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Mütevazı Liderliğin Yenilikçi İş Davranışına Etkisinde Psikolojik İyi Oluşun Rolü


Bu çalışmanın amacı; mütevazı liderliğin ve çalışanların psikolojik iyi oluşlarının yenilikçi iş davranışları üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Ayrıca araştırmada mütevazı liderliğin yenilikçi iş davranışı üzerindeki etkisinde psikolojik iyi oluşun aracılık etkisi incelenmiştir. Çalışmada mütevazı liderlik, yenilikçi iş davranışı ve psikolojik iyi oluş kavramları açıklanmış ve değişkenler arasındaki teorik ve ampirik ilişkiler ele alınarak oluşturulan hipotezlere yer verilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamındaki değişkenlerin ölçümümde daha önceden psikometrik özellikleri sınanmış mütevazı liderlik, psiko ...More

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Социальное предпринимательство в Центральной Азии: термины и определения


Целью данной статьи является изучение того, как термин «социальное предпринимательство» трактуется в научных публикациях, осуществляемых в странах ЦА. Для этого был проведен поиск опубликованных результатов научных исследований на таких платформах, как и Далее, анализ найденных публикаций по интересующей нас теме показал их наличие в Казахстане, Кыргызстане и Узбекистане и отсутствие в таких странах, как Таджикистан и Туркменистан. Найденные публикации в основном носят теоретический, нежели эмпирический характер. В результате обнаружено, что дефиниция, касающаяс ...More

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World Nomad Games As An Emerging Large-Scale Event and Its Role for Tourism Development in Kyrgyzstan


The World Nomad Games (WNG) is a new emerging large-scale event in the world, where ethnic sports can be exhibited. It was started in 2014 and until today WNG has been organized three times (2014, 2016, and 2018) in Kyrgyz Republic. Actually, these kinds of events have economic and noneconomic impacts on the destinations. In this chapter, the WNG role for tourism development in Kyrgyz Republic will be investigated. Kyrgyz Republic as a tourism destination was opened in 1991 after the collapse of the USSR. Today, tourism is identified among the priority sectors in the country. However, our coun ...More

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Generation Y or the Millennial Youth, the generation most affected by communication technologies, leading to innovations in many areas, from marketing to education. In our study, the flipped education/class model is implemented in the “End-of-period Transactions” course, during the 2019-2020 fall semester. The results show that the average Quiz, Midterm and Final grades of the flipped education/class were higher than those of the control group. The interviews revealed that the most important advantage of this method was the ease of access to the materials and applications, while sparing time t ...More

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Sanal Seyahat Deneyimindeki Duyu ve Bilgi Kalitesinin Ziyaret Niyeti Üzerine Etkileri

Mehmet Şükrü AKDOĞAN

COVID-19 salgınının çok süratli yayılmasıyla pandemiye dönüşmesi, dünya çapında seyahat kısıtlamalarının yaşanmasına neden olmuş ve insanlar evlerine kapanmak zorunda kalmışlardır. Bu dönemde fiziksel olarak temas etmeyi gerektiren veya diğer insanlarla bir arada bulunmayı zorunlu kılan ürün ya da hizmet sunan işletmeler, özellikle turizm sektöründe faaliyet gösteren işletmeler, COVID-19 pandemisinden en çok etkilenenlerin başında gelmektedir. Bu etkileri azaltmak için birçok turizm işletmesi, hedef kitlelerine evlerinde bir destinasyonu deneyimleyecekleri sanal seyahat turları geliştirmeye ba ...More

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Kırgızistan GSM Sektöründe Hizmet Pazarlaması ve Hizmet Kalitesi Uygulamalarının Değerlendirilmesi


Hizmet sektörü birçok ülkede önde gelen bir sektör olmakla birlikte, sektörün yönetimi ile ilgili teorik altyapının da devamlı yeni araştırmalarla desteklenerek geliştirilmekte olduğu görülmektedir. Bilindiği gibi dünya genelinde rekabet koşulları her geçen gün daha şiddetli bir şekilde artmakta ve bu şartlar altında işletmelerin uzun dönemli başarılarını sağlayacak temel unsurlar içerisinde kalite ve pazarlama anlayışı da yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Kırgızistan’ın GSM sektöründe hizmet pazarlaması ve kalite uygulamalarının genel bir değerlendirmesini yapmaktır. Bu doğrultuda, ön ...More

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Technological intelligence for circular supply chain: a co-citation analysis approach


Purpose The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the supply chains, and this brought researchers and practitioners to think about more on circular supply chains (CSC). The CSC concept has been discussed in the literature more than a decade. This study aims to find out the theoretical roots of CSC by analyzing scholarly articles in literature. Design/methodology/approach This paper uses document cocitation analysis for reaching this aim. After retrieving data from Web of Science database, this paper explores data set by considering used references of these publications and clusters them based on the ...More

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Future research avenues at the nexus of circular economy and digitalization


Purpose The authors posit that one of the key enablers of the circular economy will be the digital transformation - in other words, digitalization. In this study, the authors examine and visualize the interaction of the circular economy and digitalization by using scientific publications. They explore possible synergies and future research avenues at this junction. Design/methodology/approach The authors first apply bibliometrics to explore and visualize the relationships between the circular economy and digitalization in the academic literature. Following the clustering of topics, they define ...More

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Taguchi optimization of automotive radiator cooling with nanofluids


Considering the influences of the heat transfer rate in automotive radiators on several aspects such as engine performance, fuel economy and available space for components, the present study numerically investigates the impacts of different nanofluids on the heat transfer and pressure drop in an automotive radiator. Four different parameters each having four levels are taken into consideration, which are nanoparticle volume fraction (phi 0.1, 0.3, 0.7, and 1), Reynolds number (Re 9350, 13,800, 18,500 and 23,000), type of base fluid (EG20, EG40, EG60, and water) and type of nanoparticle (Fe3O4, ...More

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Investigation on properties of cement mortar with bottom ash and perlite


Perlite and some recycled materials are preferably used to provide thermal insulation and lightness in mortar. Cement is often used as a binder in such a composite, although it makes the composite heavier and impairs its insulation properties. In this study, recycled bottom ash (BA) and expanded perlite (EP) as the aggregate, and cement as the binder and the optimum solution were investigated by using Taguchi Method. Depending on the specimens prepared using orthogonal array L9, the values of compressive strength, flexural strength, flowability, dry unit weight, water absorption, capillarity c ...More

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The evolution of Foresight: What evidence is there in scientific publications?


This study examines the recent evolution of Foresight as a well-recognized tool for long-term policy and strategy making and discusses the future directions the activity might take. The science mapping approach is used for the analysis. Drawing on big data, science mapping provides an evolutionary overview of scientific domains across time and helps to identify patterns showing the research agenda and directions of development of those domains. In the present study, we demonstrate the use of the science mapping approach with the case of the Foresight field. The results of our analysis confirm ...More

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Fuzzy Applications in Custom Clothing Design Technology Based on Intelligent 3D Simulation Technology

This article integrates intelligent 3D simulation technology with an online customized clothing system to increase the impact of customized clothing design. The user uses a 3D scanner to scan his own body and acquire 3D body data, which include information of the head, chest, upper limbs, lower limbs, hands, and feet. Furthermore, this work enhances intelligent tracking and recognition technology, enhances the impact of human body parameter collection, and combines the enhanced algorithm to create a personalised clothing design system based on intelligent 3D simulation technology. Through expe ...More

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