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Kırgızistan’da Uzaktan Eğitime Yönelik Öğretmen Tutumlarının İncelenmesi

Mehmet Arif ÖZERBAŞ | Akmatali ALİMBEKOV | Erkan EFİLTİ | Yavuz Ercan GÜL | Kadiyan BOOBEKOVA

Bu araştırmada Kırgızistan’da uzaktan eğitime yönelik öğretmen tutumlarının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Betimsel tarama modelindeki araştırmanın örnekleminde 3818 öğretmen bulunmaktadır. Çalışmanın verileri 2021-2022 eğitim öğretim yılında “Uzaktan Eğitim Tutum Ölçeği” ile toplanmıştır. Ölçek, Uzaktan Eğitimin Avantajları ve Uzaktan Eğitimin Sınırlılıkları adlı iki faktörden oluşmaktadır. Verilerin analizinde betimsel istatistikler, t-testi ve ANOVA analizleri kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, araştırmaya katılan öğretmenler uzaktan eğitimin sınırlılıklarının, avantajlarına göre daha ...More

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Новые находки предметов конского снаряжения тюркского времени из Кыргызстана

Künbolot AKMATOV | Kubatbek TABALDİYEV | Kayrat BELEK

Целью настоящей статьи является введение в научный оборот новых находок предметов конского снаряжения тюркского времени, обнаруженных в Кыргызстане. Находки представлены парами роговых псалий, фрагментами уздечного набора, деревянным остовом седла и четырьмя экземплярами стремян. Дается морфологическое описание каждого предмета. Находки происходят из погребений с конем на могильнике Боз-Адыр и поминальной оградки в местности Кош-Дёбё в Иссык-Кульской котловине. Один предмет является случайной находкой из Чуйской долины. Прослежены аналогии среди раннесредневековых комплексов Тянь-Шаня, Южной С ...More

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Educational Metaphors: High School Students' Perceptions of Schools in Kyrgyzstan


Focusing on the case study of post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan, this article examines high school students' perception of their schools and education by using metaphors. A total of 1433 high school students participated in this research. Based on the data that we collected from 9th and 10th grade students during field research (January - February 2020) in various regions of Kyrgyzstan and analysed students' answers about their schools. The findings show that the study's participants produced 178 metaphors about their schools. The participants used 102 positive, 108 negative metaphors and 32 metaphors fo ...More

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A Wooly Way? Fiber technologies and cultures 3,000-years-ago along the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor


Wool-focused economies yielded a pastoralist materiality that visibly shaped the lived experiences of Central Asian populations today. In this paper, we investigate the earlier application of fibers through a key mountain corridor for social interactions during Prehistory. We focus on the site of Chap 1 located in the highlands of the Tien Shan Mountains of Kyrgyzstan where researchers have found a complex agropastoral subsistence culture was established from at least ca. 3,000 BCE. The perishable materials that would have accompanied the early spread of cultural and technological traditions r ...More

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Organizational Learning Management System Application via Micro PC Hardware: A Case Study in Kyrgyzstan


In the current work, systems based on mini/micro PCs that can support the corporate learning management practices have been evaluated. As a learning management system, the Moodle platform was chosen. The evaluation was based on the end users' experience. For measurement, carried out in three dimensions, a questionnaire was distributed among students enrolled in the blended course, offered with online support. According to results of the study, the installation of Moodle on micro PC was evaluated as slow. However, students agree that given the price of the device, it can be used as an alternati ...More

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Serum biochemical reference values of Kyrgyz donkeys (Equus asinus)


The aim of the study was to determine the some serum biochemical values of Kyrgyz donkeys and present the reference values. Fifty (50) healthy donkeys in different ages (6–24 months, 2–15 years, and > 15 years old) and gender (male and female) were clinically examined and blood samples were taken. Serum triglycerides (TG), creatine phosphokinase (CPK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), total bilirubin (TBil), total protein (TP), albumin (Alb), creatinine (Creat), urea (Urea), amylase (Amy), lipase (Lip), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) ...More

