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Kırgızistan’da Uzaktan Eğitime Yönelik Öğretmen Tutumlarının İncelenmesi

Mehmet Arif ÖZERBAŞ | Akmatali ALİMBEKOV | Erkan EFİLTİ | Yavuz Ercan GÜL | Kadiyan BOOBEKOVA

Bu araştırmada Kırgızistan’da uzaktan eğitime yönelik öğretmen tutumlarının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Betimsel tarama modelindeki araştırmanın örnekleminde 3818 öğretmen bulunmaktadır. Çalışmanın verileri 2021-2022 eğitim öğretim yılında “Uzaktan Eğitim Tutum Ölçeği” ile toplanmıştır. Ölçek, Uzaktan Eğitimin Avantajları ve Uzaktan Eğitimin Sınırlılıkları adlı iki faktörden oluşmaktadır. Verilerin analizinde betimsel istatistikler, t-testi ve ANOVA analizleri kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, araştırmaya katılan öğretmenler uzaktan eğitimin sınırlılıklarının, avantajlarına göre daha ...More

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Новые находки предметов конского снаряжения тюркского времени из Кыргызстана

Künbolot AKMATOV | Kubatbek TABALDİYEV | Kayrat BELEK

Целью настоящей статьи является введение в научный оборот новых находок предметов конского снаряжения тюркского времени, обнаруженных в Кыргызстане. Находки представлены парами роговых псалий, фрагментами уздечного набора, деревянным остовом седла и четырьмя экземплярами стремян. Дается морфологическое описание каждого предмета. Находки происходят из погребений с конем на могильнике Боз-Адыр и поминальной оградки в местности Кош-Дёбё в Иссык-Кульской котловине. Один предмет является случайной находкой из Чуйской долины. Прослежены аналогии среди раннесредневековых комплексов Тянь-Шаня, Южной С ...More

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Educational Metaphors: High School Students' Perceptions of Schools in Kyrgyzstan


Focusing on the case study of post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan, this article examines high school students' perception of their schools and education by using metaphors. A total of 1433 high school students participated in this research. Based on the data that we collected from 9th and 10th grade students during field research (January - February 2020) in various regions of Kyrgyzstan and analysed students' answers about their schools. The findings show that the study's participants produced 178 metaphors about their schools. The participants used 102 positive, 108 negative metaphors and 32 metaphors fo ...More

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Kırgızistan’da Din-Devlet İlişkileri ve Laiklik Tartışmaları


Kırgızistan’da bağımsızlığından itibaren diğer Orta Asya Cumhuriyetlerinden daha farklı bir siyasal ve toplumsal dönüşüm süreci yaşanmıştır. Bu sürecin yansıması dini alanda da görülmektedir. Kırgızistan’daki dini alan gün geçtikçe farklılaşmakta, çeşitlenmekte ve dinamik bir süreci yansıtmaktadır. Böylece farklılaşan ve çeşitlenen dinamik süreç Kırgızistan’da din-devlet ilişkilerine de yansımaktadır. Diğer Orta Asya Cumhuriyetlerinden farklı olarak Kırgızistan’da devlet daha ziyade “pasif laiklik” anlayışını sürdürmeye yönelmektedir. Bu çalışmada öncelikle “sekülerlik” ve “laiklik” kavramları ...More

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Kyrgyzstan gained its independence in 1991. The Constitution adopted in 1992 became a basis for the restructuring process in the religious sphere. According to the relevant articles of the Constitution, the issues relating to the place and purpose of formal and non-formal religious education in general education, the formation of religious groups, their relations with the state, etc., have been discussed. The subject of this article is the changes and transformations in religious education in schools after independence. In this context, first of all, information about the general education sys ...More

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Kırgızistan GSM Sektöründe Hizmet Pazarlaması ve Hizmet Kalitesi Uygulamalarının Değerlendirilmesi


Hizmet sektörü birçok ülkede önde gelen bir sektör olmakla birlikte, sektörün yönetimi ile ilgili teorik altyapının da devamlı yeni araştırmalarla desteklenerek geliştirilmekte olduğu görülmektedir. Bilindiği gibi dünya genelinde rekabet koşulları her geçen gün daha şiddetli bir şekilde artmakta ve bu şartlar altında işletmelerin uzun dönemli başarılarını sağlayacak temel unsurlar içerisinde kalite ve pazarlama anlayışı da yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Kırgızistan’ın GSM sektöründe hizmet pazarlaması ve kalite uygulamalarının genel bir değerlendirmesini yapmaktır. Bu doğrultuda, ön ...More

