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Peace, justice and strong institutionsEstablish peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
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The Impact of Government Effectiveness on Trade and Financial Openness: The Generalized Quantile Panel Regression Approach


Purpose: This paper aims to investigate the impact of government effectiveness on trade and financial openness in 35 selected countries around the globe. Design/methodology/approach: A quantitative research approach was applied in the study using the generalized quantile panel regression approach to analyze the impact of identified variables in these selected countries. Panel quantile models with high estimation performance are preferred in the presence of excessive deviations and in cases where the normal distribution is invalid. Findings/results: The empirical findings indicate that selected ...More

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Organizational Learning Management System Application via Micro PC Hardware: A Case Study in Kyrgyzstan


In the current work, systems based on mini/micro PCs that can support the corporate learning management practices have been evaluated. As a learning management system, the Moodle platform was chosen. The evaluation was based on the end users' experience. For measurement, carried out in three dimensions, a questionnaire was distributed among students enrolled in the blended course, offered with online support. According to results of the study, the installation of Moodle on micro PC was evaluated as slow. However, students agree that given the price of the device, it can be used as an alternati ...More

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Traditional Values and Institutional Quality = Традиционные ценности и качество институтов


Why do similar economic and political institutions function differently in various cultures? This paper tries to identify potentially important factors related to the institutional quality. We investigate the relationship between cultures, cultural dimensions: non-tradition in particular, and formal institutions to explain differences in the quality of institutions around the world. We use a measure of traditional values, structured by Inglehart and Baker, from the World Values Survey, to extend the literature on the determinants of institutions' quality. We show that differences in traditiona ...More

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Uncertainty Perpetuated? The Pitfalls of a Weakly Institutionalized Party System in Kyrgyzstan


The parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan in October 2015 garnered widespread approval from commentators for the level of fairness and freedom maintained throughout the campaign. However, the results of the vote do not provide a clear indication of the current state of affairs of parliamentarism in the republic. Focusing on the commercialization of party lists, we argue that neither identity politics nor the logic of neopatrimonialism adequately explain the dynamics of political competition in Kyrgyzstan. Instead, we see perpetual uncertainty emerging from contradicting yet increasing attempts ...More

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Kırgız Toplumunda Bir Kurum Olarak Aksakallar = Aksakal as an Institution in Kyrgyz Society


Tarih boyunca Orta Asya Türk toplumlarında, resmi olmayan “aksakal” kurumu sürekli olarak varlığını sürdürmüştür. Kırgızistan’da, ortak geçmiş deneyimine sahip, belirli bir yaş sınırında olan bir grup erkek aksakal olur ve söz konusu topluluk aksakal kurumunu temsil ederler. Aksakal olmada sadece yaş belirleyici unsur değildir; hayat tecrübesi esas alınarak, halk tarafından seçimle belirlenir aksakallar. Aksakal, değerler, gelenekler konusunda bilgili, akıllı, ihtiyatlı, tarafsız, adil ve dürüst adamdır. Aksakal, sadece toplumsal sorunları çözmede bir uzlaştırıcı olarak değil, aynı zamanda yön ...More

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The Effect of Ownership Structure on Financial Reporting Timeliness: An Implementation on Borsa Istanbul

Gökhan ÖZER

The purpose of the current study is to investigate the influence of corporate and foreign ownership structures on the timeliness of financial reporting. The sample of the study consists of 2,204 observations obtained from 208 companies trading in Borsa Istanbul between 2008 and 2019. Multiple regression analysis was conducted, and the relationship between ownership structure and financial reporting timelinesses was investigated. The findings indicate that corporate and foreign ownership are significantly and negatively associated with financial reporting timeliness. Robustness analysis was car ...More

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Кыргызстан: Социальное формирование школьников в условиях многоязычия


Статья посвящена педагогическим аспектам социального формирования личности в условиях двуязычия и многоязычия, развитию и утверждению двуязычия как средства межнационального общения и обучения школьников, проблемам межкультурной коммуникации и поликультурного воспитания в условиях многонациональных республик.

