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Мир, правосудие и эффективные институтыУстановление мирных и инклюзивных обществ для устойчивого развития, обеспечение доступа к правосудию для всех и создание эффективных, ответственных и инклюзивных институтов на всех уровнях
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Alash Orda Movement = Alaş Orda Hareketi


Alaş Orda, 1917 Sovyet Rus Devrimi’ni takip eden günlerde çekirdeğini Kazak gazetesi etrafında toplanan Kazak aydınlarının oluşturduğu milli bir hareket ve bu hareketin kurduğu milli muhtar bir hükümettir. Ruhu günümüze kadar gelen Alaş hareketi, A. Bökeyhanov, A. Baytursunov, M. Dulatov, H. Dosmuhamedov, J. Dosmuhamedov, İ. Jaynakov, B. Alibekov, A. Turlubayev, vd. isimler öncülüğünde Şubat 1917 Rus Devrimi’ni müteakip Kazakların yaşadıkları bölgelerde teşkilatlanarak I. Genel Kazak Kurultayı’nı toplamış ve burada alınan kararla Alaş Partisi kurulmuştur. Bundan kısa bir süre sonra Alaş Partis ...Более

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The cyber security strategy of Israel

Mehmet Emin ERENDOR

This article explores the main targets of the Israel’s cyber security strategy and bureaucratic, commercial and academic structures which take part in this strategy, by examining the public-private sector and academy cooperation model in the Israel’s cyber security strategy. The security-oriented cooperation model that Israel has established to develop the strategy in question have been analysed by considering all the details.

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Death Rituals of the Hamadan (Iranian) Turks = Похоронные обряды тюрков Хамадана (Иран)

Faruk GÜN

Death is one of the most important transitional periods in human life apart from birth and marriage. Among the Hamadan Turks, rituals related to death are actively carried on. The study covers the ideas about the death and the customs of the Turks of this region. The research is aimed at revealing beliefs and customs of the region's cultural life and passing them on to future generations. It has been determined that the traditional ceremonies about death in Hamadan have survived to the present days not with a pure Islamic understanding, but with a combination of ancient Turkic traditions. Наря ...Более

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Establishment and development of veterinary education in the Kyrgyz Republic = Становление и развитие ветеринарного образования в Кыргызской Республике

Ruslan SALIKOV | Askarbek TÜLÖBAEV

The analysis of archival materials of the past years gives the basis to claim that natural-climatic conditions, gracious land, extensive pastures, and the lifestyle of the Kyrgyz people contributed to the development of livestock, which has become an ordinary traditional activity of the Kyrgyz people. The current research article is dedicated to the formation and stages of veterinary education development in the country. Анализ архивных материалов прошлых лет дает основания утверждать, что природно-климатические условия, благодатная земля, обширные пастбища и образ жизни кыргызского народа спо ...Более

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The Intellectual Disputes on the Establishment of a National Autonomous Republic in Kyrgyzstan in the Early Years of the Soviet Period = Sovyet Döneminin İlk Yıllarında Kırgızistan’da Millî Özerk Cumhuriyet Kurma Konusundaki Fikrî Münakaşalar


1920’li yıllarda Bolşevikler Türkistan’da Komünist ideoloji ışığında bölgedeki Türk halklarının siyasî, sosyal ve ekonomik yapısını kökten değiştirerek sosyalist bir model yerleştirme hareketini başlatmışlardır. Ancak Moskova yönetimi, bu modeli yerleştirme konusunda yerli Kırgız asıllı bürokratların farklı görüşleri olabileceğini ya dikkate almamış, ya düşünememiş veya tahmin edememiştir. Sonuçta Komünist Parti’nin Kırgızistan şubesi bünyesinde hizipleşme hareketi ortaya çıkmış ve Moskova, iki ayrı grubun farklı görüşleriyle uğraşmak zorunda kalmıştır. Kırgızistan’da birine Abdikerim Sıdıkov’ ...Более

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Rise of dataism (The dawn of dataism) = Рассвет датаизма

Güntekin ŞİMŞEK

С каждым днем, по мере появления новых продуктов и изобретений, технологии во всем мире стремительно развиваются. Однако самым важным объектом, тесно связанным с технологиями, остается человек. В скором времени миром будут править те, кто владеет информацией, построив собственные цифровые империи. На этой основе и возникает понятие «датаизм», которое провозглашают религией будущего. В данной статье представлен литературный обзор на тему датаизма. Даны определение понятия «датаизм», его основная цель и заповеди. Также были изучены понятия социализм, либерализм, место человека в датаизме, ум и с ...Более

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South Korea's policy towards Central Asia: an overview of economic cooperation and partnership formation

Mehmet Emin ERENDOR

This article analyses the main determinants of South Korean foreign policy towards Central Asian countries. The article describes the Korean position with its particular parameters to understand the main motivations in the regional relationship. Additionally, gained profits of the Central Asian countries are also investigated under the win-win strategy of Seoul.

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Pre-revolutionary historiography about the social and political life of the Kyrgyz people in the 19th century = Дореволюционная историография об общественно-политической жизни киргизов в XIX в


В статье анализируются труды русских путешественников, военных -востоковедов и других представителей царского правительства, отражающие общественно-политическую жизнь киргизов в XIX веке. Отмечается, что представителями русской дореволюционной историографии, такими как Н.Н. Татищев, П.И. Рычков, И. Андреев и др., было начато научное изучение истории киргизов, что привело к возникновению нового направления - киргизоведения.

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Story of October revolution and reconstruction of reality: «Trotsky»

Niyazi AYHAN

The article focuses on the revolutionary narrative in the TV series Trotsky, which was released on the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution. Therefore, the general purpose of the study is to reveal the meaning of the October revolution in present-day Russia. A new reality has been tried to be constructed through the criticism of the cinematographic narrative and the method of planning and realizing the revolution.

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