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Religious education at public schools of Kyrgyzstan


The declaration of independency in 1991 became a turning point in the socio-economic, political and cultural fields of Kyrgyzstan. There have been important developments especially in the religious sphere. Since the first days of independency, issues related to freedom of religion and conscience have been heavily debated among Kyrgyz administrators. The general attitude of statesmen towards religion emerged as emphasising that the pressure applied towards religion in the Soviet period was wrong and paying attention to the social role of religion. New concepts such as secularism, freedom of rel ...More

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The integration of millet into the diet of Central Asian populations in the third millennium BC


Stable isotope analyses demonstrate that C-4 plants played an important dietary role in Eurasian prehistory. Uncertainty remains, however, about when and how crops were integrated into the diet of Central Asian populations. Here, the authors present delta C-13 and delta N-15 stable isotope analysis of human and animal bone collagen from Kyrgyzstan, revealing C-4 plant-likely broomcorn miller-consumption in the third millennium BC. Combining this evidence with AMS radiocarbon dating and animal collagen peptide fingerprinting demonstrates that broomcorn millet was consumed by humans and animals ...More

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Identification of Self-Incompatibility in Kyrgyzstan-Originated Apple Genotypes with Molecular Marker Technique


Kyrgyzstan is among the mother lands of apple and thus quite rich in apple genetic resources. This study was conducted to determine S-allele profiles of apple genotypes collected from different regions of Kyrgyzstan. The apple materials used belonged to 4 different species (M. domestica, M. kirghisorum, M. sieversii, M. niedzwetzkyana) and a total of 137 genotypes were evaluated in the study. Scorable bands were obtained with the use of 11 primer combinations and band lengths varied between 210 /- 50 and 700 /- 50 bp. Present findings revealed the most common S-allele as S46. Present findings ...More

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Changes and transformations in the bureaucratic administration of Kyrgyzstan: political elite and corruption = Перемены и преобразования в бюрократическом управлении Кыргызстана: политическая элита и коррупция

Ömer Faruk KARAMAN | Altınbek COLDOŞOV

One of the most important features that distinguishes ideal type bureaucracy from patrimonial bureaucracies is their relations with politics. These relations, determined within the constitutional framework, can operate in informal ways in some countries where traditional authorities are settled. Today, despite the existence of democratic rules and institutions in neopatrimonial countries, the ruling elites can influence bureaucracy within the scope of informal relations. In Kyrgyzstan, it is mentioned about the politics-bureaucracy relationship that takes shape around the presidents elected by ...More

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First molecular detection of Anaplasma species in cattle from Kyrgyzstan; molecular identification of human pathogenic novel genotype Anaplasma capra and Anaplasma phagocytophilum related strain

Ayperi Aytmırza Kızı

Anaplasmosis is a rickettsial infection with significant effects on human and animal health, and the discovery of new species or genotypes with zoonotic potential in recent years has increased this importance. The aim of this study was to provide the first assessment of the molecular etiology and prevalence of bovine anaplasmosis in Kyrgyzstan (specifically in the Chuy, Talas, Djalal-Abad, Naryn, and Issyk-Kul regions). The prevalence of bovine anaplasmosis was determined as 1.7 (6/358). PCR and partial DNA sequencing results of the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene revealed that Anaplasma central ...More

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Establishment and development of veterinary education in the Kyrgyz Republic = Становление и развитие ветеринарного образования в Кыргызской Республике

Ruslan SALIKOV | Askarbek TÜLÖBAEV

The analysis of archival materials of the past years gives the basis to claim that natural-climatic conditions, gracious land, extensive pastures, and the lifestyle of the Kyrgyz people contributed to the development of livestock, which has become an ordinary traditional activity of the Kyrgyz people. The current research article is dedicated to the formation and stages of veterinary education development in the country. Анализ архивных материалов прошлых лет дает основания утверждать, что природно-климатические условия, благодатная земля, обширные пастбища и образ жизни кыргызского народа спо ...More

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