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Bulunan: 217 Adet 0.000 sn
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Technical, Science and Applied SciencesKırgızistan-Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu

Characterization of a 2,2-dichloropropionic acid (2,2-dcp) degrading alkalotorelant bacillus megaterium strain bhs1 isolated from blue lake in Turkey

Yılmaz KAYA

An acid, 2,2-dichloropropionic acid (2,2-DCP) is an active ingredient in herbicide (Dalapon®). Using 2,2-DCP as a model substrate, an alkalotolerant bacterium was successfully isolated from the Blue Lake, Turkey. This bacterium is a potential bioremediation agent of recalcitrant xenobiotic halogenated compounds. This study aimed to prove the efficacy of the alkalotolerance Bacillus megaterium BHS1 in degrading 2,2-DCP as the sole source of carbon. Biolog GEN III system and 16S rRNA analysis were used for the identification of the bacterium. It was discovered that the strain BHS1 is Bacillus m ...Daha fazlası

Fekete-Szegö inequality for a subclass of analytic functions associated with Gegenbauer polynomials

Muhammet KAMALİ

In this paper, we define a subclass of analytic functions by denote (Formula Presented) satisfying the following subordinate condition (Formula Presented) where (Formula Presented). We give coefficient estimates and Fekete-Szegö inequality for functions belonging to this subclass.

Impact of Kara-Keche lignite mining on the Kara-Keche River water composition and properties = Влияние разработки Кара-Кечинского буроугольного месторождения на состав и свойства вод реки Кара-Кече


On the evidence of the earlier research findings, as well as the full-scale and lab-scale test data of 2019–2020, this article describes the ecological situation at Kara-Keche lignite field being developed by five mining companies in the Jumgal district of the Naryn Region in the Kyrgyz Republic. It is found that the field development proceeds with insufficient adherence to legal documents and has a considerable adverse influence on the environment and water bodies. Many large-volume refuse dumps have no isolation from natural water bodies, which ends with acute pollution of the latter. Contam ...Daha fazlası

Regularized Asymptotics of the Solution of Systems of Parabolic Differential Equations


The regularization method for singularly perturbed problems of S. A. Lomov is generalized to constructing the asymptotics of the solution of the first boundary value problem for systems of differential equations of parabolic type with a small parameter at all derivatives.It is shown that the asymptotics of the solution of the problem contains n exponential, 2n parabolic and 2n angle boundary layer functions.The exponential boundary layer function describes the boundary layer along t 0, the boundary layer along x 0 and x 1 is described by parabolic boundary layer functions. © 2022, University o ...Daha fazlası

Sorption characteristics of zeolite and bentonite natural adsorbents modified complex


The main objective of our study is to obtain a complex compound from natural adsorbents to purify wastewater with simultaneous sorption of chemical and microbiological substances contained therein, which contribute to disinfection and softening of water, increasing the degree of treated water saturation with calcium, magnesium salts and trace elements, while not requiring the use of sophisticated equipment. The technical result is to create a complex of adsorbents with the sorbing ability of chemical and microbiological pollution, disinfecting and softening water, enriching it with calcium ion ...Daha fazlası

University Learners’ Motivation and Experiences Using Virtual Laboratories in a Physics Course


It is becoming necessary to examine learners’ use of and experiences with virtual laboratories. Learners’ interest and motivation to use virtual laboratories are important factors for the success of these platforms. This study was conducted to analyze Kyrgyz learners’ use of virtual laboratories in a physics course at the university level. The study was performed in the 2019–2020 spring term at a state university in Kyrgyzstan. The study took a quantitative approach, with 376 Kyrgyz learner participants studying at the undergraduate level. The participants were divided into three groups: the f ...Daha fazlası

Bernstein-Nikolskii-Markov-type inequalities for algebraic polynomials in a weighted Lebesgue space

Meerim İmaş Kızı | Fahreddin ABDULLAYEV

In this paper, we study Bernstein, Markov and Nikol’skii type inequalities for arbitrary algebraic polynomials with respect to a weighted Lebesgue space, where the contour and weight functions have some singularities on a given contour. Keyword: In this paper, we study Bernstein, Markov and Nikol’skii type inequalities for arbitrary algebraic polynomials with respect to a weighted Lebesgue space, where the contour and weight functions have some singularities on a given contour

On the solvability of a nonlinear optimization problem with boundary vector control of oscillatory processes = О разрешимости задачи нелинейной оптимизации при граничном векторном управлении колебательными процессами = Тербелмелi процестердi шекаралық векторлық басқарумен сызықтыемес оңтайландыру есебiнiң шешiмi туралы


In the paper, the solvability of the nonlinear boundary optimization problem has been investigated for the oscillation processes, described by the integro-differential equation in partial derivatives with Fredholm integral operator. It has been established that the components of the boundary vector control are defined as a solution to a system of nonlinear integral equations of a specific form, and the equations of this system have the property of equal relations. An algorithm for constructing a solution to the problem of nonlinear optimization has been developed. Keywords: general solution; n ...Daha fazlası

Концентрационное распределение молекул и частиц в модельной системе: Fe–NaCl–Na2S–H2SO4–H2O при различных температурах процесса электрокоагуляции

Zarlık MAYMEKOV | Canarbek İZAKOV | Nurzat ŞAYKİYEVA | Mustafa DOLAZ | Mehmet KOBYA

В практических условиях одним из возможных решений проблемы очистки сероводородсодержащих промышленных сточных вод является электрохимическое окисление сульфидов. С учетом этих обстоятельств, в работе рассмотрена модельная система Fe–NaCl–Na2S–H2SO4–H2O, собрана экспериментальная установка и изучен процесс электрокоагуляции в широких пределах изменения температуры (288–308 К) водного раствора сероводорода. Выявлены оптимальные соотношения исходных компонентов в системе. Определены экспериментальные и расчетные водородные показатели раствора (pH). Осуществлено термодинамическое моделирование си ...Daha fazlası

The efficacy of teletherapy and virtual mental health care for treating Depression in adults

The basic purpose of the research study is efficacy related to teletherapy and virtual mental health care for treating Depression in adults. This research study is based on the primary data analysis, collected from different questions about virtual mental health. The adult persons, youngest students, and persons in medical departments are all considered research participants. For measuring, the research study used Smart PLS software. It generated selective results, including descriptive, indicator correlations, the R squares, validity, significant analysis, and histogram analysis related to vi ...Daha fazlası

Bioremediation approaches for oil contaminated soils in extremely high-mountainous conditions


Development of methods for bioremediation of soils contaminated with petroleum products is one of the most urgent tasks of our time. This task is more difficult to perform in high-mountainous landscapes, at an altitude of more than 4 000 m a.s.l. Moreover, these high-mountain ecosystems are the most vulnerable to various kinds of anthropogenic impacts, and therefore the relevance of bioremediation is obvious. The research was conducted in the high-altitude ecosystems of the Kyrgyz Republic at the Kumtor mine. In this study was carried out on the bioremediation of oil contaminated soil using bi ...Daha fazlası

Novel analytical and approximate-analytical methods for solving the nonlinear fractional smoking mathematical model


Smoking is globally a challenging issue that causes many fatal health problems. In this paper, a nonlinear fractional smoking mathematical model is proposed in the context of a modi-fied form of the Caputo fractional-order derivative. The analytical and approximate-analytical solutions are obtained for the proposed mathematical model via the fractional differential transform method (FDTM) and Laplace Adomian decomposition method (LADM). The ob-tained solution is provided as a rapidly convergent series. Simulation results are provided in this paper to compare the obtained solutions by FDTM, LAD ...Daha fazlası

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