4.33 %). A. phagocytop ...More

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The effect of intraocular pressure, serum calcium, magnesium and inorganic phosphorus concentrations on jumping performance of horses


The aim of the study is to evaluate the relation of serum mineral levels (Ca, Mg, P) with intraocular pressure (IOP) and jumping performance of horses. Twenty-four jumping horses, actively participated in the competition, were selected from a horse sport center in Bishkek and used for this study. Intraocular pressures in both eyes of each horse were measured by using a tonometer and blood samples were collected for analyzing serum Ca, P and Mg levels. IOP, Serum Ca, Mg and P values were measured in normal ranges in all jumping horses. Although Ca and P levels were found different in statistic ...More

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Is level of trace minerals important for healthy hoof in dairy cows?


The aim of this study was to investigate the some trace mineral values on hoof in cows with hoof disease and comparison with healthy ones. Twenty-three Holstein dairy cows (hoof disease group (HD, 18 cases); control group (C, 5 cases) were studied. Determinations of Pb, Fe, Ni, Zn, Cd, Cu and Mn in the samples were carried out by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy. Lead, Fe, Ni, Cd, Cu and Mn values were higher in group HD than group C, but just Pb, Ni, Cd, and Cu values were statistically significant. Zn value was lower significantly in group HD than group C. Sole ulcer ...More

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Konya’nın Akşehir, Ilgın ve Kadınhanı ilçelerinde buzağı perinatal mortalite prevalansı


Perinatal mortality (PM) may be defined as calf dead prior to, during or within 48 hours of calving. The main cases of PM are combined respiratory and metabolic acidosis, parturient trauma, hypoglobulinemia, congenital infections and deficiencies. Prevalence of perinatal mortality of newborn 260 calves in ten dairy farms in Aksehir, Ilgın and Kadınhanı province of Konya between 2009-2011 years was investigated in the study. For statistic, all date was analyzed using Pearson Chi- Square test (SPSS 16.0 package program) Dairy farm type; the rate of perinatal mortality in close (40,6%) and open ( ...More

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