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Fecal Ciliate Composition of Domestic Horses (Equus caballus Linnaeus, 1758) Living in Kyrgyzstan


Species composition and distribution of intestinal ciliates were investigated in the feces from 15 domestic horses living in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Twenty-three species belonging to 14 genera were identified. This is the first study on intestinal ciliates in domestic horses living in Kyrgyzstan. The mean number of ciliates was 14.1 +/- 6.8 x 10(4) cells ml(-1) of feces and the mean number of ciliate species per host was 6.0 +/- 3.2. No endemic or new species were detected. Blepharocorys was the major genus as these ciliates were detected in high proportions. In contrast Holophryoides, Allantosom ...More

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The Determinants of Tax Culture in Transition Economies: The Case of Kyrgyzstan = Geçiş Ekonomilerinde Vergi Kültürü ve Etkileyen Faktörler: Kırgızistan Örneği

Raziyahan ABDİYEVA | Cusupcan PİRİMBAYEV

Devletin fonksiyonlarını etkin ve başarılı bir şekilde yerine getirebilmesi için sürekli ve sağlıklı finansal kaynaklara ihtiyacı vardır. Devletin sağlıklı bir şekilde sürekli gelire sahip olması ancak vergi sisteminin etkinliğine bağlıdır. Vergi sisteminin başarısını ise mükelleflerin vergi yükümlülüklerini yerine getirme düzeyi belirlemektedir. Çalışmamızda bir geçiş ekonomisi olan Kırgızistan’daki mükelleflerin vergi kültürü ve bu vergi kültürünü etkileyen faktörler araştırılmaktadır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre vergi kültürünü etkileyenen önemli faktörlerin devlete güven, kamu hizmetlerinin ...More

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Patterns of Television Viewing Behavior in Kyrgyzstan: A Perspective of Uses and Gratifications = Kırgızistanda Televizyon İzleme Davranışı Örüntüleri: Bir Kullanımlar ve Doyumlar Perspektifi

Bünyamin AYHAN

Television draws attention as a very powerful means of mass communication taking up a very important part in social life. Television, when compared to other mass media, remains as a means that presents information to people in an effective and persuasive way without requiring any training for use. Television comes to the fore among other social media due to its audio and visual elements and its ability to create a false sense of participation. Television informs while entertaining. Especially, it presents people with various alternatives not only to be relieved of the oppressive everyday life ...More

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The Distribution of PAS-Positive Uterine Natural Killer (uNK) Cells in the Decidua Basalis of Pregnant Mice = Gebe Farelerde Desidua Bazalis Dokusundaki PAS-Pozitif Uterus Doğal Katil Hücrelerinin Dağılımı


Bu çalışma, gebeliğin farklı dönemlerindeki fare desidua bazalis dokusunda periyodik-asit Schiff (PAS)-pozitif granüllere sahip uterus doğal katil (uNK) hücrelerinin dağılımının belirlenmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Bu amaçla, 12-14 haftalık fareler, gebe olmayan-kontrol grubu ile gebeliğin birinci, ikinci ve üçüncü haftalarının ortasına karşılık gelecek şekilde erken, orta ve geç gebelik dönemi (sırasıyla gebeliğin 3, 10. ve 17. günleri) olmak üzere 4 gruba ayrıldılar (n= 6). Plasentasyonun ilerlemesiyle birlikte metriyal bölge (MLAp; mesometrial lymphoid aggregate of pregnancy), desidua bazalis, ba ...More

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Characterization of polymer inclusion membrane containing Aliquat 336 as a carrier


The presented research is about characterization of Cellulose Triacetate (CTA) based Polymer Inclusion Membranes (PIMs) which incorporated the commercial extractant Aliquat 336, Tributylphosphate (TBP) as modifier and 2-Nitro Phenyl Pentyl Ether (NPPE) as plasticizer, for the preparation of the membranes. Chemical and physical characteristics of the synthesized membranes especially membrane thickness and side difference effects were investigated. Different surface structures and membrane thickness affect the extraction efficiency of membranes. Membrane extraction experiments were studied where ...More

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Comparison of Ice Massage versus Cold-Water Immersion on Muscle Damage and DOMS Levels of Elite Wrestlers


The present stu dy is aimed at comparing the effects of ice massage versus cold-water immersion on creatinekinase (CK) levels and delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) values of elite wrestlers. To ac hieve the objectives of the research twenty elite wrestlers participated in the stu dy. Participants were separ ated into two groups (ice massage vs. cold water immersion) of whose weights were equal. Between the sets, experim ent group was applied ice message for 8 minu tes while control group was given cold-water immersion. Blood samples of the subjects were tak en before and after the exercises ...More

