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AMINO ACID COMPOSITION AND SOME PHYSICOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF MULTI-FLORAL HONEY FROM MOUNTAINOUS REGIONS OF KYRGYZSTAN = Kırgızistan'ın Dağlık Bölgelerinden Elde Edilen Polifloralı (Çok Çiçekli) Balın Amino Asit Bileşimi ve Bazı Fizikokimyasal Parametreleri


Mountain animal food products are at the center of attention due to their intrinsic value and, as such, mountain beekeeping products deserve attention and effort for their valorisation. The work aimed at investigating the quality traits of mountain honey samples from Kyrgyzstan, giving particular emphasis on the amino acid profiles and their possible relationship with the other chemical-physical characteristics. The moisture content, acidity, pH, and diastase activity of honey samples were within the limits established by normative documents. The honey samples showed a higher diastase activity ...Более

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The free amino acid profiling of milk-and cereal-based Kyrgyz ethnic fermented beverages and their contribution to taste formation


The present study aimed to determine the content of 18 free amino acids (FAA), including 10 essential amino acids, in traditional fermented beverages and their umami, sweet and bitter taste potential. The FAAs of traditional dairy and cereal-based fermented beverages were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a diode array detector and derivatization with diethyl ethoxymethylenemalonate (DEEMM). FAA content and taste attributes with a focus on umami, sweet and bitter were presented for koumiss, ayran, carbonated ayran, boza, boza with sea buckthorn, and maksym. The ...Более

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Application of selected lactic acid bacteria isolates for bread production without baker's yeast

Ayçürök MACİTOVA | Acar Makambay Kızı

The isolates of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from traditional fermented koumiss and homemade dry rye sourdough were examined for their potential to be used in bread production without baker’s yeast. Among twenty isolates, three with superior fermentation ability and acidification capability were identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Leuconostoc mesenteroides from koumiss, Levilactobacillus brevis from 48 h activated rye sourdough, and Leuconostoc citreum from rye sourdough extract were singly and mixed (1:1:1) inoculated into liquid sourdoughs and used for bread-making tests. Bread prepared wi ...Более

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Определение аминокислотного состава коровьего молока методом жидкостной хроматографии с применением предколоночной дериватизации = Determination of Amino Acid Composition of Cow’s Milk by Liquid Chromatography Using Precolumn Derivatization


Применение процедуры предколоночной дериватизации с диэтилэтоксиметиленмалонатом в определении содержания аминокислот молока, методом обращенно-фазовой хроматографии с диодно матричным детектированием было исследовано. Установлено влияние рН среды на коэффициент отклика. Оптимизированы условия модификации аминокислот образцов при проведении процедуры пробоподготовки. Было достигнуто полное разделение 18 аминокислот. В молоке коровы преобладала глутаминовая кислота, концентрация которой была в два раза больше чем лейцин и лизин, и в три раза больше чем аспарагиновая кислота.- The application o ...Более

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Determination of amino acid profile of mare milk produced in highlands of the Kyrgyz Republic during the milking season


This study was carried out to determine the influence of milking season on amino acid (AA) profile and chemical composition of milk samples from Kyrgyz native breed mares under traditional pasture conditions. Milk samples were collected monthly from May to August 2014 from mares grazing at 2,200 m above sea level. The AA composition was determined by precolumn derivatization with diethyl ethoxymethylenemalonate in HPLC and 18 AA were determined in mare milk. The analytical parameters of linearity (0.01–4 μg/mL), precision of the method (0.26–4.88% relative standard deviation), derivatization p ...Более

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Amino Acid and Fatty Acid Profile of the Mare's Milk Produced on Suusamyr Pastures of the Kyrgyz Republic During Lactation Period


The high nutritional and health-promoting properties of kymyz, a traditional drink of nomads produced from mare's milk, are well-known and reported in literature. The composition of mare's milk is significantly different from that of cow and other ruminants. Fatty acid composition and amino acid profile of mare's milk produced at Suusamyr pastures of Kyrgyzstan were studied during four lactation months (May, June, July and August). The amino acid composition was determined by precolumn derivatization with diethyl ethoxymethylenemalonate (DEEMM) in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) ...Более

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Физиологически функциональные компоненты кобыльего молока (обзорная статья) = Review: Physiologically functional components of mare's milk


Популярность кобыльего молока как продукта для лечебного питания возрастает с каждым днем. Причиной тому являются исторически сложившиеся традиции кыргызского народа использования кобыльего молока в лечебных целях и научные основы народной медицины. Целью данного исследования было определить сходство и различия кобыльего молока с молоком других сельскохозяйственных животных. Уникальный состав кобыльего молока – основа всех его лечебных свойств: оно богато незаменимыми аминокислотами, витаминами С и Е, ненасыщенными жирными киcлотами. Содержание кальция и фосфора в кобыльем молоке подобно матер ...Более

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Thermal stability enhancement of berry anthocyanins by co-pigmentation with extracts from natural sources


The suitability of mandarin (MP), orange (OP) and pomegranate peel powders (PP) for co-pigmentation of dewberry, viburnum, red hawthorn, black hawthorn, and barberry anthocyanins was investigated. Spectrophotometric measurements indicated co-pigmentation causing both a hyperchromic effect (Delta ABS(max) 5-13) and bathochromic shift (Delta lambda (vis-max) up to 13 nm). The degradation kinetics of anthocyanins were estimated at temperatures ranging from 70 to 90 degrees C. First-order reactions with rate constants of 0.45-2.93 min(-1) and 0.30-2.00 min(-1) were observed for the reference and P ...Более

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Composition, nitrogen fraction, and amino acid profile of mare's milk produced in the mountains and highlands


The study was carried out to determine the effect of 2 ecological regions and lactation period on chemical (P < 0.01) and amino acid (P < 0.01) composition and nitrogen fraction (P < 0.01) of mares grazing on pastures at 1700 m (vegetation is dominated by shrubs and sub-shrubs) and 2200 m (vegetation is dominated by grasses, forbs, sub-shrubs) above sea level. The animals were kept under extensive pasture conditions and received no additional feed supplements. Milk samples were collected monthly from May to July and from May to August from mares grazing at 1700 m (Mountains) and 2200 m (Highla ...Более

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