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New Findings on Basmachi Movement in Kyrgyzstan (1925-1934) = Kırgızistan’da Basmacı Hareketiyle İlgili Yeni Bilgiler (1925-1934)


Bilindiği gibi Sovyet yönetiminin ilk yıllarında Türkistan’da basmacı hareketi baş göstermiş ve bu hareket, yö- netimin askerî tedbirler almasına sebep olacak kadar ileri boyutlara ulaşmıştır. Kırgızistan’da basmacıların faaliyetlerinin, güneydeki farklı ilçelerde, özellikle de dağlık bölgelerde 1930’larda da etkili olduğu görülmektedir. Basmacı kollarını yönetenlerin halk arasında nüfuz ve itibar sahibi olan kimselerden oldukları dikkat çekici bir husus arz etmektedir. Bu durum ve basmacı hareketinin geniş bir çapta yayılarak sıradan halkın desteğini kazanması, Sovyet yönetimi için ciddi bir ...More

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Изображение оружия на петроглифическом памятнике Айгыр-Жал в центральном Тянь-Шане = Representation of Weaponry at the Petroglyphic Site of Aigyr-Jal in the Central Tian Shan


В статье рассматриваются древние рисунки, нанесенные на поверхности массивных валунов в составе археологического памятника Айгыр-Жал. Этот археологический памятник находится в долине р. Нарын в Центральном Тянь-Шане. Среди рисунков, выбитых на более крупном валуне, имеются изображения горных козлов. Рядом выбиты фигуры с округлыми окончаниями. Скорее всего, это схематические изображения колесниц. В центральной части этого валуна техникой выбивки нанесено изображение меча со слабоизогнутым клинком, вероятно вложенным в ножны, оканчивающиеся полукруглым окончанием. Клинок снабжен перекрестьем по ...More

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How Did the State and Kinship Create Soviet Economy? (Case of Kyrgyzstan) = Devlet ile Akrabalık İlişkiler Ağı Sovyet Ekonomisini Nasıl Kurdu? Kırgızistan Örneği

Baktıbek İSAKOV

The Soviet Union was established in about 1920, but due to large-scale processes such as collectivization, World War II, and their negative consequences, the transitional period that followed the establishment was extended to the late 1950s. Rapid Soviet modernization through the liquidation of local traditions was in many places just a show. This essay focusing on local practices argues that the Soviet economy in rural Kyrgyz Republic was created through the interaction between the state and local kinship relations. Moreover, where the Soviet class system was weak in rural areas in particular ...More

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Alash Orda Movement = Alaş Orda Hareketi


Alaş Orda, 1917 Sovyet Rus Devrimi’ni takip eden günlerde çekirdeğini Kazak gazetesi etrafında toplanan Kazak aydınlarının oluşturduğu milli bir hareket ve bu hareketin kurduğu milli muhtar bir hükümettir. Ruhu günümüze kadar gelen Alaş hareketi, A. Bökeyhanov, A. Baytursunov, M. Dulatov, H. Dosmuhamedov, J. Dosmuhamedov, İ. Jaynakov, B. Alibekov, A. Turlubayev, vd. isimler öncülüğünde Şubat 1917 Rus Devrimi’ni müteakip Kazakların yaşadıkları bölgelerde teşkilatlanarak I. Genel Kazak Kurultayı’nı toplamış ve burada alınan kararla Alaş Partisi kurulmuştur. Bundan kısa bir süre sonra Alaş Partis ...More

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Железный наконечник стрелы редкой формы из Южного Кыргызстана = The Iron Tip of Arrow of the Rare Form from Southern Kyrgyzstan


В статье исследуется редкая для Кыргызстана находка плоского железного наконечника стрелы с железным шариком с двумя отверстиями - свистункой. Этот наконечник был обнаружен в Баткенской области на юге Кыргызской Республики. Схожие по конструкции железные наконечники с железными шариками-свистунками в предшествующие десятилетия были обнаружены в курганах енисейских кыргызов в Южной Сибири, которые датируются периодами развитого и позднего Средневековья. Находка наконечника стрелы с железным шариком может свидетельствовать о том, что предки современных кыргызов принесли с собой подобные стрелы, ...More

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