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Kyrgyzstan gained its independence in 1991. The Constitution adopted in 1992 became a basis for the restructuring process in the religious sphere. According to the relevant articles of the Constitution, the issues relating to the place and purpose of formal and non-formal religious education in general education, the formation of religious groups, their relations with the state, etc., have been discussed. The subject of this article is the changes and transformations in religious education in schools after independence. In this context, first of all, information about the general education sys ...Daha fazlası

Kyrgyz Youth from Past to Present: Opportunities and Threats


Kyrgyz is a deep-rooted nation history of which goes back to ancient times. Before passing to the settled life, Kyrgyz people lived in a nomadic life. As a necessity of nomadic life, they earned their lives by farming and they met their needs thorough animal breeding. As a house, they lived in “boz uy” that is a traditional Kyrgyz house made of felt. While they lived in their traditional house, they taught their children to make various clothes from animal materials and used animal milk and wool. This traditional life style was transferred from the old generation to the young generation throug ...Daha fazlası

The Nature of the Reward and Punishment in the Hereafter in Terms of the Method the Visible As an Evidence for the Invisible in Maturidi = Mâtürîdî’de Delâletü’ş-Şâhid Ale’l-Gâib Metodu Açısından Âhiretteki Ödül ve Cezanın Mâhiyeti


The vast majority of theologians accept true news, sound senses and healthy working mind as sources of knowledge. Due to the fact that the mind is counted among the sources of knowledge, reason-based evidence has been used in many subjects. It is known that Māturīdī was the first theologian who dealt with the mentioned sources of knowledge in his work. At the very beginning of his Kitāb al-Tawhīd, he determined the ways of acquiring knowledge as correct news, sound senses and reason, and elaborated them in detail. Māturīdī mostly prefers the term inference to describe the use of reason. He has ...Daha fazlası

Religious education at public schools of Kyrgyzstan


The declaration of independency in 1991 became a turning point in the socio-economic, political and cultural fields of Kyrgyzstan. There have been important developments especially in the religious sphere. Since the first days of independency, issues related to freedom of religion and conscience have been heavily debated among Kyrgyz administrators. The general attitude of statesmen towards religion emerged as emphasising that the pressure applied towards religion in the Soviet period was wrong and paying attention to the social role of religion. New concepts such as secularism, freedom of rel ...Daha fazlası

Zaydiyya as a Political Actor in Ottoman-Yemen Relations -A Reading on Mehmed Memduh and Miftah Yemen- = Osmanlı-Yemen İlişkilerinde Siyasi Bir Aktör Olarak Zeydiyye -Mehmed Memduh ve Miftah-ı Yemen Üzerinden Bir Okuma-


It is seen that a sect-based religious-social structure has formed among Muslims since the early periods of Islamic history and sects have become a defining part of Muslim identity. The sects, which were shaped around religious problems at the beginning, have become controversial since they have gained different social dimensions over time. Since the 3./9. century, sects have sought to establish a state by turning into a political movement rather than being an individual or social choice in understanding and living religion. The subject discussed in this article is the determination and evalua ...Daha fazlası

The Scientific Environment in the Period When Ibn Lahi'a (d. 174/790) Lived İbn Lehî‘a’nın (ö. 174/790) Yaşadığı Dönemde İlmî Muhit


In this article we will focus on a famous rawī, named Ibn Lahīʿa. It is possible to find Ibn Lahīʿa, whose lineage is mentioned as ʿAbd Allah ibn Lahīʿa b. ʿUqba al-Miṣrī, frequently in early jarḥ-taʿdīl sources and muṣannaf works. But, especially from the view of ḥāadīth narrations and rijāl criticism, he is often mentioned negatively. For example, among the statements about his jarḥ-taʿdīl status, we find such expressions as “He is ḍaʻīf (weak).”, “He is ḍaʻīf al-ḥadīth.”, “His ḥadīths do not qualify to be used as evidence.”, “He is not qawī.” or similar expressions which have become widespr ...Daha fazlası

Common Religious Education Activities and Mosques in Kyrgyzstan after Independency = Bağımsızlık Sonrası Kırgızistan’da Yaygın Din Eğitimi Faaliyetleri ve Camiler

Bakıtbek MURZARAİMOV | Mustafa KÖYLÜ

Kyrgyz people lived under the control of Soviet Union for about 70 years. During this time, they were forbidden to practice any kinds of religious duties. Their religious schools and mosques were closed or used for other aims rather than religious needs. In short, all kinds of religious freedom and practices were forbidden strictly. The aim was to bring up an atheistic people during the days of Soviet Union. However, when Kyrgyz people won their independence and established a new country, all kinds of restrictions in terms of religion were abrogated and people began to establish their religiou ...Daha fazlası

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