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UN Sustainable Development [3]
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В статье идет речь о российском историке и археологе, докторе исторических наук, о профессоре Юлие Сергеевиче Худякове

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Новые находки предметов конского снаряжения тюркского времени из Кыргызстана

Künbolot AKMATOV | Kubatbek TABALDİYEV | Kayrat BELEK

Целью настоящей статьи является введение в научный оборот новых находок предметов конского снаряжения тюркского времени, обнаруженных в Кыргызстане. Находки представлены парами роговых псалий, фрагментами уздечного набора, деревянным остовом седла и четырьмя экземплярами стремян. Дается морфологическое описание каждого предмета. Находки происходят из погребений с конем на могильнике Боз-Адыр и поминальной оградки в местности Кош-Дёбё в Иссык-Кульской котловине. Один предмет является случайной находкой из Чуйской долины. Прослежены аналогии среди раннесредневековых комплексов Тянь-Шаня, Южной С ...More

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The integration of millet into the diet of Central Asian populations in the third millennium BC


Stable isotope analyses demonstrate that C-4 plants played an important dietary role in Eurasian prehistory. Uncertainty remains, however, about when and how crops were integrated into the diet of Central Asian populations. Here, the authors present delta C-13 and delta N-15 stable isotope analysis of human and animal bone collagen from Kyrgyzstan, revealing C-4 plant-likely broomcorn miller-consumption in the third millennium BC. Combining this evidence with AMS radiocarbon dating and animal collagen peptide fingerprinting demonstrates that broomcorn millet was consumed by humans and animals ...More

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Carbon and oxygen stable isotopic evidence for diverse sheep and goat husbandry strategies amid a Final Bronze Age farming milieu in the Kyrgyz Tian Shan


The mountains of Central Asia during the Bronze and Iron Ages are increasingly being reconceived as an important zone for intensive crop cultivation in combination with pastoralist herding. However, very little information is known about how farming practices intersected with livestock husbandry, especially at high-elevation sites. This paper presents the first insights to ancient animal management strategies in the Tian Shan through incremental carbon and oxygen stable isotope analysis of domesticated caprine teeth recovered from the Chap-1 farmstead located at 2000 m.a.s.l. in Kyrgyzstan (10 ...More

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A Group of Large Kurgans in the Suusamyr Valley, Kyrgyzstan

Künbolot AKMATOV | Kubatbek TABALDİYEV

We introduce recently discovered large kurgans of the Saka period in the Suusamyr valley, northern Kyrgyzstan. Mere are two cemeteries with large mounds, each of which is surrounded by ditches, stone enclosures, and ramparts. Apparently, each kurgan and the constructions around it form a whole burial complex. The kurgans are rounded in plan view, 30-73 m in diameter. Some were possibly square in plan view. West of theni, there is a line of enclosures, most of which consist of eight boulders. In terms of nature and form of the constructions around kurgans, the burial complexes fall into six typ ...More

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Комплекс больших курганов в Суусамырской долине (Кыргызстан)

Künbolot AKMATOV | Kubatbek TABALDİYEV

В научный оборот вводятся новые материалы исследования больших курганов сакского времени, расположенных в Суусамырской долине на севере Кыргызстана. Приводятся характеристики двух могильников и находящихся на них крупных насыпей, окруженных рвами, каменными кольцами и валами. Курганы в плане округлой формы диаметром от 30 до 73 м. Некоторые насыпи, возможно, имели квадратную в плане форму. К западу от курганов располагается цепочка оград, сооруженных, как правило, из восьми валунов. По форме и технике исполнения окружающих конструкций выделены шесть типов больших курганов. Подробно рассматрива ...More

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The resilience of pioneer crops in the highlands of Central Asia: Archaeobotanical investigation at the Chap II site in Kyrgyzstan


This paper presents archaeobotanical research results from an occupation horizon of the Chap II site left by the earliest known farming community in the Central Tien Shan mountains in the current territory of Kyrgyzstan. The archaeobotanical samples were recovered from well-defined contexts in domestic waste pits, house floors, fireplaces, and an oven, all of which date to a narrow period of occupation between 2474 and 2162 cal BCE (based on n-14 AMS dates). The archaeobotanical assemblage is dominated by the SW package crops of bread wheat and naked barley. Those are the only species to have ...More

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