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Some hematological and biochemical reference values of the thoroughbred Appaloosa horse breeds reared in Kyrgyzstan


The aim of this study was to determine the normal hematological and biochemical parameters of the Thoroughbred Appaloosa horse breeds which reared in Tong and Issık-Kul regions of Kyrgyzstan. Fifty-six (n  56) healthy horse breeds in different ages (0–12 months and 1–5 years) and gender (n  29 male and n  27 female) were clinically examined and blood samples were taken. Red blood cell (RBC) count, white blood cell (WBC) count, the count (#); the percentage () of the lymphocytes (lymph), monocytes (mid), granulocytes (gran); and the values of hemoglobin (HGB), hematocrit (HCT), blood clot cell ...More

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The web-based learning environment in general physics course in a public university in Kyrgyzstan


This study was conducted to see the attitudes of students toward web-based learning environment in General Physics course. The study was conducted in a public university in Kyrgyzstan in 2018. 144 students from the faculty of Science and Engineering participated in the study. Online questionnaire was completed online at the end of the spring semester 2017-2018. In addition, in-depth interviews with 12 students were conducted. Results showed that students’ success in online Physics course depends on gender and academic major of students. Factors, that were defined in this study: advantages over ...More

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Uncertainty Perpetuated? The Pitfalls of a Weakly Institutionalized Party System in Kyrgyzstan


The parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan in October 2015 garnered widespread approval from commentators for the level of fairness and freedom maintained throughout the campaign. However, the results of the vote do not provide a clear indication of the current state of affairs of parliamentarism in the republic. Focusing on the commercialization of party lists, we argue that neither identity politics nor the logic of neopatrimonialism adequately explain the dynamics of political competition in Kyrgyzstan. Instead, we see perpetual uncertainty emerging from contradicting yet increasing attempts ...More

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The Kok-Tash underground mausoleum in north-eastern Kyrgyzstan: the first-ever identified Qara Khitai elite tomb?

Kubatbek TABALDİYEV | Künbolot AKMATOV

The Qara Khitai or Western Liao dynasty (1124-1218) is one of the most fascinating polities in medieval Eurasia, but also one of the least documented in terms of both literary sources and material culture. Founded by Khitan refugees who escaped from North China when the Jurchen Jin dynasty (1115-1234) vanquished the Khitan Liao dynasty (907-1125), the Qara Khitai soon established a multicultural empire in Central Asia, combining Khitan, Chinese, and Muslim elements. The Buddhist Qara Khitai ruled over their mostly Muslim population in rare harmony until the rise of Chinggis Khan (r. 1206-1227) ...More

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Kırgızistan’da Din-Devlet İlişkileri ve Laiklik Tartışmaları


Kırgızistan’da bağımsızlığından itibaren diğer Orta Asya Cumhuriyetlerinden daha farklı bir siyasal ve toplumsal dönüşüm süreci yaşanmıştır. Bu sürecin yansıması dini alanda da görülmektedir. Kırgızistan’daki dini alan gün geçtikçe farklılaşmakta, çeşitlenmekte ve dinamik bir süreci yansıtmaktadır. Böylece farklılaşan ve çeşitlenen dinamik süreç Kırgızistan’da din-devlet ilişkilerine de yansımaktadır. Diğer Orta Asya Cumhuriyetlerinden farklı olarak Kırgızistan’da devlet daha ziyade “pasif laiklik” anlayışını sürdürmeye yönelmektedir. Bu çalışmada öncelikle “sekülerlik” ve “laiklik” kavramları ...More

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How Successful is the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Kyrgyzstan?

Murat AVCI | Kadir ARDIÇ

Entrepreneurship, which affects the increase of the welfare level of societies, is carried out in many countries to encourage and support policies. With the technological developments in the world, countries are trying to create and develop the entrepreneurship ecosystem. In particular, many private-state institutions such as techno parks and incubation centers on issues as investor networks, work areas, and know-how support technological entrepreneurs. Thanks to the development of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in question, the increase in entrepreneurship, the development and growth of start ...More

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