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Environmental relationships of the vascular flora alongside the railway tracks between Haydarpaşa and Gebze (Istanbul-Kocaeli/ Turkey)


The vascular flora alongside the railway track between Haydarpasa and Gebze in Turkey was investigated and the floristic features of the study area are presented here. The investigation was undertaken during 2003-2009. In total 194 plant taxa were determined. Out of these 174 were naturally growing and 20 were exotics and cultivated. Native taxa within the flora belonged to 135 genera and 50 families, exotic and cultivated taxa belonged to 20 genera and 15 families. The members of Dicotyledonae constituted of 82.76% and Monocotyledonae 16.09% of the native taxa. The highest number of these tax ...More

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The effect of drinking water and isotonic sports drinks in elite wrestlers

Serdar GERİ

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of sports drinks (isotonic) and water consumptions of the elite wrestlers during the exercise. Eighteen-trained elite wrestlers participated in this study. The subjects were divided into two groups according to their body-weight and were also given either water or isotonic sports drink. Water and sports drinks get rid of the dehydration during the trainings (P>0.05). Blood samples were taken before and after the exercises,and were analyzed for Sodium (Na), Potassium (K) and Chlorine (Cl). Body temperatures of subjects were measured as ºC ...More

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Установление продолжительности варки некоторых сортов фасоли = Establishment of Cooking Time Some Varieties of Beans


Фасоль отличается высоким содержанием белков и углеводов, а также большим содержанием витаминов, минералов и других полезных веществ, улучшающих состояние процессов, происходящих в организме человека. Чтобы питательные и полезные вещества не уничтожились в процессе приготовления, необходимо знать режимы тепловой обработки этого полезного продукта. Перед тем, как сварить фасоль, нужно ее замачивать. Предварительное замачивание способствует скорому приготовлению и сохранению формы фасоли. Варка фасоли является гидротермическим процессом, в котором сочетается одновременное воздействие теплом и во ...More

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Оружие, украшения и принадлежности костюма с памятника «Красный строитель» в Чуйской долине Кыргызстана = Weapons, adornments and elements of costume from the “Krasnyj Stroitel” site in the Chuy valley of Kyrgyzstan


В статье анализируются находки с разрушенного памятника «Красный строитель» на берегу р. Ала-Арча на северной окраине г. Бишкека в Чуйской долине Кыргызстана. В этой местности, где расположена одна из городских свалок, школьники случайно нашли несколько ценных артефактов, в т.ч. изделия из золота и серебра. В результате изучения находок удалось определить их функциональное назначение, время бытования и культурную принадлежность. Эти предметы входили в состав украшений и принадлежностей костюма представителей знати древних кочевых племен, носителей кенкольской культуры, населявших горы и долины ...More

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Древнетюркские каменные изваяния из с. Туура-Суу в Кыргызстане = Ancient Turkic Stone Statues at Tuura-Suu, Kyrgyzstan


В статье рассматриваются частично и полностью сохранившиеся древнетюркские каменные изваяния, обнаруженные кыргызскими археологами в с. Туура-Суу Иссык-Кульской обл. в Республике Кыргызстан. Исследуются особенности поминальной обрядности, характерные для древнетюркской культуры в периоды существования на Тянь-Шане и в Семиречье государств западных тюрок и тюргешей. Анализируются реалии, изображенные на рассматриваемых скульптурах. На основе прослеженных аналогий определены хронология и культурная принадлежность изученных каменных изваяний, выделены их характерные особенности. Рассмотрена верси ...More

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The study of geometrical parameters of some varieties of beans grown in Kyrgyzstan before and after the hydrothermal treatment = Изучение геометрических параметров зерен некоторых сортов фасоли, выращиваемых в Кыргызстане, до и после гидротермической обработки


Зерна фасоли имеют высокую питательную ценность и усвояемость человеческим организмом. В Кыргызской Республике производится более 20 сортов фасоли, продукция экспортируема на 90 %. Несмотря на такой экспортный потенциал, до сих пор пищевая ценность и некоторые технологические свойства зерен фасоли местных сортов изучены недостаточно. В данной работе определены такие геометрические показатели зерен фасоли, как длина, ширина, толщина, среднеарифметический диаметр, среднегеометрический диаметр, шарообразность, площадь поверхности, соотношение сторон до и после гидротермической обработки. Эти данн ...More

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