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The Kok-Tash underground mausoleum in north-eastern Kyrgyzstan: the first-ever identified Qara Khitai elite tomb?

Kubatbek TABALDİYEV | Künbolot AKMATOV

The Qara Khitai or Western Liao dynasty (1124-1218) is one of the most fascinating polities in medieval Eurasia, but also one of the least documented in terms of both literary sources and material culture. Founded by Khitan refugees who escaped from North China when the Jurchen Jin dynasty (1115-1234) vanquished the Khitan Liao dynasty (907-1125), the Qara Khitai soon established a multicultural empire in Central Asia, combining Khitan, Chinese, and Muslim elements. The Buddhist Qara Khitai ruled over their mostly Muslim population in rare harmony until the rise of Chinggis Khan (r. 1206-1227) ...More

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Changes and transformations in the bureaucratic administration of Kyrgyzstan: political elite and corruption = Перемены и преобразования в бюрократическом управлении Кыргызстана: политическая элита и коррупция

Ömer Faruk KARAMAN | Altınbek COLDOŞOV

One of the most important features that distinguishes ideal type bureaucracy from patrimonial bureaucracies is their relations with politics. These relations, determined within the constitutional framework, can operate in informal ways in some countries where traditional authorities are settled. Today, despite the existence of democratic rules and institutions in neopatrimonial countries, the ruling elites can influence bureaucracy within the scope of informal relations. In Kyrgyzstan, it is mentioned about the politics-bureaucracy relationship that takes shape around the presidents elected by ...More

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Establishment and development of veterinary education in the Kyrgyz Republic = Становление и развитие ветеринарного образования в Кыргызской Республике

Ruslan SALIKOV | Askarbek TÜLÖBAEV

The analysis of archival materials of the past years gives the basis to claim that natural-climatic conditions, gracious land, extensive pastures, and the lifestyle of the Kyrgyz people contributed to the development of livestock, which has become an ordinary traditional activity of the Kyrgyz people. The current research article is dedicated to the formation and stages of veterinary education development in the country. Анализ архивных материалов прошлых лет дает основания утверждать, что природно-климатические условия, благодатная земля, обширные пастбища и образ жизни кыргызского народа спо ...More

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High-Altitude Agro-Pastoralism in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan: New Excavations of the Chap Farmstead (1065-825 cal b.c.)


The highlands of Central Asia posed considerable challenges to early agriculturalists, yet the processes of human subsistence strategies there remain poorly understood. In this paper, we present results from the excavation of the Chap in Kyrgyzstan. The recovery of a rich macrobotanical assemblage consisting of several crop species and crop processing debris, together with skeletal remains of pastoral livestock, indicate a localized agro-pastoral complex at 2000 masl dating to 1065-825 cal b.c. Aerial photogrammetry, magnetometry, and topographic modeling reveal local irrigation systems, while ...More

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The Intellectual Disputes on the Establishment of a National Autonomous Republic in Kyrgyzstan in the Early Years of the Soviet Period = Sovyet Döneminin İlk Yıllarında Kırgızistan’da Millî Özerk Cumhuriyet Kurma Konusundaki Fikrî Münakaşalar


1920’li yıllarda Bolşevikler Türkistan’da Komünist ideoloji ışığında bölgedeki Türk halklarının siyasî, sosyal ve ekonomik yapısını kökten değiştirerek sosyalist bir model yerleştirme hareketini başlatmışlardır. Ancak Moskova yönetimi, bu modeli yerleştirme konusunda yerli Kırgız asıllı bürokratların farklı görüşleri olabileceğini ya dikkate almamış, ya düşünememiş veya tahmin edememiştir. Sonuçta Komünist Parti’nin Kırgızistan şubesi bünyesinde hizipleşme hareketi ortaya çıkmış ve Moskova, iki ayrı grubun farklı görüşleriyle uğraşmak zorunda kalmıştır. Kırgızistan’da birine Abdikerim Sıdıkov’ ...More

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Cultural education activities of the Soviet Union in Kyrgyzstan (1925-1927)

Yavuz Ercan GÜL

The aim of this study is to investigate the activities of the Soviet Union in the context of cultural transformation and change in Kyrgyzstan between 1925 and 1927. For this purpose, the data from the Kyrgyzstan state archives were examined, and the cultural education institutions of the Soviet Union and their functions were noted. The study was conducted based on the document review technique within the scope of the qualitative paradigm. The Soviet rule used education as an ideological weapon in bringing up Soviet citizens who would be reborn in a Socialist sense. Thus, education became, beyo ...More

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The first combined archaeological and archaeometric analyses on Bronze Age pottery from Kyrgyzstan (Uch Kurbu site)


The integration of the Bronze Age populations in Kyrgyzstan into the Andronovo sphere is largely based on the resemblance of the ceramic material discovered at the Kyrgyz sites with the pottery from various Andronovo sites, which has been explained by human migrations. However, very few detailed pottery studies have been conducted, and no archaeometric analyses have been applied to date to the material from Kyrgyzstan. We present a first investigation on Bronze Age pottery from Uch Kurbu (Kyrgyzstan) through a combined archaeological (field-based stylistic and macroscopic examinations) and arc ...More

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International women’s day: ostensible celebrations or historical milestone of women’s emancipation


The article is devoted to the information coverage of 8 March International Women’s Day as a historical symbol of women’s struggle for changes in their lives and in society. We analysed the media coverage of it in Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Norway. The qualitative analysis shows that the general conditions of women were ignored and good looking and well-educated women were portrait to mark the activities of International Women’s Day.

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From the History of Kyrgyzstan Peoples Education in the Second Half of the 19th and the Beginning of the 20th Century (Based on Archival Data) = Из истории народного образования Кыргызстана во 2-й половине XIX - начале XX в. (по архивным данным)


В статье, на основе архивных материалов Центрального государственного архива Республики Узбекистан, анализируется состояние народного образования Кыргызстана рассматриваемого периода в составе Туркестанского генерал-губернаторства в Семиреченской, Сырдарьинской и Ферганской областях. Отмечается, что с 70-х гг. XIX в. начали открываться гражданские и церковные начальные школы для детей русскоязычного населения, позже появились русско-туземные школы, где обучались дети разных национальностей, параллельно функционировали мусульманские учебные заведения - медресе. В статье также обращается внимани ...More

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